Immortal world invincible life system

Chapter 873 Rescue Xuanhuang Supreme

Chapter 873 Rescue Xuanhuang Supreme
After deciding on this plan, Chu Tian is now also with the people from Sun Moon Tonghui and Taiyin Tianyuan.

Go to the location where Xuanhuang Supreme is.

This time, Xuanhuang Supreme is the important target of the attack, and Xuanhuang Supreme will definitely be in chaos.

What to do now, of course, is to pull Xuanhuang Supreme.

Now that this plan has been made, what Chutian wants is to act directly, and there is no nonsense.

Take the people directly and head towards the central street.

Walking this way, I really found that the entire Chaos Street was severely damaged.

To restore all of them, I am afraid that the time required will not be restored in a short time.

The chaos this time also affected the situation in the entire chaotic street.

The chaotic streets under the domination of the alliance were originally very stable, but who would have thought that such a powerful alliance would be in the current situation.

Even if this crisis is over, I am afraid that many people will have a new view on the alliance.

This time the blow went deep into the alliance.

It also gave the alliance organization a huge setback. This time, the organization alliance will definitely fail, and it will take a lot of time to recover if it wants to recover.

And all of this needs to be handled by Chutian.

This also made Chu Tian sigh a little.

His face was changing, and at the same time, he was looking ahead, and the whole scene in front of him was really chaotic.

You can only see a group of people gathered here in front of you.

While noticing the group of people in front of him, the expression of the person next to Chu Tian really changed, it was a surprised expression.

"Why are these people here?"

"Damn it, I should have thought a long time ago that this time, they will definitely betray us, damn it!"

Huibing's face was very ugly.

Looking at the face in front of him, he also looked pale. He really didn't expect that this time, he would be involved in the struggle within the three major alliances.

There are other minor leagues.

Chu Tian glanced over, and really noticed that many small alliances were also joining the opponent's ancient clan, in order to suppress Xuanhuang Supreme.

The reason for the commotion this time is also because of them.

"Sure enough, many alliances are very peeping at our status. This time, they are here entirely for us."

"Hmph, if it weren't for these big and small leagues, they wouldn't be where they are now."

It seems that this time things are more serious than expected.

Right now, many people from the minor leagues have also gathered together, and the gathered strength is really quite a lot.

Now that they have found an opportunity, they plan to give the three major alliances a little color, and they will never let this opportunity go.

"Supreme Xuanhuang, don't resist, your ancestors are gone, who can save you?"

"Hahaha, Xuanhuang Supreme, the era when you dominated the entire Chaos Street has passed, and your three major alliances must disappear into history."

The people from the small leagues all burst out laughing, their faces were smug, and they looked rampant, and they were really excited.

Those who only want to see Xuanhuang Supreme will lose here, and the entire alliance era will end here.

It's a pity that they never thought that Chu Tian didn't want the alliance era to end.

He will rely on this alliance to dominate the entire Chaos Street.

Can not allow other people to destroy his plan.

Seeing a group of people in front of him, surrounded by Xuanxuan Supreme, talking nonsense.

It also made Chu Tian curl his lips, snort coldly, and rush forward in an instant.

The speed is fast, and the shot is direct without any hesitation.

"Xuanhuang Supreme has no ancestors, so I will take care of it now. With you alone, the era of alliance cannot be brought to an end."

"How can you people dominate this place!"

Chutian can't let it go, this area is weakening.

He wants to surpass several old ancestors and become the new leader.

As soon as Chu Tian rushed over, the speed was so fast that he was in front of some people in front of him in an instant.

At this moment, many people have not reacted yet.

At the same time in such a daze.

Directly under the infinite power of Chu Tian's palm, it really turned into nothingness.

The trembling between the sky and the earth was accompanied by the momentary tearing of the sky.

It is true that hundreds of thousands of people died in the hands of Chu Tian.

The power of this palm also stunned the group of people in front of them. They didn't expect a person to come over suddenly.

It will be such a terrifying strength, such an astonishing divine power.

A group of people stared at Chu Tian dumbfounded. For a while, they really didn't understand how this guy came here.

Who is it?

But right now, Xuanhuang Supreme looked at Chu Tian's arrival, and his face also changed.

All of them had strange expressions, and they really had complicated complexions.

From the looks of it, the Xuanhuang Supreme might have also learned about their ancestors, but they were defeated by Chu Tian.

To be defeated by Chutian is also to die in Chutian's hands.

But right now, the person who originally killed their ancestors turned to help them, which really made their faces change.

Those faces were all extremely complex faces.

"Boy, what's the matter with you here, why are you here to make trouble?"

"That's right, you ridiculous guy, what are you, damn it, don't let us do nothing to you just because of your terrifying power, our ancestors will be here soon."

At this moment, there was a commotion all around.

It's really crowded, the powerful people of the minor leagues have all come to this place one after another.

When they came here and noticed the situation in front of them, the faces of these people changed.

Locking Chutian directly, the faces of this group of people will definitely not look good.

All eyes are extremely serious.

"You help the three major alliances, what is it for?"

"The three major alliances no longer exist. With you alone, can you really revive the three major alliances?"

"Hahaha, it's ridiculous. What can you do alone? The ancestors of the three major alliances can't do it. Could it be that you alone can change the situation!"

Several people laughed wildly, they didn't think that Chu Tian alone could change the current situation.

Yes, this is simply impossible, given the current situation of the three major leagues.

It is absolutely impossible for one person to reverse it.

These people don't believe that Chutian has such a skill.

Facing the cold and mocking eyes of the group of people in front of him, Chu Tian just continued to sneer.

How could the person in front of him understand his pursuit.

If these people are allowed to dominate the entire Chaos Street, the Chaos Street will definitely weaken like a Chaos Battlefield.

This is not what he wants to see, and the way of heaven he pursues is not so simple.

What he has to do is to let Chaos Street grow up with him.

(End of this chapter)

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