Chapter 231
"What!? You dare to tie me!?" Liu Ru was dumbfounded, "I am your sister-in-law, and the flesh and blood in my belly are the flesh and blood of the Su family. How dare you tie me!? Do you believe it or not? Skin!"

Su Li pulled Bai Lu with one hand and Gu Yu with the other, helped them both up, and looked at Liu Ru with a sneer: "It seems that sister-in-law just came to Su's house and doesn't understand the situation. Even if grandma came to play wild today, I will still tie her up." Throw it out! What kind of thing are you, you dare to come to my house to act wildly! For the sake of the baby in your belly, if you don’t report to the police to investigate your theft, you will get lost if you are sensible!"

Liu Ru was completely dumbfounded, she looked at Su Lixiu's delicate appearance, she should have a soft temper, but who knew that she was mistaken, she was a tough nut to crack!
"Silver woman and copper woman, tie her up and throw her out!" Su Li ordered, and the two women tied Liu Ru up with a rope, carried her and threw her out through the gate.

"Bai Lu, your younger sister's head is injured, give her some medicine quickly, so girls don't leave any scars." After dealing with Liu Ru, Su Li found that Gu Yu's forehead was cut.

Gu Yu then burst into tears, feeling aggrieved and scared.

Bai Lu hugged Gu Yu and coaxed her, Su Li personally administered the medicine to Gu Yu, Gu Yu said with a sob, "Ma'am, I didn't embarrass you, I snatched the old lady's jewelry back."

Su Li looked at the child's stubborn face, and sighed: "Yes, Gu Yu didn't embarrass me, and did a good job. But next time, if you encounter such a thing, if there are bad guys robbing things, don't fight hard, you are young, and you will suffer What to do. You can buy things again if you lose them, but your lives are gone, where can I find such a good pair of maids!"

"Ma'am!" Gu Yu's eyes became hot, and he cried again.

Seeing Gu Yu, Wang felt distressed. Su Li publicly praised Gu Yu for his meritorious service in protecting the family, told Gu Yu to follow Wang to rest, and then called Tie Po over.

Tie Po lost her mind and knelt on the ground.

"When a stranger comes to the house, you don't stop him, just let him break in like this. Not only let the stranger rob the family's property, but even Gu Yu was beaten, you didn't help..." Su Li looked at Tie Po , I really can't believe that the mother-in-law at home would be so confused.

Tie Po came to her senses, crying with snot and tears all over her face: "Ma'am, I, I'm scared! She said she was the eldest grandson of the Su family, and she was pregnant with the great-grandson of the Su family. I dare not touch her." Ah! She also said that the eldest sister-in-law is like a mother, and even the wife should respect her, how dare I stop her as a slave!"

After hearing this, Su Li's expression became even colder, and he slammed the teacup in his hand: "What did she say? Tie Po, who did you get the monthly money from, and who did you listen to!?"

Tie Po kowtowed heavily: "Ma'am, I know I was wrong, please forgive me this time, Ma'am, I was confused and I was wrong!"

Su Li stared at Tie Po, this old lady was too confused, she would trust others' words, she didn't have any judgment of her own, to put it simply, she didn't have a brain at all.

Fortunately, Liu Ru's goal of coming in today is jewelry and belongings. If Liu Ru's heart is even worse, the goal is to abduct gold beans and silver beans!

If such a mindless person is kept by her side, one day she may be a teammate of the god-pit pig. Su Li is not a good mother, she doesn't want to keep a time bomb by her side.

Although Su Li sympathized with the fate of the people at the bottom of this era, he had to be cruel when he should be cruel. Su Li took out Tie Po's deed of sale: "My family can't tolerate a fool like you, let's sell it."

(End of this chapter)

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