Immortal world invincible life system

Chapter 994 Rebuilding the City of Demons

Chapter 994 Rebuilding the City of Demons
Looking at the people in front of him, those who want to fight against him, and want to destroy the entire city of demons.

As soon as Chu Tian raised his hand, he showed no mercy at all.

"From now on, with me in this city of demons, no one can destroy this city of demons!"


The sound was loud, and that sound shook the world.

As soon as Chutian's words fell, more than 20 ancient demon ancestors in the entire sky were directly swallowed by Chutian's ancient demon domain.

It took less than three seconds before and after.

Such a shocking scenery made many people look dumbfounded, and they couldn't recover for a while.

Among them, Huanghuang is also wrapped.

With a burst of cold sweat on her back, she knew very well that Chutian's strength was enough to kill them all.

If they didn't surrender in the end, the end would be miserable.

Originally, they and Chutian were not on the same level.

Chu Tian didn't look ahead, but just glanced at the crowd, feeling the shock from them.

With the corner of his mouth raised, he spoke directly, and said loudly.

"Listen to me, all of you, the city of demons is our symbol and glory, no one is allowed to make trouble in the city of demons."

"Whoever dares not listen, your end will be no different from theirs!"

As soon as the words came out, everyone's expressions changed, and they lowered their heads. No one dared to resist.

"Yes, Lord Heavenly Demon!"

Everyone was convinced, which made Chu Tian very satisfied.

From now on, the city of Heavenly Demon is completely under his control.

As long as the reputation of the Demon City is loud enough.

The faith power he can get will be even more.

Rebuilding the city of demons is also very helpful to him.


The city of demons was rebuilt.

Chutian won the city of the demon, and even defended the city of the demon, this one thing.

It was passed on immediately, and many demon cultivators learned that this new heavenly demon was powerful.

Want to rebuild the city of demons.

Some demon cultivators who originally watched the excitement with their arms around, and many who wanted to find the way of heaven, all came here one after another.

This made the city of Heavenly Demon even more lively.

And what Chutian has to do is to manage the manpower and rebuild the dilapidated buildings in the entire Heavenly Demon City.

Even directly in the city of the demon, a heavy restriction was established.

On the basis of the original celestial demon, another layer of enchantment was added to ensure the stability in the city of celestial demon.

Without his permission, those who want to destroy the Heavenly Demon City must break these two restrictions.

At that time, there will be enough strength to stop these people.

It is also able to protect the entire city of demons.

Chu Tian, ​​who put away this heavy restriction, nodded in satisfaction.

And behind him, a person came forward.

Huanghuang is willing to submit to Chutian and help Chutian build the entire city of demons.

In the restoration of the city of demons.

She also spent a lot of effort.

Now the city of Heavenly Demon has recovered a lot, and half of it is also due to her credit.

"Master Tianmo, there are many demon cultivators and traders who want to enter our city of Tianmo."

As soon as Huang Huang spoke, Chu Tian was a bit surprised.

It only took less than a day, and the news was really delivered so quickly.

Don't even think about it, the City of Heavenly Demon existed in the past, but it was not inferior to the City of the Great Sage.

Impossible not to get attention.

Only recently, the entire Heavenly Demon City has been in chaos, and the constant competition for the position of the Heavenly Demon has also made the entire Heavenly Demon City only fight.

Letting many traders leave also makes many demon cultivators live here regardless.

Now the City of Heavenly Demon has been restored by Chutian and plans to build it again.

It even gave some people hope.

It also made some traders come here immediately when they saw the business opportunity.

I want to quickly take refuge at Chutian's feet, and be the first batch of people to restore the city of demons.

They will definitely get a lot of benefits.

Many people came to think of this.

When Chutian arrived at the square with Huanghuang, there were really many people standing densely.

These people looked over and looked at Chu Tian, ​​very curious.

For such a person who won the position of Heavenly Demon, wanted to rebuild the city of Heavenly Demon, and repelled the person who destroyed the city of Heavenly Demon.

Some people's eyes are extremely curious.

"I didn't expect Master Xin Tianmo to be so young. From the looks of it, he is also an extremely talented person."

"Huanghuang is also a genius of a generation of demon cultivators. Being willing to submit to him so sincerely is enough to prove his strength."

"Anyway, this time, the re-establishment of the City of Demons is an opportunity, and our Angmo Store cannot let go of this opportunity!"


Some people made up their minds and looked over with serious and enthusiastic faces.

Seeing Chu Tian's arrival, many people shouted.

"Long live Lord Tianmo, Lord Tianmo is mighty!"

The sound was loud, and it sounded in one piece, and it was directly transmitted to the sky.

A group of people also bowed down one after another, expressing their sincerity to Chu Tian.

Chu Tian was very satisfied, looked at the people in front of him, nodded, and said directly.

"To rebuild the city of demons, manpower is of course indispensable. I promise, if anyone is willing to help me build the city of demons."

"If you have merit, I will definitely be rewarded. As long as you become a hero in the establishment of the Demon City, I can guarantee that you will cultivate in the future, and you will also have the divine stone!"

As soon as Chu Tian opened his mouth, the group of people in front immediately boiled.

"No way, you are willing to cultivate our minds for us, as well as the divine stone?"

"This is simply too good, this Lord Tianmo is really amazing!"

"I am willing to do my best to build the city of demons!"

Many people cheered one after another, their voices were loud, and they raised their hands, that was a very loud shout.

A very loud voice came through.

Satisfied Chu Tian, ​​he glanced at these demon cultivators and set his sights on those vendors.

She curled her lips and said with a grand smile, "As for the future management of the Demon City, I would like to discuss it with shops of all sizes."

"If anyone is interested, you can come to the side, let's discuss it!"

Chu Tian's words made these traders' eyes shine.

Now they can see that Chutian really wants to rebuild the city of demons.

This is an opportunity for their big and small shops. As long as they seize this opportunity, they will definitely be able to establish a good business in the city of demons.

Hearing Chu Tian's words, some people agreed one after another.

Chutian immediately asked Huanghuang to discuss the place, and planned to have a good talk with these shops and vendors.

How to say, the establishment of the city of demons is also indispensable for their existence.

To develop the entire Heavenly Demon City, of course we need the help of these people,
Only then can they activate the entire Heavenly Demon City.

It is also for Chu Tian to choose carefully. Of course, there is no need for shops without strength. What he wants is shops and vendors that can bring the entire Heavenly Demon City back to life!

(End of this chapter)

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