Immortal world invincible life system

Chapter 930 Holy Light Feather

Chapter 930 Holy Light Feather
The power of faith, accompanied by the voice of calling, was also understood by Chu Tian.

Someone broke into here, and it really caused a riot in this place.

Frowning, Chu Tian with a serious face, his eyes fell on the female gray archangel Lydia in front of him.

Lydia received the divine power, and now she can also feel the increase of the divine power in her body, although she only got a small part.

But it was enough for her to break through the original bottleneck.

reached another level.

"My lord, my bottleneck has been broken through, and my divine power has increased. This time, I'm afraid I can also reach the legendary strength of a holy angel."

"Maybe I can also become the legendary seraphim!"

Her face was excited, feeling the change of the big wings behind her really made her face excited.

She didn't expect that this small amount of divine power could improve her so much.

Obviously, all of this is due to Chutian.

As expected of a person of the original god, helping others to improve can improve so much.

I also don't know how powerful the original god in front of me is.

Just as Lydia was meditating.

Chu Tian said directly without talking nonsense.

"It seems that something has broken into here, let's go out and have a look now, otherwise, I'm afraid that this piece of land will be turned into ruins!"

Lydia froze, and immediately felt that her territory was really destroyed, which made her face change.

With an ugly face: "It must be the person of the Dark Fallen Angel. That guy has long wanted to destroy our family."

"This time is outstanding, it is impossible to spare any spare energy!"

The expression on his face fluctuated, he looked at Chu Tian, ​​and said seriously.

"My lord, let me take the shot. Come and teach those two jihad angels a lesson, and let them know my current strength."

Chu Tian nodded, his face was very calm.

"Okay, the others, leave it to me!"

After finishing speaking, Chu Tian rushed up, accompanied by him flying up.

It was really a moment behind, under the shroud of divine light, a pair of wings of light really appeared.

The wings of light are transparent, like invisible rays of light.

This made Lydia stunned for a moment, unable to recover for a long time.

"Your Majesty Yuanshen, you actually have the Holy Light and Divine Feather. This is impossible. This is the height that the twelve-winged holy angels can reach in the legend."

"Why, why did Master Yuanshen reach the pinnacle of our angel clan!"

Holy Light and Divine Feather, these are definitely the wings of the peak existence of angels.

This pair of divine feathers can travel thousands of miles a day.

It only takes less than a few minutes to shuttle back and forth in a gods realm.

It really took a moment to feel Chu Tian's speed, which dazzled her. In her heart, she worshiped the original god in front of her even more.

With his complexion changing, he also followed Chu Tian out of this temple.

Get out of it.

Chu Tian immediately saw a lot of people making trouble here, looking at these fallen angels.

The corner of his mouth twitched and sneered at Chutian, he just wanted to use these people to use the divine power he had obtained.

He took a deep breath, and Shen Yu behind him also danced directly.

This pair of divine feathers can change with his consciousness and undergo various changes.

This is part of his getting the body of the original god.

Now he has not obtained the body of the original god, but this pair of divine feathers is one of them, and the divine feathers are an essential part of the original god's body.

Gave him a lot of divine power.

It is the key to using these divine powers.

When Chu Tian moved the divine feather behind him, it took an instant to stop the gust of wind blowing up by the black fallen angel in front of him.

The faces of the black fallen angels changed, and they all looked over with strange faces.

I really didn't expect that the kamikaze they aroused would be stopped by someone.

Looking at each other, especially Shenyu behind him, a group of people looked shocked, and they really didn't understand why one of them appeared.

The person with the holy feather of light appeared.

Is this also a member of the angel family?
Impossible, if the opponent really has the Holy Light and Divine Feather, he is definitely an angel, no less than a god king.

But they had never seen the person in front of them.

Relying on the face of the other party, one can only know that this is definitely not a member of the angel family.

There is only one possibility.

"Original God, Master Yuanshen!"

"True, there really is a Genshen-sama, this, how is this possible."

"Master Yuanshen, you have returned to the realm of the gods!"

The black fallen angels looked terrified, and they, who guessed Chu Tian's identity, couldn't help but backed away.

But Chutian hasn't tested part of his original god's body yet.

How is it possible to let these people go.

Under his sneer, Shen Yu behind him also moved again.

"This piece of land is covered by me, it is impossible to let you people go."

"Before my pair of divine feathers, they all turned into ashes for me. When the divine feathers move, the soul-killing kamikaze!"

When you move the divine feather, it really blows up a stream of divine wind, blowing directly over.

That is to tear the souls of the group of people in front of them into pieces.

The soul is shattered, and the body is also turned into a dead thing.

One by one, the black fallen angels just fell from the sky.

There was not a single accident, and in less than a moment, more than [-]% of them were killed or injured.

Those who stayed were also those who had avoided the kamikaze, and now their faces were completely terrified by this kamikaze.

Hundreds of black fallen angels were reduced to less than 30 in an instant.

This terrifying strength is already comparable to that of a god king.

The two black jihad angels also increased in the same way. I really didn't expect that a guy who suddenly rushed out would be so powerful.

"Could it be, is he really the original God?"

"Such terrifying strength, only, only those who are the original gods, can have it, and he also has the god feather, which is something that even the god king doesn't have."

As soon as the two of them finished speaking, a voice not far away was transmitted directly.

"That's right, standing in front of you is the great Yuanshen-sama. You guys can understand his strength."

"Our black fallen angel family, dare to violate my territory, I will settle accounts with you dark angels, and now is the time for the two of you to die!"

As soon as Lydia appeared, she had already locked in on the two of them.

While noticing the two of them, his eyes were fixed, and the light in those eyes flashed past.

The huge wings behind him were divided into three pairs in an instant.

The appearance of the six wings changed the faces of the two black fallen angels even more.

"You, you have evolved into a seraph, no, it's impossible."

"Seraphim, you, you are on the same level as our archangel, you, how did you do it!"

It is impossible for Lydia to possess such strength.

This is only possible, with the help of Lord Yuanshen.

This made their eyes full of despair, and they never thought of it.

The family of gray fallen angels will find the person who is the original god and Allah. This time, the entire family of black fallen angels will be in trouble.

(End of this chapter)

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