Immortal world invincible life system

Chapter 981 Phantom Demon Body

Chapter 981 Phantom Demon Body
Huanghuang straightened Yixia's face, pointed to the front, and said to Chu Tian.

"The position of the Heavenly Demon is the Heavenly Demon Hall in the center of the city, which was originally the place where the Heavenly Demon was worshipped."

"It is also the most well-preserved place left now, especially the front barrier, which completely surrounds the entire Heavenly Demon Palace. If anyone can control the barrier of the Heavenly Demon Palace, no one else can enter!"

As soon as the words came out, Chu Tian frowned and looked over with a puzzled expression.

He said very seriously: "Can't you break this barrier?"

Huanghuang shook her head, and said seriously.

"The enchantment is difficult to break, and it cannot be broken."

"If this enchantment is forced, it will shake the entire Heavenly Demon City. At that time, the entire Heavenly Demon City will be destroyed!"

From the looks of it, the Heavenly Demon Palace is also the lifeblood center of the Heavenly Demon City.

If this hall is directly destroyed, the entire Heavenly Demon City will collapse in an instant.

The outer barrier of the Temple of Heavenly Demon cannot be destroyed, nor can it be broken and entered secretly.

This made Chu Tian puzzled.

"Then how do we get into it and deal with the current Heavenly Demon?"

The corners of Huanghuang's mouth floated up, and she curled her lips into a rare smile.

"Of course let him come out by himself."

"He is hiding in the Heavenly Demon Palace, and he has studied the Phantom Demon Body of the Heavenly Demon for a long time. In my opinion, he will soon reach the bottleneck, which is almost two days."

Chu Tian looked curious.

"Oh, in order to find a way to crack the phantom body, he will take the initiative to come out?"

Huanghuang nodded and said decisively.

"That's right, he will take the initiative to leave the barrier, and then we will have a chance."

Huang Huang had already arranged for his subordinates to stay here every day, and report to her whenever there was any movement.

She knew very well that it was impossible for the other party to obtain the phantom body, when the time came.

You will definitely want to use external force, or find other people to help.

It was a very good opportunity to leave the Heavenly Demon Palace.

She won't let this opportunity go like this.

Hearing Huang Huang's plan, Chu Tian really pouted.

I couldn't help laughing and said: "I have another good way, you can try it directly."

As soon as the words came out, Huanghuang was taken aback and looked over with a puzzled expression.

"Do you have a way to lure him out?"

Chu Tian looked very confident: "Of course, and I can let him come out now."

Huang Huang wanted to say something, but seeing Chu Tian's expression, she still couldn't help suppressing the words in her heart.

Whatever the method, however much hope there was, she was willing to try it.

As long as you can lure the other party out, you can say anything.

"Okay, if you have a way, we can try it."

Of course Chutian has a solution. Since the other party wants to find someone to help break the phantom body of the demon, he will definitely find someone.

As for the City of Heavenly Demon and the City of the Great Sage, apart from Chutian, there really is no one who can have such a great ability.

Chu Tian, ​​who didn't talk nonsense, his whole body was concentrated.

The emperor's divine body appeared within the sky cliff.

He also said proudly to Huanghuang in front of him: "Just tell him that someone broke the sky cliff, defeated the Great Sage, and even got the sky cliff."

"If you pass this news to him, he will come back immediately. If he doesn't believe it, then let him know that it is very easy for me to destroy this enchantment!"

After speaking, Chu Tian raised his hand.

The towering giant who appeared in the sky just raised his hand and grabbed the enchantment of the Demon Palace.

Grab it hard, grasp it directly, and clearly want to smash it to pieces.

With the towering giant's exertion, the entire Heavenly Demon City trembled unceasingly.

Huanghuang's face changed drastically, and he was shocked.

While Chu Tian was about to break the barrier, he immediately retracted his divine body completely.

However, he has the ability and strength to directly break through this barrier.

However, he really didn't want to see the entire Heavenly Demon City disappear once the enchantment was destroyed.

In his opinion, this city of demons is really more valuable than that phantom demon body.

If possible, he must get the phantom body.

And this city of demons, he will not let it go.

He wants both.

Right now, Chutian is directly showing his strength.

It also shocked Huang Huang deeply, and realized that Chu Tian was really not joking.

Her complexion changed, and she immediately nodded in agreement.

He planned to have someone tell Chu Tian's words to the current successor of the Heavenly Demon inside.


Pass the news out, telling the other party that he has the strength to destroy Tianya.

As for whether the other party will come out to find him.

Chu Tian could only wait for the opportunity, and let Huang Huang inform him when the other party planned to leave the Heavenly Demon Palace.

Leave Wu Yucong to check the situation.

And Chu Tian took Tai Huo Qing and wandered around the city of Heavenly Demon.

Even though there aren't too many people in the Demon City, there are still quite a few special guys here.

For example, among the group of people in front, there are really a few people who practice gods here.

Originally, the position of Heavenly Demon had to be obtained by a demon cultivator.

It really didn't occur to me that a cultivator would plan to seize the position of Heavenly Demon.

Chu Tian looked curious and couldn't help approaching.

This group of people discussing a matter is also somewhat involved with the Huangmo clan.

"I heard that this time the Brilliant Demon Clan is finally going to make a move."

"Is that so? However, in my opinion, even Huang Huang, a cultivator of demons, would never be able to obtain the phantom demon body of the heavenly demon."

"That's right. I haven't been able to obtain the Phantom Demon Body of the Heavenly Demon for so many years. In my opinion, unless it is someone who is truly talented, otherwise, I wonder if it is just a dream."

"We just came here specifically for the position of the Heavenly Demon, not to mention the Phantom Demon Body of the Heavenly Demon, the Palace of the Heavenly Demon, and many other good things."

Several people's eyes lit up and their smiles continued.

Really excited.

What they hit was not the attention of the phantom body of the demon, but the hall of the demon.

Chu Tian only listened to the words of these cultivators, and did not intervene to stop them.

I just want to see how these people plan to attack the Heavenly Demon Palace.

Several people turned around and left, heading towards the Heavenly Demon Hall.

Chu Tian was silent for a while, and gave Tai Huoqing a look, and the two followed directly behind.

I really discovered that the few people in front of me are very familiar with the terrain here.

After a while, they arrived outside the Heavenly Demon Hall.

And here, I have been waiting here for a long time.

Noticing the arrival of several people, his face changed and he looked over.

It was really a complaint.

"Why are you coming so slowly? How about it? Are you all ready?"

A few people who cultivated gods nodded directly and said.

"Don't worry, we promise to do a clean job on this matter."

This person, with a cold smile on his face, gritted his teeth and said.

"Very well, you don't want to get what our Shangmo clan didn't get."

It was obvious that they were members of the Shangmo clan.

They were also very unwilling to get the position of Heavenly Demon.

Only then did they find other people, trying to disrupt Huanghuang's plan.

(End of this chapter)

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