Immortal world invincible life system

Chapter 945 Heavy Chapter Wind Street

Chapter 945 Returning to Wind Street
In order to pursue the way of heaven, Chutian is really willing to give up some of the benefits here.

In the Land of Chaos, there are indeed many things waiting for him to obtain.

But the way of heaven he pursues is different, so he must leave here and return to the land of ancient gods and demons.

Maybe you can still find the relics of those ancient battles between gods and demons.

In any case, if he stays here, his strength will not improve.

Chu Tian's eyes were serious and his expression was serious, it was obvious that he was not joking.

With a wry smile on the corner of his mouth, Hui Bing could only nod his head in the end.

She knew very well that it was impossible for her to refuse.

In any case, if Chu Tian was really powerful, she might be able to gain great power and status.

However, this made her very melancholy.

Chutian kept moving forward, and the path he pursued was already ahead of her. Perhaps, it was precisely because Chutian could see past him.

See through everything.

This allowed him to get his current strength.

Taking a deep breath, Hui Bing clenched his hands tightly, and said to Chu Tian with a serious face.

"Master Chu Shengzu, I will continue to retain your position, and I will not give up following your way of heaven."

"From now on, I will use you as my way of heaven to strengthen my strength!"

With a serious face and a serious face, it is a kind of firm gaze.

It also made Chu Tian very satisfied.

Nodding his head, he still endured the pain in front of Hui Bing.

Otherwise, it is impossible to hand over Sun and Moon Tonghui to Hui Bing, and I also believe that the woman in front of him can strengthen himself.


Prepare to leave the land of ancient chaos.

Chu Tian took a look and found that those who joined his Chu God Clan also handed over these people to Sun and Moon Tonghui to deal with.

No one was taken away. After all, these people still stayed in the land of chaos, so that they could better pursue their way of heaven.

However, the current ancient land of chaos is not suitable for Chutian at all.

This made Chutian leave without any scruples.

After leaving this place of right and wrong, when he leaves, what else will happen in the land of chaos.

None of it has anything to do with him.

Going out from the land of chaos, except for the people with the same brightness of the sun and the moon, no one can know clearly.

Straight across the weird river.

Leaving this time also made Chu Tian think for a while, and he planned to return first. When he came here, he went to Gufeng Street.

From the ancient wind street to the ancient chaotic land.

This trip took quite a while, and it really made Chu Tian miss it a bit.

Since he came from Wind Street, this time he left the Land of Chaos, of course he had to return to Dufeng Street.

The corner of his mouth floated up, and he was really fast.

It's just a blink of an eye, and they are all back to the top of the Wind Street.

Once here, it really has a very familiar atmosphere.

Whether it was the excitement here or the environment like a busy city, Chu Tian couldn't help but sigh.

Compared with the chaotic streets, this windy street has a lot more tranquility.

Even if it was only the superficial tranquility, it was enough to make Chu Tian's always vigilant heart calm down a lot.

At this moment, it really improved his state of mind a little.

That's right, whoever is used to seeing heavy wind and heavy rain, seeing such a peaceful and bustling city now makes Chu Tian's state of mind reach a new height.

The corners of the mouth floated up and down.

Looking at all this in front of him, it really took an instant to land in the middle of the busy city.

Feeling the atmosphere on both sides, I really walked slowly in this busy city.

The improvement of mood made Chutian want to realize it slowly.

There are also a lot of people peddling on both sides.

However, as Chutian didn't make any progress, there was a commotion ahead, which made the faces of the traders on both sides change when they saw the people coming.

At this moment, the entire downtown was in chaos.

It also made Chu Tian frown and looked up.

The noisy voices around him made him understand what was going on.

"People from the ancient Xuanmo clan are here, hurry up and leave."

"It's really here, hurry up and go."

A group of small merchants looked ugly, and when they turned around, one after another, they turned and left with their items.

It's just that there were still a few who didn't escape, but were directly caught by the ancient Xuanmo clan.

A member of the ancient Xuanmo clan has cold eyes.

It's a displeased expression.

"Listen well, if you want to sell things in Fengjie, you must pay tribute to our ancient Xuanmo clan every day. Have you forgotten this?"

As soon as the words came out, several small traders also smiled wryly.

"You ancient mysterious demon clan raised the tribute money several times at once. We people can't afford the daily expenses at all."

"That's right, you guys, the ancient mysterious demon clan, it's too much to do this, aren't you afraid of retribution!"

With angry faces, several small traders really gritted their teeth and looked over.

Furious, with a very angry expression.

This made several members of the ancient Xuanmo clan in front of them sneer and their eyes were cold.

With a cold face: "Retribution, it's ridiculous, our ancient Xuanmo clan, but the current leader of Fengjie."

"Whoever dares to repay us, seeing that you are really impatient to live, I will show you a little bit of color, so that you people know whose territory this is."

After finishing speaking, he raised his hand without even thinking about it, and started directly.

In an instant, summoning the divine thunder, he really wanted to knock out the souls of the few small traders in front of him.

This move is vicious enough, but also very vicious.

Unexpectedly, the ancient Xuanmo clan was so arrogant that they would put several small traders to death as soon as they raised their hands.

This made Chu Tian's face twitch, and he stepped forward in an instant.

Before the few people in front made a move.

With a single movement of his hand, he directly defeated Shenlei with a single hand of soul energy out of thin air.

There was a loud, extremely crisp sound.

It made the faces of the ancient mysterious demons change, and they were very upset. Who the hell is trying to make trouble.

"Damn it, who did it?"

These people looked over, and when they saw Chu Tian, ​​their faces were gloomy.

He directly let go of those small traders, arrived in front of Chutian, and immediately surrounded Chutian.

"I'll tell you kid, this is the territory of our ancient mysterious demon clan, you are getting in the way here, are you tired of working?"

Facing the angry person in front of him, Chu Tian's expression was very calm.

Just look at it calmly and calmly.

It's really smiling, and the smile doesn't stop.

"You really don't know who I am, don't you know me?"

Chu Tian's words stunned the people in front of him, but the leader hadn't reacted yet.

Zheng Zheng directly said with a displeased face: "I don't care who you are..."

It's a pity that the expression of the person behind him changed before he finished speaking.

That guy couldn't help pulling it a few times, his face was cloudy, and he lowered his voice and said: "This, this guy, seems to be the one who is being tracked down by our ancient mysterious demon clan."

(End of this chapter)

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