We said yes, forever

Chapter 17 The Small Room on the Third Floor

Chapter 17 The Small Room on the Third Floor (2)
Qin Yuan was just a few meters behind her. He seemed to have just come out of the radiology department. He just glanced at her expressionlessly and talked to the middle-aged doctor beside him. His brows were slightly frowned. The doctor shook hands with him and left , he glanced indifferently in her direction again, turned around, and left silently.

Ding Dong froze for a moment, then rushed forward without even thinking about it, and before he regretted it, he reached out and grabbed Qin Yuan's hand, begging softly, "Don't go."

The moment he touched his hand, Ding Dong regretted it, looked at Qin Yuan who was turning around in a panic, let go of his hand as if it was hot, and his heart was pounding.

Qin Yuan just stared at her calmly, neither walking nor speaking, as if waiting for Ding Dong's next move.

Ding Dong's entire face burned up, and in a dilemma, he summoned up his courage and whispered, "I'm sorry."

Qin Yuan had a panoramic view of her with her head hanging down in a weak way, "Apologizing is only sincere when you look into the other person's eyes, what are you doing like this?"

Ding Dong's face became even hotter, he raised his head submissively, and flinched when he met Qin Yuan's stern eyes, but he didn't dodge any more, "I apologize."

"for what?"

Facing Qin Yuan's repeated questions, Ding Dong gritted his teeth and said, "For the sake of my indiscriminate words in the morning, I shouldn't have said those hurtful things to you."

"Yes, you did say a lot of hurtful things." There was a wordless desolation in Qin Yuan's eyes, just like the wasteland next door in Ding Dong's dream, empty and sad, dead silent.

He looked at her quietly, "But what makes me most helpless is that you may never know which sentence hurt me the most."

Which sentence hurt him the most?For the next whole day, Ding Dong tossed and turned over this question, his mind was filled with Qin Yuan's expression at that time, and his head started to hurt again.

The doctor who rushed over couldn't find the cause of the disease in a while, and was a little helpless, so he only prescribed some painkillers for her to take.

The long lonely night is very difficult to think about.

Qin Yuan naturally didn't appear again that night, it was another person who appeared.

The personable Zhou Jingxuan was holding a bouquet of lilies and stood at the door of the single ward, and knocked on her door like a gentleman, "Beautiful lady, can I come in and have a look at your beauty?"

"Ah... oh." Ding Dong sat up helplessly, suffering from a headache, her face was a little sickly pale.

Seeing Zhou Jingxuan again, Ding Dong felt a little apprehensive.Turning against Qin Yuan and making him almost lose his love forever, Zhou Jingxuan did such a thing, and Ding Dong, who knew the truth, just wanted to stay away from him.

Unexpectedly, he came to visit her. Ding Dong felt disgusted in his heart, but he didn't show it on his face.

"I heard that Princess Pea has been admitted to the hospital for the second time. I think I must come and take a look." Zhou Jingxuan smiled and put the flowers on her bedside, then sat down and looked at her with a half-smile and said, "I didn't expect that the little wild cat would also have a flower." Such a fragile day."

When he said this, there was a gentle starlight in his eyes.

"What did you say?" Ding Dong was a little puzzled, "What little wild cat?"

"The only little reporter in City A who dared to secretly photograph Qin Yuan's wedding, what is it if it's not a little wild cat?" Zhou Jingxuan's teasing tone easily dispelled Ding Dong's worries, and made her sure that he was not visiting patients at home, he was simply here to kick the hall .

"Are you satisfied with what you saw?" She had a cold expression of refusal to be thousands of miles away, "Qin Yuan hasn't tried to kill me, a wild cat, for the time being, and I've disappointed you, Mr. Zhou."

Zhou Jingxuan smiled abominably, "Sure enough, it's starting to show its claws."

Ding Dong stared at him, his expression became more and more deserted.

"I've lived with that guy Qin Yuan for a long time, but you've learned how to make his iceberg face look like a four-dimensional image," Zhou Jingxuan said more and more outrageously, his handsome face was full of unpleasant insights, "That guy, there really is Yugong Yishan patience."

Having said that, it is really too outrageous, Ding Dong said impatiently, "What do you want to say?"

