Chapter 896 Temple Church
The temple is a huge church, but this church is not dedicated to those ordinary gods.

But a certain main god.

Churches are even more distinguished by size. The current Taylor family has five cathedrals together, and there are countless believers in these cathedrals.

In each church, there are hundreds of loyal believers working for the church.

Now something happened, this is a cathedral in this city.

Located in the center of the city, it is also the place where the wealthy area is located.

This church is the place with the largest number of believers and the most worship.

It is very important to the Taylor family, and it is also the main place of worship for their main god.

But now, the statues in front of the church have been destroyed, and the whole church is in a mess, as if it was burned.

When the Taylor family arrived, some of them were seriously injured and came immediately.

Almost crying, explain the current situation to the Taylor family.

There was only one person who came to this church to make trouble.

This person really had no scruples at all, and used his divine power to burn the entire outside of the church.

Also put down the words directly.

The Taylor family is not allowed to interfere with the affairs of the five great paladins.

"He, he said, if the Taylor family wants to continue to intervene, next time, it will not be the church that will be burned, but the main family of the Taylor family."

The Taylor family all had ugly faces, clenched their fists, and looked even more angry.

"Damn it, this guy is too bad."

"Who is he and what does he look like?"

Someone in front described the face of the other party, which allowed the Taylor family to directly confirm it.

"I see. This guy is the fifth paladin, Igwen. I remember this guy is the subordinate of the second knight."

"I knew that the second knight wouldn't forget about it. I didn't expect that he would take the lead in attacking our family."

"Damn it, the fifth paladin took action directly. These people are too arrogant. If Father God is not here now, I must tell Father God to go."

Anyway, this time things can't be counted like this.

The other party would not give up like this, and everyone in the Taylor family looked very unhappy.

I really wanted to ask what happened.

In this downtown area, there can be the church of the fifth paladin, the Yige family.

As long as they go somewhere, they will definitely find someone from the Yige family and ask them what happened this time.

Just do it.

A group of people set off directly to the church of the Yige family.

Chutian accompanied them.

Not long after, they arrived at another church, worthy of being the church of the fifth paladin.

Even the Taylor family in front of them is considered magnificent.

But this church is even more magnificent.

The entire church can accommodate thousands of people, which is really magnificent compared to the one of the Taylor family that can only accommodate a hundred people.

Not to mention, the location of this church is directly in the lively central area.

It is definitely the most crowded and bustling place.

And as a group of people walked in directly, it was obvious that someone had already made preparations.

A group of believers are waiting here. The priest at the front is very dignified, looking over in a calm manner.

Noticed the angry faces of the Taylor family.

There was really no panic at all, with a smile, waiting for the Taylor family to come forward.

A very sincere greeting.

"Welcome everyone to pray in our church, our Lord God will bless you all!"

As soon as he opened his mouth, only the faces of the Taylor family were pulled.

The two Taylor brothers also stepped forward with very unhappy faces.

Taylor En said angrily: "Let your fifth paladin come out, why do you want to join our church?"

"Yes, let him come out and explain, what exactly does he mean?"

The Taylor family burst into anger, causing the priest in front of him to grin.

I really laughed.

That's right, he laughed directly, obviously mocking the Taylor family and not paying attention to the Taylor family at all.

He said arrogantly: "Our Lord Paladin is not something that ordinary people can see. His god's incarnation is also the god's messenger, and it's not something you can see whenever you want."

"Master Paladin, you have been blessed by the incomparably noble Father God, how can you come to see ordinary people?"

Biting the average person hard, it was speaking to Taylor En.

Even if Taylor En has obtained the position of knight, his current strength is really not qualified to compare with the paladin.

Being scorned and ridiculed by others made Tylern unable to bear it.

Clenching his fists, the muscles all over his body swelled directly. At this moment, he used his divine power without even thinking about it.

"Damn it, I don't believe it. If your paladins don't come out and dare to destroy our church, I will destroy your church too, ahhh!"

With a yell, Taylor En really grew two meters taller in an instant.

Seeing Tyler's actions, the Taylor family also retreated directly.

It's really watching a good show, and I said loudly to the priest in front of me.

"The knights of our family are not easy to mess with. You people, show me."

Tyler En is extremely powerful, under the horror of divine power.

As soon as he made a move, his hands and arms were really covered with lightning, and he just smashed them directly.

He punched the priest in the face, but unfortunately, the punch missed.

But it was like glass smashed into the air, in the air.

A circle of water waves vibrated, and this fist, which was full of lightning flashes, stopped immediately.

With a loud sound, the fist stopped in mid-air.

The priest in front of him was fine, but the Taylor family looked very unhappy.

"Boundary, damn it, you guys have already prepared it."

"It seems that you have already made up your mind. If we want to come, we have already set up an enchantment, you despicable guys."

With a smile on his face, the priest really just looked over and stared at Taylor En.

With a curl of his lips, he really didn't pay attention to it.

"It's ridiculous to destroy our church with you, get out of here."

"The power of the word of God, get out!"

He opened his mouth, and there was a loud sound in that mouth, and the huge force rushed out directly.

The power of this divine word was so powerful that it really shook the entire church.

Even the barrier was directly shattered, and it hit Tylern.

It only made Taylor spit out blood, and the whole person flew out.

The Taylor family's face was horrified. It never occurred to them that Taylor, who had won the knighthood, would be blown away with a single mouthful.

Not to mention Tylern, even the Solly family, who didn't say anything, looked surprised.

Soria frowned, looked at the person in front of her, and clenched her fists. Only she knew very well that the priest in front of her was definitely not simple.

The priest looked at the Taylor family with a sneer on his face, and continued to speak proudly.

"You rubbish, how can you understand the greatness of our Lord God, I am one of the bestowers of divine power, and I am also a paladin from the upper realm, it depends on you."

"You dare to mess around in front of me?"

(End of this chapter)

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