Chapter 890 Roundtable
Open the huge door, and the big round table is also very eye-catching.

Just such a big table, enough to accommodate a hundred people.

But right now, there are only a dozen or so people, and there are some others accompanying them. Standing on both sides, it is even more revealing that the more than ten people have noble identities.

The unsmiling expression is also very dignified.

Accompanied by the two Taylor brothers and sisters who came in, they also had to bend down and greet the dozen or so people at the round table in front of them.

More than a dozen people just nodded and chatted with each other, and really didn't care about the two Taylor brothers and sisters this time.

This made the two siblings a little disappointed.

Those who can catch the eyes of more than a dozen people must be the knights in the front row. According to their knight positions, it is really impossible for the other party to look directly at them.

The other party came here, and it was definitely not just for the usual practice.

Also a yearly appointment to the knight position.

The two brothers and sisters calmed down and adjusted their expressions. They really wanted to find their location.

Instead, a voice came over.

The voice was a little excited and a little happy.

"Taylor Ann, Tyler Ann, that's great, you guys are here to participate in this round table meeting."

As soon as he raised his hand, a girl approached with a very happy face.

It was really in front of Chu Tian and the others, looking at the two Taylor brothers and sisters, their faces were filled with excitement.

As soon as he raised his hand, it was An's hands that grabbed Taylor, with a happy expression on his face.

But it made Taylor Ann frowned, and he really pulled his hand away.

Obviously, the enthusiasm of the girl in front of him is also very cold.

"Solia, as I said, our families are not friends, but enemies. I don't want to cooperate with your family."

"You must understand this!"

With a serious face, a serious expression on his face.

It also made the girl in front of her twitch her mouth, feeling a little lonely.

However, the loneliness flashed by, and his face quickly recovered.

His eyes fell on Taylor Ann, and he recovered a little bit of expression, still looking over with a sweet smile on his face.

Staring deeply at Taylor Ann, he said, "Taylor Ann, I heard that you are going to be selected as the 11th Knight. You are really amazing."

"Have you reached the level where you can get the divine power bestowed by your Lord God? It's really great. Unfortunately, I'm still not sure. I feel that it is impossible for me to inherit the position of the 12th knight."

With a sigh on his face, under that sigh.

It also got better soon, and I was really happy to get 11 knights for Tylern in front of me.

It's just that Tylern just nodded, and he was not interested in the enthusiastic girl in front of him at all.

This made Solia feel a little strange.

Soria, who bit her lip, couldn't help but continue to speak.

"I heard that the second knight is also here. Did they make things difficult for you? Your eleventh knight rejected his request."

"I'm afraid that when the time comes, they will deliberately make it difficult for you at the meeting. If you need any help, you can find me."

He patted his chest with a serious expression on his face.

It really made Tylern frown.

On the contrary, Taylor Ann, who was on the side, said directly without any politeness.

"Soria, relying on the strength of your twelfth knight, what you can do at the meeting is to take good care of yourself."

Soria was taken aback, and the corners of her mouth twitched.

"ok, I get it."

Drooping his head, he was really a little unhappy.

However, this was not happy, and soon he noticed Chu Tian, ​​who was from the east.

He also looked curious.

"Tayloren, who is this? Is he from Huaxia? I heard that your family went to Huaxia and you are looking for this one?"

Seeing Chutian, I really didn't even think about it, so I came over directly.

He put his pretty face in front of Chu Tian.

He raised his hand and said with a smile on his face: "Hello, my name is Soria. This time, I am a candidate for the 12th knight. As for whether I will succeed, I am actually not sure."

"After all, I failed once last time."

The fluent Chinese language also made Chu Tian slightly taken aback.

Hearing the other party's words, he frowned and looked curious: "Have you ever failed?"

The girl nodded, which puzzled Chu Tian.

According to the Taylor family of the eleventh knight, if they fail, they will most likely be abolished, and it is impossible to inherit divine power.

It is more likely to lose their lives, but the girl in front of her is fine.

This has something to do with the main god of the other party. While granting divine power, the main god of the other party is also protecting her from being harmed.

This is different from other main gods, and it also made Chu Tian look at the girl in front of him a few more times.

At this moment, not far away, a group of voices came over.

The round table is about to start.

Many people came in one after another.

Seeing this change, the 11th knight and the 12th knight gathered together.

Many people made mocking voices.

"Hahaha, sure enough, the weak will get together, and they said that your eleventh knight is not the same as the twelfth knight."

"It's so funny. Just now the 11th knight said that he had nothing to do with the 12th knight. Now it seems that it is a big joke."

"You Taylor family and their Solly family are very compatible. It is impossible for you two weak people to be recognized by the round table meeting!"

Some people laughed loudly and surrounded one person directly.

The person who is the second knight is also a representative of strength.

Yoelhuai, who raised his head and held his chest high, was so arrogant, he really didn't even look at it, his face was full of air.

This fell into the eyes of the Taylor brothers and sisters and Soria, and their faces were very unhappy.

Gritting her silver teeth, Soria couldn't help but said: "Tyler, Taylor, we must not make them small. This time, we must not be knights."

As soon as the words come out.

On the contrary, Taylor Ann said indifferently.

"No, Soria, we got the position of the 11th knight, and you have nothing to do with us."

After finishing speaking, he walked directly to the position of the eleventh knight.

Tylern followed closely without talking nonsense, clearly not wanting to get close to the 12th knight.

Looking at the indifferent and heartless figures of the two, Soria, whose mouth was curled down, was not happy except for a little bit.

Really unabated.

"Hmph, I must be the 12th knight. I must not fail this time."

"People from Huaxia, let's meet up later, when I win the position of the 12th knight, I will definitely invite you to our family to celebrate, so look forward to it!"

He raised his hand and greeted Chu Tian.

It was really enthusiastic and full of smiles, and that optimistic attitude also made Chu Tian a little interested.

After looking at the figure of the other party a few more times, he still followed the two Taylor brothers and sisters to the table of the round table meeting.

The round table meeting has now started.

(End of this chapter)

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