Immortal world invincible life system

Chapter 953 Fire Sacred Dragon Heart

Chapter 953 Fire Sacred Dragon Heart
As soon as the Vulcan Dragon's heart appeared, Cun Ning's face turned pale.

Only now did he understand why Vulcan Shop was so confident.

If you directly and decisively ask to bet with them.

It seems that this time, Vulcan Shop has already made preparations.

Originally, in order to inherit the home rights of this auction, Vulcan Store also spent a lot of effort.

Only then did he find the heart of the Fire God Dragon, in order to directly establish the reputation of the Fire God Shop.

The Xueshen shop ran into them.

How can they not take advantage of this opportunity and step on the Snow God's shop.

The fire bamboo shoots floating on the corner of the mouth really looked at it with a smile on his face.

Staring at Cun Ning, that is called an incomparably brilliant smile.

That face and expression clearly said that he was sure to win this time.

As the manager of Xueshen Store, Cun Ning knew very well that he made a mistake.

Made a big mistake and didn't think about it at all.

This time, Vulcan Shop will definitely work hard in order to win the right to play at home.

It is impossible not to find some rare treasures to make the Vulcan Shop more famous.

Thinking of all this made him sigh.

There was a sigh on his face, and even a dejected expression on his face.

In his opinion, there is no need to compare, the outcome is already obvious.

When the heart of the fire sacred dragon was taken out, the group of people in front were already excited.

Many people looked over eagerly, each of them was full of interest and had already prepared.

Take this one heart directly at all costs.

Listening to the voices coming from below, it was all noisy and loud shouting.

"Unexpectedly, it is really the heart of the sacred fire dragon. It is too powerful. The Vulcan shop is really too powerful."

"That's right, I've never seen this treasure, never seen such a powerful thing."

"No matter how much it costs, no matter how much the god stone is spent, I must buy this thing directly."

A group of people looked serious, staring at the item in the Vulcan shop.

I have already made preparations, no matter how much the god stone costs, I must take it down!
Sensing the gazes of people around him, Huo Sun, the manager of Vulcan Store, really didn't rush to start the auction directly.

Instead, he turned his head, glanced at Cun Ning behind him, smiled brightly, and smiled at the group of people in front of him.

Continued: "Before auctioning this item, I want to see what good things the Snow God Store has prepared for us this time."

"Xueshen Store, if we can really produce something noble and better than mine, we Huoshen Store will be willing to admit defeat!"

As soon as the words came out, everyone around laughed loudly.

Haha laughed loudly and very loudly.

"This is a joke. It is simply impossible to have more valuable refining materials than the fire sacred dragon heart."

"Hahaha, that's right. This time, Snow God Shop is doomed. Snow God Shop, it's better to admit defeat quickly, don't waste time."

"We don't care what the Snow God Shop brings out. We care. It's still the heart. Let's start the auction quickly!"

Some people have been impatiently wondering what the Snow God Store has prepared.

I really don't care at all.

They cared that only the huge and incomparably huge fire sacred dragon heart in front of them was the most important and most important treasure.

That's what they really care about.

There were noisy voices from people around, and there was also a voice of shouting.

It also made Cun Ning smile bitterly, but now.

He didn't want to admit defeat like this, so he gritted his teeth and took out the five-colored god stone that Chutian gave him.

He just walked forward with a serious expression on his face.

He took out the five-colored god stone directly with a serious face.

Put it before everyone.

He opened the mouth and said: "Our Snow God Shop, this time, found a piece of top-quality material for training artifacts, and the value of this piece of material."

"Only those who understand it can understand and be clear!"

The face is serious, and now, to be honest.

He really didn't think that the stone in his hand was really more valuable than the fire sacred dragon.

He also didn't know at all, what is the value of this five-colored god stone material?
It's just a gamble for him.

Introduced with a serious face, also repeated Chu Tian's words, and looked ahead.

It really made him look disappointed.

After all, in front of him, a group of people were staring at the stone in his hand, each with puzzled faces.

I really don't understand, there is really no one who can see the value of this stone.

"What is this thing? The color of this stone is very bright, and there is light shining, but I don't feel anything special."

"That's right, is it a glowing stone? What's the value? It can compare to the heart where the essence is."

"You didn't find a broken stone on purpose to brush us, did you?"

All of them had strange expressions on their faces, and they stared at them.

Some people think that Cun Ning, the manager of Xueshen Store, deliberately took out a completely worthless item.

Pretending to be mysterious.

"That's right, you're playing tricks on us on purpose. You said this thing is very valuable, beyond your heart. What's its value?"

"Tell me, what is its value? This is clearly a broken rock!"

Shouting loudly also made Cun Ning sweat a little on his forehead.

The sweat was pouring out.

When I really didn't know how to introduce him, a person walked out not far behind.

Just come forward.

Seeing the noisy crowd in front of him, Chu Tian curled his lips into a smile.

It was as if his gaze swept across the heart of the huge fire sacred dragon. Although he was a little surprised that the essence of this heart was so pure, his five-colored sacred stone was not much different.

"Where is the value of this stone, let me explain!"

As soon as Chu Tian appeared, what he said made everyone startled, with complicated expressions on their faces.

He looked over suspiciously.

I really can't tell who this guy is.

"who are you?"

"Do you know the value of this divine stone?"

"Tell me, what is the value of this sacred stone?"

As soon as Chu Tian straightened his face, he directly raised his hand and grabbed the void, causing the god stone to float high into the sky.

At this moment, when his power of the original god appeared, it really made the colorful god stones emit a huge light.

The light shrouded the surroundings, and it also made everyone feel the aura of it.

This boldness is very strange, and I have never seen it before.

I have never seen it before, this spirit is constantly growing, and it is constantly covering the surroundings, really covering this piece of world.

(End of this chapter)

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