Immortal world invincible life system

Chapter 912 Surpassing the Existence of the Original God

Chapter 912 Surpassing the Existence of the Original God
It was also rare for Chu Tian to see such a situation. The corner of his mouth was raised, and he smiled playfully.

His eyes swept across the crowd, and his face was even more amused.

In the end, his eyes fell on several high-ranking members of the Hull family, and he couldn't help but speak.

"This time I help you resurrect your family members, just to prove one point."

"Can a mortal's divine power surpass your true God?"

Chu Tian's words stunned a group of people in front of them, who looked over with complicated expressions.

Chu Tian, ​​who curled his lips and smiled, pointed to Herna in front of him.

"I want to use her strength to let you see that even if she is the Twelve Lord Gods now, she is no match for her at all."

"In my opinion, the ruler of the Western Divine Court is nothing more than that."

Chu Tian spoke loudly, but no one dared to doubt that Heerna's direct resurrection was completely beyond their imagination.

Herna's original strength is already close to the true god of God, if the resurrection can improve her strength, she can definitely surpass the true god.

Some fell silent.

They dared not speak one by one, and in Chutian's eyes, Chutian sneered and said directly without wanting to talk nonsense.

"I want you to help me lead out the master of the court, and I will prove it to you."

A group of people stared at each other in blank dismay.

The faces of several high-ranking members of the Hull family were extremely ugly.

"My lord, Shenting, our Hull family has not been in touch for a long time, and now I really can't find it."

"Yeah, since he got the body of the original god, he has completely disappeared. We really don't know his whereabouts."

Seeing that the few people in front of him didn't want to lie, Chu Tian frowned, and his face was even more ugly.

"Since you can't find him, find someone who can lure him out. I don't believe that he won't show up after destroying the entire court."

The words of destroying the entire court made the faces of the Hull family turn pale.

It also made Heerna look at Chutian, and couldn't help laughing.

Smiling to the humanity of their family.

"The one you were following has finally met a natural enemy now. Hahaha, I, Heerna, did nothing wrong. I want to rely on them to strengthen our family."

"You are all a bunch of stupid guys. The Hull family must die because of you. It is better to die in my hands than in his hands."

At the end, his tone turned cold, and his eyes were full of murderous intent, which really made the Hull family dare not look at each other, and directly lowered their heads.

Chu Tian really glanced at this woman and made Heerna calm down a little.

His eyes fell on the Hull family again, waiting for the answer from the Hull family.

The Hull family, you look at me, I look at you to the end, still can't help but say.

"We know a person, maybe she can lead that one."


Chu Tian looked curiously at the faces of the few people who must have calmed down.

No nonsense.

"The mother god, Tianya Zhenshen, is that one's partner. If something happens to her, I have to take care of it."

It seems that in the end, it can only be done by that mother god, thinking of this.

Chu Tian's eyes fell on Heerna.

Heerna clenched her fists, and when she heard the name of Tianya Lord God, her face was very ugly.

He gritted his teeth angrily.

"Damn it, I didn't expect that she was still alive, and my elder sister was killed by her and that person."

"Rely on my elder sister to obtain the sons of the original gods, and I will never let them go."

The words in his mouth made Chu Tian understand that the little girl is the child of this woman's sister.

Of course, it can only be regarded as a container, a container born as the son of the original god.

It was those two who caused the Son of the Original God to appear, and the mother god Tianya was also one of the culprits.

Hearing the name of the mother god, Herna's face became extremely angry.

Seeing Heerna's angry face, Chu Tian smiled faintly and said directly.

"Well, lure out this Mother Goddess, and I will leave it to you to solve it."

Looking at the past, Heerna felt Chu Tian's gaze, and her face straightened, with incomparable confidence.

"I will not let you down."


Mother God Tianya Church.

Compared with the first church, this church is only a little smaller.

After all, the entire church was built with the help of the Hull family and controlled by the Hull family. There were many members of the Hull family inside and outside the church.

To lure the real body of the mother god Tianya to appear, this is the most suitable and easiest place.

In the church, everyone is ready.

Looking at a huge statue in front of them, the Hull family's face was solemn, and they knew that this matter must not fail, otherwise the whole court would be shaken.

Huge things will really happen, I just hope it can be resolved as soon as possible, and don't disturb the twelve main gods.

The high position of the Hull family is instructing the believers to summon the goddess Tianya, and stand at the forefront.

Helna, who was waiting for the Mother Goddess to appear, was concentrating her divine power all over her body, and felt that the divine power was enormous, much more powerful than before.

Only the corners of her mouth floated up, her smile continued, and she was very confident.

The statue in front of it vibrated, and the huge statue responded to the call of the believers.

This made the believers dare not neglect, and they did not waste any time in summoning the real body of the mother goddess.

"Master Tianya, please descend into the form of a true god and help us destroy the enemy."

"Please descend to the form of a true god!"

The sound was loud, even stronger than the sound, and the sound shook the lobby.

It seems to have a magical power that touches people's souls.

This ceremony of summoning the true god is really special, watching the statue in front of him vibrate.

Chu Tianhao had a playful face and couldn't take his eyes off it.

As soon as the statue exploded, it was obvious that a huge divine power descended directly.

Instead of relying on possession, the real body, divine body, and soul appear directly.

With the appearance of the mother god Tianya, dozens of believers also vomited blood and fell to the ground exhausted.

Mother Goddess Tianya came with a complicated expression on her face. Looking around, she didn't understand why she was summoned.

However, after noticing a change in the face of the mother goddess Tianya in front of her, she wanted to leave before her complete spirit descended.

Seeing Chutian, she really just wanted to run away, and she can still vividly remember the fact that Chutian destroyed her half-spirited soul.

Relying on her semi-divine soul now, even if she has a complete divine body, it is impossible for her to be Chu Tian's opponent.

It's a pity that it was too late for her to react, Chutian had already made preparations.

"Come on, don't even think about leaving!"

Chu Tian's devil soul aura rushed forward, indeed, forcibly pulled off the other party's soul that was about to escape.

Together with the complete exposure of the divine body, the face of the mother god Tianya changed greatly, and she glared at her with great anger.

In Chu Tian's eyes, under the pursed lips, there was a cold smile.

"Your opponent is not me."

After finishing speaking, Helna, who couldn't bear it for a long time, rushed forward directly, and her divine power was fully activated.

Facing the mother god Tianya, he punched it, and the divine power surged out.

It also made the face of the mother god Tianya change, she never expected that a person who suddenly rushed out with such powerful divine power!
(End of this chapter)

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