Immortal world invincible life system

Chapter 888 The Family Behind the Knights

Chapter 888 The Family Behind the Knights
before the dining table.

Chu Tian was on the side of the main seat, accompanied by two maids, who helped serve him tea and vegetables.

It is also good to enjoy.

It's just that Chu Tian didn't care about these things, and noticed that in this family, they were all ordinary people.

It made him a little confused.

"You are the family chosen by the main god. Has your main god taught you the cultivation method?"

This made him very curious. At first glance, they were all ordinary people, and none of them had great strength to interest him.

Except for the blond girl possessed by the soul of the main god.

How did this main god choose a spokesperson from among them?

Chu Tian looked very puzzled, and Taylor Lei in front of him straightened his face, and replied with a very respectful face.

"Divine power can only be bestowed on us after the Master God takes a fancy to it. Those who are not qualified to receive divine power are not eligible to receive this bestowment."

"Divine power is the noblest reward for us!"

His face was full of longing, it seemed that if the main god of the other party wanted to give him strength, he would give it all at once.

Directly impart divine power, and give divine power to candidates with good bloodlines.

The power impartation of this Western God Court is really unique.

As if seeing through Chutian's thoughts, Taylor Lei also continued to speak.

"The No. 11 knight candidate of the Emperor's Knights, this time it is my son, the candidate, and my daughter. My son will receive the bestowal from the Lord God on his birthday."

"If he can't bear it, it's up to my daughter to accept it."

As soon as the words came out, Chu Tian frowned.

"Why are there alternates?"

"The divine power of the Lord God is not something that everyone can bear. Those who cannot bear it will lose everything, so there must be a backup. However, my daughter's aptitude is very good, and the bestowal by the Lord God will definitely succeed."

With a confident expression on his face, he looked at the other party with a confident expression.

Chu Tian's eyes fell on the other party's daughter, and his brows were really furrowed.

I'm afraid this main god is not giving divine power, but is still looking for a container, and it is also a way out for himself.

This blond girl is only a container that the Lord God's soul can bear.

If the real body of the main god dies, I am afraid that this girl will resurrect the main god as the second real body of the main god.

This is dedicating everything to the Lord God.

Seeing that the other party thought this was a very noble spirit, Chu Tian really sneered a little.

Since the other party didn't feel much, Chu Tian didn't want to meddle in other people's business. Anyway, these people were willing to volunteer themselves.

All he wanted to do was to see the true strength of the Western Divine Court.

And it's best to see the existence of the Father God who is about to break through.

After dinner, a servant also took Chu Tian to an empty room.

It happened to let Chu Tian rest for a day.

Day 2, early morning.

Chu Tian woke up and walked out of the room.

Obviously, quite a few people were already getting ready. They noticed that Chu Tian was coming and greeted them in a calm manner.

Taylor Ray, as a family, is also ordering a lot of preparations.

After all, the position of the 11th knight of the Emperor's Knights is very important to their family.

Only by obtaining the divine power of the main god can one obtain this position.

They still care a lot.

He gave a lot of instructions to Taylor En, which also made the two brothers and sisters look serious.

Nodding his head in reply, there was really no objection at all.

When he saw Chu Tian coming out, he looked over.

The patriarch looked respectful, and said respectfully: "Since your lord has woken up, I would like to introduce you to the Emperor's Knights, and my daughter and son will lead the way for you."

"Take your lord to meet this Emperor's Knights."

He gave Taylor En and Taylor Ann a look behind him.

It also made the two of them not to talk nonsense, to take the initiative to step forward, and to be very friendly to Chu Tian.

"The Lord God has already ordered, let us first introduce the Emperor's Knights to the Lord. The Lord God said that the God Court has a deep connection within the Emperor's Knights."

"The status of the twelve main gods is also related to the power of the Emperor's Knights."

Chu Tian's face became curious. It seemed that the Emperor's Knights were very powerful.

In any case, it is also the number one power in the West.

It is also a representative of the Western Gods.

The twelve main gods are all in it, and there are people of their own. The representative of this knight group is also the court of God.

The first thing to do, of course, is to start with this knight order.

Knowing this, Chu Tian also nodded and left the old house with the two of them.

Go to the city.


Get in the car and go straight all the way. It didn't take long to reach the destination this time.

The personnel of the Emperor's Knights is very complicated, and the gathering place is not fixed first.

Just this time.

The Emperor's Knights were about to appoint the 11th knight, and they arrived in the city where the Taylor family was located.

After all, the Taylor family is eligible for the position of the 11th knight.

Others are also to be a witness. Of course, whether it is only a witness depends on what the main god of the other party thinks.

Facing the high-rise buildings in front of him, Chu Tian sighed, these guys really know how to choose a place.

Such a huge building is also completely enclosed.

Without a special pass, no entry at all.

Taylor En and Taylor Ann walked in the forefront, and while being stopped by security guards, they showed their family certificates.

Only then did the road get out of the way, and the security guard with guns sent the two of them in very respectfully.

He really looked at Chu Tian a few more times, although his expression was strange, but he didn't ask any more questions.

After all, it's not up to the janitors like them to control it.

The Emperor's Knights, there are twelve knights, and the 12 knights' round table is the master of the entire knights.

Behind every knight is a family, and these twelve major families form this knight order.

This round table meeting of the knights is to decide the candidates for the 11 knights.

It is also the future of the entire Knights.

It is also a very important meeting, and the families of other knights will definitely come here.

Before entering the elevator, Chu Tian saw a group of people gathered not far away.

There are really quite a few people in this group, and they must be members of several families in small groups.

However, these families are really vassals behind one person.

This person is very tall and handsome, and his white skin is also very eye-catching. While he looks like a gentleman, he is surrounded by people, which makes him stand out from the crowd.

Seeing all this, Chu Tian frowned.

It really feels a little different.

Behind the twelve knights are the twelve main gods, and the interest relationship between the twelve main gods may not be as simple as imagined.

After all, not all son gods are equally powerful. Among them, there are some powerful son gods who are very qualified to take over the father god's position.

This is the existence that everyone expects.

(End of this chapter)

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