Immortal world invincible life system

Chapter 921 The Treasure of the Divine Court

Chapter 921 The Treasure of the Divine Court

Lost the body of the original god that took a lot of effort.

Now he has only a little remnant soul, all of which have been beaten back to the original form.

Everything is directly in the soup.

Without the body of the original god, what can he use to transcend the realm and reach another level.

All of this was a waste of time, and it also made the immortal soul hug his head and scream.

"Ah, no, no, no!"

He kept yelling, his face was extremely ugly, and when he turned around, he really didn't even think about it, just turned around and left.

He wants to leave here and return to his divine court.

Chu Tian left the other party's immortal soul behind, but he didn't intend to destroy the other party's immortal soul.

He said that he should keep a little remnant soul for the other party.

Anyway, the body of the original god that the opponent relied on has been destroyed, and there is nothing to be done.

The strength of this immortal soul is only among the immortal emperors, and it is not a threat to the Chinese immortal world.

Looking at the other party's painful expression, he opened the way to Shenting.

It also made Chutian follow without thinking.

This time, it didn't take much effort to follow the other party.

Arrived in the divine court that the theocratic family helped to establish.

A ray of light appeared in front of Chu Tian.

The road to Shenting passed very smoothly, and there was really no obstacle at all.

This other realm is also a world of its own.

The place like the ancient heaven and earth really made Chu Tian curious.

Huaxia Immortal World is a super ancient world left by ancient gods and demons.

And who opened up this piece of world.

Even if it is a family of theocracy, it is impossible to do this.

Not to mention, thousands of years ago, Godfather, who only had the strength of an immortal emperor, had no strength at all when he arrived at this place.

To open up such a huge field.

The entire Western Divine Court is extremely vast, like a circular continent, suspended in the sky.

There are also many buildings in the courtyard of the gods.

It can accommodate tens of thousands of people.

In addition to the courtyard, there are many flowers, plants and trees, which are also the shrines of the twelve main gods where the twelve main gods live.

These shrines are equally huge.

Compared with the small ancient world of Chutian, the land as large as two cities is really a little bigger.

To open up such a place, within the Huaxia Immortal World, even the Immortal Saints have no strength.

If Chutian hadn't obtained another level of realm, of course it would be impossible to do it.

In the west, there are such powerful people, which makes Chu Tian curious.

Arriving in the Western Divine Court, one could only see Father God stumbling in front of him running back into the Divine Court.

I'm afraid, he has already understood that there is no way for him to win.

If you want to take away the items that you have accumulated in the court for many years, leave here directly.

It was also for Chutian to lock it.

In order not to let go of the items in the divine court, they also went directly.

Like a ray of light, it rushed over directly.

Following behind the other party, they entered the huge Shenting Palace.

Needless to say, the palace of God the Father is absolutely authoritative and extremely vast.

Together with many gods and disciples here, there are men and women, and they saw God the Father coming.

They all greeted very respectfully.

It's a pity that Father God went all the way to a place without looking back.

He didn't care about the greetings from the disciples around him.

Chu Tian followed along, and when he saw the disciples, he also understood that these disciples were ordinary people, but they had gained a little divine power.

This has the ability to live in this divine court.

Even if he saw the body of the original god, the original god created by the father god and the mother god.

But until now, he has never seen the real original god, and the existence of the true god of the god.

This made Chu Tian curious, and followed him into the largest palace in Shenting.

As soon as the Immortal Soul of the Father God entered the palace, he immediately looked for the treasures he had placed, and only planned to leave here.

Unfortunately, as soon as he entered.

A breath came from behind, which also changed his face.

With an ugly expression on his face, he immediately stuffed a few items into his Qiankun Ring.

As soon as his eyes fixed on Chutian, his face changed unsteadily.

In the end, he calmed down the anger on his face, and spoke very calmly.

"I lost. You can take all the things in the Western Divine Court. This piece of land also belongs to you. You said that you will let me go."

"I just beg you to leave some of my remnant soul behind. No matter what, I am also a member of the Huaxia Immortal Realm and have made a lot of contributions to the Immortal Realm."

The fairy soul in front of him really had a pleading expression on his face.

Hearing what the other party said, Chu Tian smiled.

He nodded and said, "That's right, you have made some contributions to the Immortal World, this is true."

"I also said that I would let you go, but."

After finishing speaking, his eyes focused on the other party's Qiankun Ring. Chu Tian really saw clearly that the other party put several things directly into the Qiankun Ring.

I am willing to abandon the entire Divine Court and take away a few treasures.

He really wanted to meet him.

As soon as he raised his hand, the opponent's Qiankun Ring fell into Chu Tian's hands in an instant.

Chutian was very satisfied and said: "No matter what it is, it is mine, and you can't take one away."

The male immortal soul's expression changed, and he immediately roared angrily.


As soon as he rushed up, he really rushed over directly, but unfortunately, he hadn't reached Chutian yet.

But Chu Tian waved his hand.

The spirit of the devil soul completely enveloped him and blocked all his actions.


Under the screams, he was really being swept over his limbs by the energy of the devil soul, which also made his face painful.

With an ugly face, he kept screaming.

The originally complete fairy soul is also constantly weakening.

Chu Tian said that he would let the guy in front of him go, but he never said that he would let the guy leave here with his immortal soul intact.

No matter what, it is still necessary to weaken the opponent's immortal soul.

Right now, he really doesn't care about the immortal soul in front of him.

It was still the Qiankun Ring in his hand, and he opened it directly, but he didn't expect it.

The sound of the system prompting next to the ear came over.

This is really a long-lost sound.

"Obtain a lot of treasures of the gods, convert them into gold coins of the gods, and get 100 million gold coins of the gods."

"One gold coin of the gods is equal to one hundred silver coins of the gods!"

"Gold coins of the gods?"

Chu Tian was taken aback, and immediately took out a gold coin and put it in his hand.

It is really made of pure gold, it is perfect, and it is also very gorgeous.

The images on the surface are all a man shrouded in divine light.

And behind it, there is a sun symbol, which must be a currency anyway.

Where can this currency be used.

Chu Tian suddenly had an idea, and the voice next to his ear also confirmed this point.

"Obtained, the Passport of the Gods, which can only be used in the field of everyone."

"Used in the realm of the gods?"

(End of this chapter)

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