She quickly realized, "I'm sorry, I have offended Mr. Qin, and he will be kicked out soon after he is discharged from the hospital. If you want to talk to me, Mr. Zhou, I am sorry to disappoint you. I am just a small person. Mr. Qin has no right to speak in front of him."

"Little man?" Zhou Jingxuan sneered, "If Ms. Ding insists on lying to herself, then there is nothing I can do."

"As for talking, you don't have to bother Miss Ding. Qin Yuan and I are used to talking with our fists." He pointed to his swollen right chin, showing a pitiful and obedient expression like a chameleon , "Look, look, I was beaten like this when I sent you back, my girl cried for days."

Ding Dong refused to look at his handsome face pretending to be pitiful, and turned his head away, "After seeing it, you can go, if he finds out that you have been here, I'm afraid you will lose your perfect left chin."

"I'm really scared..." Zhou Jingxuan had an expression of a weakling who needed to be beaten. In Ding Dong's eyes, he could only feel that he was gnashing his teeth. He obviously punched fast and hard that night, so he is pretending to be a poor guy now.

"I said... Ding Dong... Dongdong..." Zhou Jingxuan suddenly called Ding Dong's name affectionately, the cynicism in his eyes was less, and there was some inexplicable playfulness in his eyes, "Is there still time to say I'm sorry? I didn't expect you to suddenly Running among us, my fist just doesn't have eyes..."

He blinked innocently, "You are so weak, Princess and the Pea, I almost became a murderer because of you."

"I've been having nightmares for the past few days. I dreamed that I was cut into pieces by Qin Yuan and thrown into the sea to feed the sharks."

Ding Dong was finally amused by Zhou Jingxuan's smooth talk, with a slight smile in his eyes, he gave him an annoyed look, "Sharks don't think your meat tastes good, do they?"

The two looked at each other and smiled, which meant that they finally settled their suspicions with a glass of wine.

"Being rejected by a beautiful woman is simply the greatest shame in my life." Zhou Jingxuan said with a frustrated expression, "I'm hurt."

Ding Dong glanced at him amusedly, "My patient didn't say anything, but you got hurt one by one, aren't you embarrassed?"

"The injury is here." Zhou Jingxuan pointed to his heart, "You stood in front of Qin Yuan that night, this handsome guy was very injured."

"Obviously I'm more handsome than him, he's an iceberg of ten thousand years, but I'm a volcano of enthusiasm."

"Why?" His maroon eyes were as calm as water, and his expression had never been more serious. "Is it always him or not me?"


Looking at the maroon eyes that hide inexplicable emotions, Ding Dong was flustered like never before. He didn't know whether this was the usual trick of the dude to pick up girls, or the so-called outpouring of true feelings.

In the ward of lonely men and widows, it is too strange to act out this scene.

Fortunately, at this time, the mobile phone beside the pillow rang loudly, saving her from this embarrassment.

It was Sheng Kuang from the detention center who called.

"Ding Dong, I only have 30 seconds. Has the lawyer helped me find it? The bigger the brand, the better!"

When he received such an urgent phone call late at night on the hospital bed, Ding Dong naturally took a bad breath, "Where can I find a lawyer for you in such a short time? I went to a law firm, but I didn't even meet the lawyer."

"That's it... You can look for it again, please ask your friend, tell the lawyer, I am willing to pay any amount of money, as long as I can get me out..."

Sheng Kuang's tornado came and went, blowing Ding Dong's heart into a mess, and his mood this night turned completely bad.

She put down her phone in frustration, and when she looked up, Zhou Jingxuan was looking at her intently, with a thoughtful expression, "You want to find a lawyer? Who is the person on the phone?"

"My fiancé," Ding Dong flipped his messy hair absently, "he caused some trouble."

"Fiancé..." Zhou Jingxuan drawled his voice, as if he was chewing these words carefully, and his maroon eyes looked deeper at Ding Dong.

Ding Dong has the illusion of being calculated.

Sure enough, I heard him say, "I can help you find a lawyer."

Ding Dong froze for a moment, then was ecstatically surprised, "Really?"

She was a little wary again, "Why did you help me?"

