Immortal world invincible life system

Chapter 941 Two-color Fallen Angel

Chapter 941 Two-color Fallen Angel

Several eyes focused, and their eyes locked on the little girl behind Chu Tian, ​​at this moment.

Locking it directly, it really is a very eager look.

The man with the two-colored wings is really special.

Similarly, one wing is pure white, while the other wing is gray with a little variegation.

Pure white plus mixed ash, if it is in the day angel family, it is definitely the existence of demons.

However, among the two-color fallen angels, they are powerful, famous and have status.

That's what stands between the two.

There is a world of difference.

She glanced at the little girl's wings behind her very closely, and she was amazed by the pair of pure white and pure white wings.

He nodded very satisfied.

"It's not wrong, it is indeed the one-in-a-million two-color true wings, her future is limitless, and she is definitely the new hope for our two-color fallen angels!"

With a lot of longing in his eyes, he stepped forward,

He looked over with a smile on his face, and spoke directly to the little girl.

"Your future, and future, is within our two-color fallen angels, follow our two-color fallen angels."

"It can make you a very great archangel. As long as you agree, you will be the new hope of our two-color fallen angels!"

The words in her mouth only made the little girl stunned, her expression was inexplicable, and her expression changed.

It really turned around and landed on Chu Tian.

The other party didn't take him seriously, which made Chu Tian very unhappy.

It was really someone who wanted to dig him in front of his face.

This made Chu Tian frowned and took a step forward.

Just like that, he came between the two, looked at the two-color fallen angel in front of him and said.

"Don't forget, she is mine now. Since you want to take her away, you haven't asked my opinion."

Those eyes staring at him also made the face of the man in front of him change, and he stared at Chu Tian.

It's really a look of displeasure, a very displeased expression.

"This little girl is the one we want, so please sell her to me."

"Here are ten gold coins of the gods, take them away and get out immediately!"

With a wave of his hand, he arrogantly threw a bag directly in front of Chu Tian.

The gold coins of the gods collided and made a very crisp sound.

This made Chu Tian feel ridiculous.

Not to mention that he bought this little girl, but he spent more than ten gold coins of the gods.

Such an attitude also made Chu Tian's face darken, and he didn't even look at the money bag.

A little coldness flashed across both eyes, while moving one hand.

It really made the face of the black and gray two-color fallen angel in front of him change, and he felt Chu Tian's divine power.

He reacted immediately, retreated directly, and opened the distance.

He also looked over with a vigilant look.

"I advise you not to do anything, we two-color fallen angels are here, and we won't let you take her away."

"No matter what, we two-color fallen angels must get her!"

There was a serious expression on his face, which seemed to be an expression of pride.

It is clear that there are many people standing on this side, and the guy in front of Liang dare not act rashly.

It's just that they chose the wrong partner, not to mention Chu Tian's back.

Together with the person behind Chutian, seeing the posture in front of them, they couldn't hold back.

Lifting her foot, Lydia stepped forward.

The eyes were cold, and he said indifferently: "Do you know who I am?"

Many people's eyes fell on Lydia.

At first, these people only noticed Chu Tian, ​​but they really didn't notice this archangel who was a gray fallen angel.

But the leader of the gray fallen angels!
The leading white and gray fallen angel also changed his expression greatly when he noticed Lydia's identity.

A cry came out.

"Master Lydia, you, why are you here, what is your relationship with this guy?"

His face changed, he looked puzzled, and he looked puzzled.

He glanced at Chu Tian very complicatedly.

As soon as she opened her mouth, Lydia's eyes narrowed and she let out a cold snort.

The voice was indifferent, but he stared at him with a displeased face.

He said directly: "Your Excellency, you can't move casually. If you want to make trouble, I can accompany you!"

After finishing speaking, at that moment, the imprisoning of the wings behind him was also directly released.

The huge wings that were originally sealed.

At this moment, it really came out.

When the wings move, they really emit a dazzling light.

The wings of the seraphim angel appeared, making the two-color fallen angels in front of them messy.

"This, this is the seraph, it really is the seraph!"

"What, Lord Lydia, unexpectedly, actually reached the level of the seraphim, how is it possible, even our archangels have not reached this height!"

These people's faces were shocked to the extreme.

With a look of astonishment and an ugly expression.

Lydia was very satisfied. She glanced at these people, and she really didn't forget. She said to this group of people with her eyes high above her head.

"Let me tell you, the strength of the adult behind you is even higher than mine."

"He is the owner, the existence of the Holy Light and Divine Feather, even the Lord God King, can't compare with him!"

Lydia's words made the man in front gasp.

The voice began to tremble, and the whole body trembled.

"Sacred Light Feather?"

"This, is this true? Even the legendary angel that the god king has not reached, unexpectedly, someone can achieve it."

"He, who is he, why have I never seen him, his wings have not been revealed, is he really?"

Some people looked puzzled and looked over with curiosity.

He really felt incomparably curious and puzzled about Chu Tian's identity.

Right now, everyone's eyes were on Chu Tian.

This made Chu Tian curl his lips and sneer.

Glancing at the two-color fallen angel in front of him, he thought.

Since you want to leave here, you can do one more thing.

Solve the matter of the fallen angels and the two clans.

Thinking of all this, Chu Tian opened his nonsense two-color holy light feather.

As soon as he rushed up, he flew into the sky, facing the two-colored fallen angels, Chu Tian's aura was fully activated.

"I'm a little interested in you two-color fallen angels."

"How about you people, take me to meet the archangel who leads you, I want to discuss something with him."

His eyes were fixed, and he just watched over here.

His face was serious, it was a serious expression.

It also made these people's faces change.

Feeling Chutian's courage, he still took the initiative to meet their archangel.

I'm afraid it's not that simple.

But even so, it is impossible for them to stop it.

After all, with their strength, it was impossible for Chu Tian to stop the archangel who went to meet them.

Not to mention Lydia's identity as an Archangel with six wings.

The holy feather of light behind Chutian, which represents the status and legend of the angel, is enough for them to worship.

(End of this chapter)

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