Immortal world invincible life system

Chapter 935 The First Family of Angels

Chapter 935
Chutian really did not expect that it would cause such a big influence.

He is not some holy light angel, but he just made perfect use of divine power and obtained a little power of the original god.

In addition to the current body of the original god, this is the moment for this feather of the original god.

However, even if you explain it to these people, no one will believe it.

How could they understand Chu Tian's comprehension of divine power.

Chutian, who possesses divine power, fully integrates the divine power, and can even transform anything.

Of course, Chutian didn't need to explain all this to these people.

They can't understand it.

At this moment, following Chu Tian, ​​he arrived at the event venue of the Third Chamber of Commerce.

Shown in front of him is the very lively party hall ahead.

Most of the people who come here are the white angels. These noble white angels live firmly in the entire western gods and gods.

The White Angels control the rights of the God Realm, allowing them to have a lot of capital.

Some big families of white angels have some backgrounds.

Under the environment of luxury and luxury.

It's really ready, all kinds of exquisite divine fruit and divine water, for everyone to enjoy.

All of this was for Lydia to watch, and her face really changed.

They belong to the same family of angels, but they are different from the family of white angels. They are fallen angels, but they live in two worlds with the white angels.

Who wants the white angel family to control all the resources of the entire God Realm.

Many white angels gathered here, and these people came here for the invitation of the Third Chamber of Commerce.

This time, the Third Chamber of Commerce heard that there is a good thing and wants to sell it.

This made the White Angel family get the news and come here immediately, just to see what good things this third chamber of commerce has.

at the moment.

I haven't really started this sales activity yet.

However, as the manager of the third chamber of commerce stepped forward, his words caused a commotion among the crowd.

"Before this event starts, I want to tell you one thing that deserves the great honor of our Third Chamber of Commerce."

"That is the Archangel with the Holy Light and Divine Feather, who has come to our chamber of commerce. We welcome the arrival of this lord!"


Some people's eyes also fell on Chu Tian.

Chu Tian was watched by countless people, and some people's expressions changed.

The value of Shengguang Shenyu was beyond Chu Tian's imagination, and he could only see the changing expressions of some people.

There are not a few people who care about him.

Even under the invitation of the Third Chamber of Commerce, he reached the most conspicuous and eye-catching position.

Seeing Chutian's arrival also made some people look surprised.

Now as the most important guest of the Third Chamber of Commerce.

Similarly, some people were upset.

The first family of white angels used to be a dazzling existence wherever they went, especially in their family, there were not a few pure white angels.

They are the first family with the most authentic blood in the entire gods and gods.

They have the capital of arrogance, and they are also very arrogant.

There are many archangels in the family, which also represent the entire family of angels.

But now, I didn't expect that there would be a holy light feather, which made the first family look a little ugly.

"It's really the legendary Archangel of Holy Light and Feather. This is simply impossible. In our family, for thousands of years, there has only been one lord twelve-winged Archangel!"

"There has never been a Shengguang Shenyu above this, damn it, compared to our first family, is there anyone else whose blood is more pure!"

That's right, their first family is the real noble first.

If you want to talk about archangels, of course they are people from the first family.

Geniuses belong to their first family.

No one else can match their blood.

Looking at Chu Tian, ​​the members of the first family were somewhat skeptical, especially the representatives of the first family.

This holy archangel also has an excellent bloodline.

He thought that given him a little time, he could become the twelve-winged angel.

Now he is also a seraph, and he was originally thought to be an angel, the most outstanding person.

Unexpectedly, there was actually one person who surpassed him.

Such a young face, but with the identity of an archangel of Shengguang Shenyu.

With this guy's bloodline, he can surpass him!

This is simply unbearable!

"Damn it, Shengguang Shenyu, except for the blood of our family, it is impossible for others to become it."

"What's the origin of this guy, come over to me and find out."

After giving instructions to the subordinates behind him, those angels also immediately approached Chutian.

When he noticed someone beside Chu Tian, ​​his face changed.

The two angels frowned, their eyes locked on Lydia.

He also returned immediately and said something in the ear of the holy archangel of the first family.

The holy archangel Lowery pouted, and really couldn't help laughing.

Laughed loudly.

"Hahaha, Archangel Shengguang Yuyu, I can't see it, I think he is probably a fallen angel, and he wants to fake Shengguang Shenyu!"

"Otherwise, why would he stay with the leader of the Gray Fallen Angel, Big Gray Fallen Angel, don't think that we can't find you because of your hidden divine power!"

With his eyes fixed, Lowery's voice was very loud.

It also made Lydia's face change, and she stared at the past with an ugly face.

Seeing this person, his expression really changed.

"Who is he?"

Unexpectedly, someone would dare to speak to him like that, which made Chu Tian look curious.

Lydia smiled wryly, and she was also very jealous of the people in front of her.

"He is a member of the first family of White Angels. I heard that he is the most talented and outstanding generation of the family. Now all the attention of the family is on him."

"With his talent, maybe within a hundred years, he will be able to surpass the God King!"

Within a hundred years, beyond the existence of the God King.

This is definitely extremely talented.

After all, the other party has long been a seraph.

When it comes to strength, even Lydia, who has evolved into a seraphim, is still incomparable.

Paying attention to each other's face.

Fortunately, with an arrogant expression on his face, he couldn't help but take a few steps back, and he really had a kind of fear.

Lydia's expression fell completely in the eyes of Lowery, the holy archangel of the first family.

With a sneer, he looked at Chutian again, and said in a very loud voice.

"Okay, don't pretend to me, you impostor, you dare to impersonate the angel of the Holy Light and the Feather."

"It's abominable. You fallen angels are originally half-demons. Here, you dare to disturb the land of the gods of our day angels. Are you looking for death?"

The eyes were fixed, and at this moment, Lowery's back wings were divided into three pairs.

When the wings of the seraph were revealed, everyone was amazed.

Lydia became a seraph and got three pairs of wings.

But compared with the Lowery in front of him, he was really incomparable.

(End of this chapter)

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