After struggling in the society for so long, she didn't believe in the kindness that fell from the sky, not to mention the kindness from a businessman who is not a businessman.

Zhou Jingxuan stood up, walked to the window, took a deep look out of the window, turned his head and gave Ding Dong a gentle and harmless smile, "Because I think you and your fiancé will finally get married."

"My young master is rarely a good person, you should cherish the opportunity, little beauty."

Zhou Jingxuan wanted to take Ding Dong's number, before he left, he suddenly pointed to the serene bunch of lilies and asked Ding Dong, "Do you know what kind of flower this is?"

Ding Dong shook his head, "Isn't it Lily?"

"Casablanca." He walked to the door and turned around, "Flower of Memories."

Then left.

"Flowers of memories..." Ding Dong stared at the snow-white bouquet and muttered, unable to recover for a long time.As if sensing something, she suddenly jumped out of bed with bare feet and ran to the side of the bed where Zhou Jingxuan had been standing.

The vast night was like her gloomy mood at the moment, empty and confused, and then she suddenly opened her eyes wide, and saw a tall figure with his back under the street lamp downstairs, he was leaning against the street lamp, the dim light made his shadow very long and lonely , he held a cigarette in his hand, and the fireworks lingered in the night.

Ding Dong thought he was wrong, so he wiped his eyes again and again, it was indeed Qin Yuan.

He's downstairs.

How long has he been standing?Why don't you come up?

Ding Dong's heart was in a mess, and then seeing Zhou Jingxuan also appeared in the field of vision, he slowly walked towards Qin Yuan, Ding Dong's heart was pulled, she thought they were going to fight, and almost ran downstairs, but found the expected The fight didn't happen, Zhou Jingxuan took Qin Yuan's cigarette, put it in his mouth, and even leaned over to borrow the fire.

Ding Dong stood on tiptoe and stared at the two men in disbelief with his eyes wide open. They seemed to be talking, as if they had been friends for many years. show mercy.

Qin Yuan didn't let her see Zhou Jingxuan, but what was tonight?Is it a tacit consent?
What exactly is going on?

Ding Dong stared in confusion, and suddenly felt a sharp gaze from below.

Qin Yuan was looking up in her direction!

She trembled all over, squatted down quickly, hugged her knees, her heart was beating wildly.

She held her head and almost wanted to scream, why did she feel like she was standing in a maze?Standing in the maze Qin Yuan made for her, what exactly did he want to do? !

After staying in the hospital for several days and being forced to undergo several tests, Ding Dong was finally allowed to leave the hospital.It was Anan who came to pick her up and told her that Qin Yuan would go on a business trip to New York for a period of time because of a merger and acquisition case. During this time, her main task was to maintain her health and not to run around.

After giving these instructions, Anan didn't pay much attention to Ding Dong. Presumably, he was not used to Ding Dong's actions, so he treated Ding Dong a little coldly.

Ding Dong didn't dare to break the rules, and stayed in the house peacefully for the next few days, but Mrs. Xiu treated her as a sick person. Except for three meals, she was busy cooking all kinds of nourishing soup for her in the kitchen every day. Ding Dong was very sorry, But he heard Mrs. Xiu say that Qin Yuan specially ordered it before he left, and that the ingredients for the soup were specially delivered by someone. They were all high-quality tonics. Hearing what Mrs. Xiu said, Ding Dong felt more and more unable to swallow the soup.

If outsiders see this picture, they will be very surprised.

She obviously did embarrassing things for him and made him a laughing stock in the whole city. She was even ready to be punished and trampled on, but what's going on now?She lived in his house and was pampered. Instead of losing weight, she gained weight because of taking too many supplements.

During the few days of leisure, Ding Dong has been sorting out all kinds of things after meeting Qin Yuan in his mind repeatedly, and the doubts in his heart are even bigger. She really can't understand Qin Yuan's attitude towards her.

Even the outside world's evaluation of him is actually misunderstood.

Cold-blooded and ruthless, these are the most frequently reported words in the media. In fact, after a period of contact with him, she didn't really feel it. On the contrary, what she felt was the imperceptible tenderness under his cold appearance, which often subverted all her recognition of him. Know.

He didn't look like he was going to hurt her at all.

(End of this chapter)

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