Pastoral fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 892 0894 Simulation Test Field

Chapter 892 0894 Simulation Test Field
Su Li's sudden question stopped Dean Gu from asking.

Dean Gu was stunned, Su Li's words were like enlightenment.

Yes, if he had simulated the exam environment before entering the exam room, he would know that although it is summer, the weather is changeable, so he should wear more clothes when entering the exam room. Cool down without freezing.

During his exam back then, due to the sudden drop in temperature, many students fell ill halfway through the exam, which greatly affected their grades. Fortunately, Dean Gu was in good health and managed to pass it.

If Dean Gu knew how to light a fire at that time, he would be able to make a carbon basin on the first day, without chewing raw rice or freezing!

There is also the difficult test environment. For most students, they have never encountered it. When they enter the test for the first time, they will be extremely uncomfortable and affect their grades.

If you are used to the test environment before, it will greatly reduce the discomfort and allow students to perform normally, or even perform supernormally.

The more Dean Gu thought about it, the more his eyes lit up. He couldn't restrain the surging passion in his heart, and said to Su Li: "Master Su, I sincerely ask for advice. If you have any clever tricks, please let me know!"

Su Li hurriedly said: "I don't dare to teach you, Dean Gu really beat me! My method is to simulate a level of examination in Wutong Academy and build an examination room. From Tongsheng to Xiucai, Juren, Jinshi, and even the imperial examination, all Hold mock exams. The routine exams for students every quarter must be conducted in the mock exam room. All the details in the mock exam room must be exactly the same as the formal exams! In this way, once a quarter, the students of Wutong Academy will be able to When you go to the exam, you will have a clear understanding of all the exam environment early on, and you will not be too busy to cope with it, and it would be a pity to let your original excellent knowledge only be used for three or four points on the exam paper."

After listening to Dean Gu, his cheeks flushed with rare excitement, he clapped his hands repeatedly, and said "wonderful"!
"Oh, this is a good idea! Master Su is really ingenious, and I am so impressed!" Dean Gu said that he was excited, and couldn't help standing up and pacing back and forth, saying: "It turns out that the old man is working with a few high-level managers. , only made a fuss about how to improve students' grades, and then adjusted the method to the optimum, and there was no room for improvement. But none of us changed our thinking. In addition to learning knowledge, the imperial examination has a great relationship with on-the-spot performance. Su The master’s new method will definitely improve the students’ imperial examination scores!”

Dean Gu praised Su Li so much that he felt embarrassed.

After Dean Gu finished speaking, he excitedly made a gesture of invitation, and said, "Master Su, I'm going to call the six stewards for a meeting. Once you come up with this idea, they will never find a reason to refuse you to join the high-level stewards! "

Dean Gu is a man of action, and immediately sent someone to call the six senior managers for a meeting, saying that it was about Mr. Su's joining the senior management.

The six stewards gathered together, looked at Su Li, and thought that in just a few days, this 15-year-old boy can solve problems that even they can't solve?

impossible!Could it be Master Su bribed Dean Gu?
The six stewards were not optimistic about Master Su, and none of them believed that Master Su could complete the almost impossible examination.

Dean Gu said: "Master Su has a wonderful mind, and he thought of an ingenious way to increase the acceptance rate of Wutong Academy's imperial examination. This old man thinks this idea is really amazing, so I immediately call everyone to listen to Master Su's whimsical idea."

The six stewards looked at each other in blank dismay, and none of them cheered. They said to Su Li, "Master Su, what is your idea? Could it be some kind of crooked way of bribing the examiner?"

(End of this chapter)

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