Pastoral fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 1587 1592 The Strange Little Maid

Chapter 1587 1592 The Strange Little Maid
Bell only glanced at the four people, then hurried to the back door at the back of the yard, and Su Li also turned back to the house, really not wanting to deal with these troublesome people.

But Ling Dang didn't notice, the moment she turned around to leave, the little maid who was following the upstart boy suddenly raised her head, her eyes were fixed on the bell, she was surprised at first, and then showed an expression of sudden realization.

A flash of hatred flashed across the little maid's eyes, and then she lowered her head deeply, holding revenge in her arms, with a docile appearance like a little sheep.

The four people who insisted on enrolling did not see Dean Su Yu this time, and the son's name was Cheng Jin, who was very angry, and jumped up and scolded: "It's just a place that collects money to enroll, why don't you accept me! I think you are the eyes of power, climbing high and stepping down, looking down on people in our small place!"

That woman was even more vicious, with a pair of hanging triangular eyes, she looked very fierce, and her voice was even louder and vulgar: "Hey, what kind of shit city people have forgotten that their ancestors came from the countryside, why don't you accept my young master! My young master There is plenty of silver, no worse than your city folks!"

The old woman was cursing, like an old hen protecting her cubs, she scolded the college and praised her young master as better than that flower.

The country shrew swears at the street, and the staff in the academy feel a little overwhelmed, and they can't also swear like the shrew, which is insulting to the gentleman, so they can only persuade in a good voice: "Mr. No amount of silver is of any use!"

Cheng Jin rolled up his sleeves, with a hooligan look on his face: "What's wrong, you say you look down on country people when you look down on country people. Why do you say it so nicely. Tsk tsk, you scholars are hypocrisy, unlike us, who speak straightforwardly and don't have anything in your stomach. There are so many twists and turns. Let me see, you just think the money is not enough, you ask your dean to come out and make a price, I have plenty of money!"

"It's really not a matter of money!" The staff wanted to cry, and it didn't make sense at all.

"No, what is that? Everyone is human, don't pretend to be noble like me, is it possible that your dean doesn't love money? Bah, he doesn't like money, he always loves beauties! Or, I will treat Lao Tzu's delicate Send my concubine to serve your dean, and serve your dean Shu Tan." Cheng Jin said while grabbing the little maid behind him with one hand, and pushed her out a few times.

The little maid lowered her head in fright, her face was like dirt, she couldn't stand still, fell to the ground, hugged Cheng Jin's thigh and cried, "Master, you can't send me away, I'm yours!"

"Bah, you little bastard, shut up, I want to trade you for admission qualifications now, you are obedient, and go and serve the dean Shu Tan." Cheng Jin grabbed the little maid and lifted her up, grabbing the little maid's chin He said to the staff of those colleges: "Look, my little concubine looks so juicy and tender! She is the most beautiful woman in my family. I would be reluctant to leave this coquettish hoof when I go out, so let her serve your courtyard. Chief, including your dean, you want to die!"

Cheng Jin's pliers-like hands wrapped around the little maid's chin, revealing a beautiful white and tender face, full of fear and tear stains, a pear blossom with rain that I still feel pity for, it is really charming.

However, this trick is useless at the Royal Academy of Mathematics.

The staff of the academy couldn't stand the messing around of these four people, so they simply took sticks and began to drive them away by force.

When Cheng Jin saw that he was greeting them with sticks, he was so frightened that he ran away.

The little maid turned her head and saw that Cheng Jin and the two servants had run away, and hurriedly chased after her with her bundle in her arms, yelling as if afraid of being left behind, "Master, don't leave me behind!"

(End of this chapter)

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