Chapter 975
Chu Tian laughed and couldn't help laughing out loud.

Looking at the remnant soul emperor in front of him, the corner of his mouth twitched.

He said directly: "I really can't break the rules of your world, but I can bring your world into mine."

"Ancient Demon Realm, Ancient God Realm, I have two worlds, and I will definitely overwhelm your world!"

Chu Tian sacrificed the double heaven and earth directly.

Pulling this piece of space also makes the surrounding space vibrate.

Not to mention the torn space, along with a torn crack in the sky.

Chutian's two spaces descended directly like this, and they were really squeezed out abruptly.

Under the alternation of the two spaces, the high altitude above was really torn into pieces.

Accompanied by the loud explosion.

The entire sky was completely shattered, and the two spaces that appeared were forcibly squeezed into this space.

This made the Remnant Soul Emperor look at all this, his face changed drastically, and he looked astonished.

He raised his head in shock, staring at everything in front of him.

Opening his mouth wide, he was completely dumbfounded.

It never occurred to him that someone could force his own space into his space.

These three spaces are directly connected together.

Now it is impossible for him to completely control everything around him.

Chutian's space keeps expanding.

The ancient demon domain and the ancient god domain, these two worlds, are really not weaker than the space of this sky cliff.

Moreover, Chutian has other helpers.

The Ancient Demon Territory appeared, and those who controlled the Ancient Demon Territory could also help Chu Tian gain strength beyond that of the Ancient Demon Ancestor.

Obtain the power of the real Demon Ancestor Great Emperor.

"You are just a remnant soul. If you want to recover, what you want is the original power."

"But I am constantly surpassing your subject!"

With his eyes fixed, at this moment, Chu Tian's momentum continued to grow.

As Chutian continued to strengthen himself, his strength became more and more powerful.

Get a great power.

This short moment really allowed Chu Tian to gain the strength of the real Demon Ancestor Emperor.

Its strength is really indistinct, and it is a real body that is almost approaching the remnant soul emperor!

If he was the body itself and felt the power of Chu Tian, ​​he would not be afraid of anything.

But now, he is just a remnant soul.

In his opinion, it is impossible for the current ancient land of gods and demons to have the same existence as him.

It is even more impossible to exist beyond the demon ancestors and holy ancestors.

But the guy in front of him has done it, and this is the strength of the Demon Ancestor Emperor.

It's not too far from the real emperor.

Under his complexion changed drastically, his complexion was really ugly to the extreme.

He stared at Chu Tian with a pale face.

Feeling Chutian's strength, the current him has been deeply shocked by Chutian.

Chu Tian laughed and noticed the change in the other party's face.

As soon as he raised his hand, the whole world also changed.

"I am above you now, even if it is your former body, you still have to be in awe of me."

"Now, I want to see, who will die and who will live?"

Chutian's strength has completely reached that of the Demon Ancestor Emperor.

Its strength is basically stronger than the real strength of the previous Great Sage Emperor.

The two standing behind Chu Tian also understood this point.

Chutian's current strength really surpassed the original Great Sage.

This is the true power of the new great sage.

This is the new owner of the Great Saint City!
The sky vibrated, and the sky was densely covered with endless flames.

Just like that, it rolled over, burning everything around, and rushed directly towards the remnant soul emperor in front of him.

The remnant soul emperor's face changed drastically.

As soon as he raised his hand, countless soul qi in the sky cliff were accumulated by him.

It is also desperately supporting the shield of the sky, trying to resist Chutian's burning demon sky fire.

It's a pity that, with his current strength, he is constantly forced to retreat.

Originally, this space was as large as a hundred miles in radius.

But it is less than an instant, and it is less than the size of a radius of ten miles.

As it keeps shrinking, Chutian's two spaces squeeze even more while taking advantage of the void.

This made the remnant soul emperor's face more and more ugly.

With a pale face, he yelled angrily.

"Ah, if you give me the actual strength, I will definitely not be weaker than you. I am a generation of emperors, the emperor of emperors!"

"Damn it, my remnant soul has not been replenished, and my strength has not fully recovered. If you give me the body of the emperor, what are you!"

Yes, the body of the emperor, the ancestor emperor!

This is the real king of kings, the real powerhouse of heaven and earth.

Even in the ancient gods and demons period, they were powerful, controlling thousands of demon ancestors, and the life of the ancestors was upright.

If it weren't for him, he is just a remnant soul now, and he hasn't completely perfected himself.

Otherwise, how could it be possible to succumb to the hands of a great emperor.

This made him look very dissatisfied.

I can only look at his space unwillingly, being constantly squeezed.

In the end, it keeps shrinking.

The narrowed range, in the end, was really less than 100 meters in radius.

Right now, he is the only one who can tolerate it.

"no no!"

"I don't want to die, I can't die, I will teach you the emperor's mind, I will give you everything, I beg you to let me go!"

This remnant soul emperor spoke directly.

With a terrified expression on his face, he yelled out as soon as he opened his mouth.

Hearing the other party's words, he looked at the other party's face seriously.

This made the corners of Chu Tian's lips rise.

Just looking over with a smile on his face, he asked with a smile, "Oh, are you serious?"

The remnant soul emperor nodded immediately. Now, the space left by him is really less than one cubic meter in size.

As long as he moves casually, he will disappear immediately, and everything will be gone.

If he is the subject, of course it is impossible to give his life to others.

It's a pity that he is not, he is just a remnant soul.

Your own life is still the most important.

For him, as long as it can save his life, no matter what he does, he is willing to do it!
Of course he was willing to buy his life with the emperor's stuff.

As long as the other party keeps what they say.

Looking at his face, Chu Tian understood what this guy was thinking.

If it is really the ontology, it is really impossible to sell one's lifelong learning, but he is not the real ontology.

He is just a person who has his own consciousness from the remnant soul, and directly controls the remnant soul of the body.

Get this remnant soul, another person who has a lot of knowledge about the emperor.

To hand over some of his knowledge of the Emperor.

It is also very simple.

Here, Chu Tian raised his hand and took Mo Tianhuo back directly, and there was no room for him to continue to squeeze the opponent.

Just looking at it calmly, waiting for the other party to say something that can buy his name.

(End of this chapter)

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