Immortal world invincible life system

Chapter 989 Establishing the Demonic City

Chapter 989 Establishing the Demonic City
Chu Tian wanted to build the city of demons, and at the same time, he directly stated his conditions.

"I can provide those who help me, the sacred stones for cultivation, and I am also willing to pass on to you the true cultivation mind of the Heavenly Demon Emperor."

"However, in order to guarantee, I must have your demon soul belief, eternal life cannot betray me!"

What Chu Tian said earlier surprised everyone.

Hearing Chu Tian's words, everyone's faces changed, and they looked over in surprise.

Unexpectedly, Chu Tian would be willing to teach them the Heavenly Demon Emperor's Ancestor Mind Method for cultivation.

This alone is enough to drive many people crazy.

"Are you telling the truth, are you really willing to give us the Heavenly Demon's cultivation method?"

"You didn't lie to us. As long as we rely on you and believe in you, you will be able to teach the mind of the heavenly demon, and you are willing to provide us with the god stone for cultivation?"

"Everything you do is just to rebuild the city of demons."

Chu Tian nodded and said seriously.

"That's right, I'm giving you the chance, who is willing to help me rebuild the city of demons!"

At this moment, many people were boiling.

"Okay, I am quite the Flying Demon Ancestor, and I am willing to help you!"

"We, my Qimo family, are also willing to help you rebuild the city of Tianmo."

One by one the voices called out directly, and there were quite a few people who spoke directly, promising to help Chutian rebuild the city of demons.

Chutian was very satisfied.

In front of him who are willing to help him, there are already five ancient demon ancestors, and more than a dozen people from the ancient demon clan, who are also willing to take refuge in him.

The next thing is very simple.

Sweep away those who are unwilling to take refuge in him and help him build the city of demons.

People who clearly want to continue competing for the position of Heavenly Demon.

Chu Tian curled his lips, and said coldly: "I know, you are very confident in knowing, and want to take away the position of Heavenly Demon from me."

"I also understand very well that even if I tell you that the position of the Heavenly Demon is false, and the phantom body of the Heavenly Demon is false, you will not believe it."

These people didn't speak, but they all had completely hostile eyes.

These people, like Huanghuang, would not believe that the position of the Heavenly Demon is fake, and that there is no Heavenly Demon Phantom Demon Body.

All of this is just what Chu Tian said on purpose, wanting to swallow the phantom body of the Heavenly Demon all by himself.

Whether the people in front of you believe it or not, this is the truth.

Looking at the unconvinced faces of these people.

Chu Tian didn't talk nonsense, as soon as the soul energy in his body appeared, it enveloped the whole world.

It also completely envelops the city of Heavenly Demon.

"From now on, without my permission, without my acknowledgment, you can't enter the city of demons. If you want to come in and challenge me, you can."

"However, we'll have to wait until you break the barrier of the Heavenly Demon City!"

While speaking, Chu Tian directly used his soul energy to create an enchantment, completely enveloping the surrounding area and the entire Heavenly Demon City.

The city of Heavenly Demon is under his control.

Without his permission, no one else can enter unless this barrier is broken.

Looking at the sky, there was a dense cloud, Chu Tian's movements.

It made everyone's face change, so that they looked at each other with a look of surprise and a strange look.

This time, Chutian sealed off the entire Heavenly Demon City.

Only those who are not convinced can only change their faces, and they really dare not do anything here.

But letting them forget it is simply impossible.

"The news about you getting the position of Heavenly Demon will spread immediately. At that time, countless geniuses in cultivating demons, as well as ancient demon ancestors, will come here."

"I'd like to see how you can defend this entire city of demons!"

Chu Tian, ​​who heard these people's words, really had no fear on his face.

With a wave of his hand, he yelled directly: "Get out!"

The faces of this group of people were very unhappy. Putting down a word, they also accompanied their own people and stayed away from the city of demons.

"Okay, the city of Heavenly Demon must be destroyed, let's see how you defend it!"

A group of people left directly, they knew very well, and now do it.

It's not good for them, now everyone is not in order.

Doing something in the world created by Chutian will not end well.

If Chu Tian can win the position of Heavenly Demon, he must still have some strength.

Let them dare not underestimate, just want to leave here as soon as possible.

When the time comes, gather more people and destroy the entire Heavenly Demon City.

Retake the position of Heavenly Demon again!


Those who didn't obey her and didn't want to help him build the city of demons were all driven away by Chu Tian.

There is none left.

There are really not many people left.

After all, many people still had a little hope that they could snatch the position of Heavenly Demon from Chutian again.

Now the city of Heavenly Demon has just been established.

Chu Tian knew very well that it would take a lot of time to fully develop.

Right now, there was another headache that was in front of him.

Tai Huoqing, as his follower, naturally helped him with many things.

This time, I got a piece of news.

"My lord, there are already a lot of people gathered outside the city of demons. These people are very dissatisfied with the change of the city of demons by my lord."

"Among them, headed by Huanghuang, they all gathered together to attack the enchantment of the Demon City!"

As for how many people there are, it is not clear yet.

Chutian's enchantment is not too strong.

If he has not reached the true strength of the great emperor and ancestor, even if he does, he may not be able to resist the siege of these thousands of demon cultivators.

Sooner or later, the barrier will be broken, and at that time, the entire city of Heavenly Demon will be destroyed.

Chu Tian has the strength to leave here directly.

But he wants to defend the entire city of the demon, and prevent the city of the demon from being destroyed.

He really wanted to build the Heavenly Demon City.

With a straight face, he said directly: "I see, if there is any movement, please come and tell me."

"At the same time, pass on my words, and tell those who follow me to guard the city of the demon, and not let anyone step into the city of the demon."

Tai Huoqing nodded, and immediately passed on Chu Tian's words.

Chu Tian raised his head and looked at the sky, he could feel a very vigorous energy of the devil soul gathering in the sky.

Among them, the thousands of different demonic spirits really enveloped the entire city of demons.

This is a huge disaster for the city of demons.

Only he can help the entire Heavenly Demon City survive this disaster.

With a straight face, he looked serious.

After taking a deep breath, Chu Tian still raised his feet and just soared into the air.

Heading towards the city wall of the Demon City not far away, he wanted to see the current situation.

In less than a few minutes, Chutian was on the city wall.

Immediately, I saw a dense crowd in front of me. These demon cultivators are really crazy.

So many people gathered in such a short period of time.

Among them, there are more than a hundred people with the strength of the ancient demon ancestors in the early and mid-term!

(End of this chapter)

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