Immortal world invincible life system

Chapter 916 The Body of the Half-Original God

Chapter 916 The Body of the Half-Original God

Chutian's soul and body were extremely terrifying, and also extremely astonishing.

The long-mouthed god body can even swallow the three gods in front of it with a direct mouth.

A huge mouth is worth it, three fetishes.

This made the three main gods startled, and their faces changed, and they all wanted to take back their fetishes completely.

It's a pity, how could it be possible to take back the soul that entered the giant mouth of Chutian's body.

It was swallowed in an instant, and there was really nothing left.

Puff puff!
The three main gods vomited blood, and their souls were completely swallowed by Chu Tian, ​​causing the three of them to suffer a lot of injuries.

Looking at the ugly face of Chutian's divine body, he was extremely angry.

"Return our divine body!"

"Give me back the divine body, damn it!"

"Ah, give me all, and get back the divine body!"

As soon as they raised their hands, the three main gods really directed the disciples behind them to rush forward.

Going forward desperately, regardless of the cost, to snatch back the soul directly.

It's a pity that when these people rushed forward, they had no choice but to die.

Constantly rushing over, they could only fall into the mouth of Chutian's soul and body, and there was nothing left as nourishment.

It was completely swallowed by Chutian's body.

There is really not one left!

"Hahaha, I really want to thank you all for sending such good nourishment here. I never thought that the apprentices you cultivated would have so much divine power."

"It seems that you are training these people as substitutes."

Chu Tian curled his lips, showing a mocking sneer.

I have to admit that the divine power of these people is terrifying.

The talent is very high, and this is probably because these main gods have spent hundreds of years to find so many talented disciples and servants who can gather so much divine power.

The purpose is also to get new substitutes when their original bodies are about to perish.

Get eternal and endless life.

But all of this was completely destroyed by Chu Tian, ​​how could the three main gods not be angry.

Angrily, they vomited blood again.

Looking at Chu Tian's divine body, under the roar, it was all rushing forward hysterically.

Relying on the remaining divine power of the physical body, he wanted to fight against Chu Tian's divine body.

How could it be the opponent of Chutian's divine body.

Under Chu Tian's divine body opened his mouth, the three of them didn't let out a scream, and there were no bones left after being swallowed.

Together with the physical body, it was also completely swallowed by Chu Tian's divine body.

It made Chu Tian very mocking.

"It's really a group of idiots, under my true god body, they just come forward to die like this."

"As much as your Lord God can summon, I will summon them all."

As soon as Chu Tian raised his head, he spoke directly to the group of people in front of him.

The faces of these people changed.

As the Emperor's Knights, they lost the first paladin, and were buried here together with the three main gods.

They had to face up to Chutian's strength again.

To be able to defeat Chutian, I am afraid that there is only one person in the entire Shenting.

Thinking of all this, the Royal Knights had no choice but to make their last hope.

entrusted to a main god.

"Great son of Yang, please send down divine punishment!"

"God's punishment!"

Many members of the Emperor's Knights knelt down and began to call out relying on their divine power.

The calls of these people all gathered together to form a divine power summoning technique, which was really transmitted to the divine court.

Chu Tian watched with interest, and did not stop these people at all.

He also wanted to wait for all the twelve main gods to appear, so that they could be resolved one by one.

Chu Tian looked at it calmly, but there was a person behind him who heard the summons from the front.

His complexion changed greatly.

Herna's face changed, and now that she had recovered, she had no choice but to step forward.

He hurriedly spoke to Chu Tian.

"Hurry up and stop these people, the person they summoned is the first son of that guy."

"Son of Tianyang!"

Chu Tian turned his head and looked curious: "Oh?"

As a theocratic family, Helna once fought against the court.

She still has a lot of power in Shenting.

Especially the number one son of God, the son of Tianyang, this is definitely the father god, the number one son of God.

The other party perfectly inherited the strength, and also obtained the semi-perfect body of the original god.

Has the supernatural power beyond the eleven main gods.

Her ability really made Heerna fear a lot.

"The son of Tianyang is the body of a half-prime god, and his divine power is already close to the real power of a primitive god."

"To be able to display the strength of the true God of God is also the existence of the real power of the true God of God!"

The God of God that the Hull family can summon cannot fully exert the power of the God of God.

Only the surviving soul can exert a little power, and Chu Tian has seen its strength before.

Being able to surpass the existence of the Immortal Emperor is not bad.

This made him even more curious about the existence of the real power of God and God.

Hearing Hellna's words, she didn't want to stop her at all.

I just want to wait for the son of Tianyang to be summoned.

Helna became anxious for a moment, anxiously watching the group of people in front of her call was about to be completed.

Her complexion changed, and she couldn't help but rushed forward.

Do not want to do it.

"Stop it, I won't let you guys summon him, it's absolutely not allowed before I fully control my power!"

After speaking, he rushed forward, and with his divine power activated, he directly struck at the person summoned in front of him.

The divine power that opened, struck directly like a thunderbolt.

It's a pity, along with her thunder and lightning.

It was directly offset by a barrier in midair.

clap clap!

It disappeared completely, and a very young voice came over.

"Master Helena, we haven't seen each other for a long time. Why do you treat my servant like this? It makes me very unhappy."

The son of Tianyang appeared very imposingly.

Obviously, this main god is very different from other main gods.

This has something to do with him having the body of a demigod.

As the masterpieces of Father God and Mother God, the other son goddesses are many failures, complete failures.

And he can be regarded as a semi-successful product, only one step away from obtaining the real body of the original god.

It's a pity that in the end, it still lost part of its divine power and failed.

However, as he grew up, he also repaired many of his own physical defects.

The height reached is not comparable to that of other sub-gods.

Even vaguely, they have reached a height that the former God Father could not touch.

Of course, it is only the strength of the original Father God, not the current Father God.

The son of Tianyang's body is very tall, not to mention the height of two meters, his body is very muscular, and he has a handsome face.

It's really dazzling.

Like a superman, he was really wearing a western battle armor, falling from a high altitude, and he also brought many servants of the gods.

Together with those Royal Knights, they knelt down directly.

I am very respectful to this Lord God.

"Welcome Son of Tianyang."

"Welcome Son of Tianyang!"

(End of this chapter)

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