We said yes, forever

Chapter 27: The Beach of Love

Chapter 27: The Beach of Love (6)
The days in the crew became more and more sad because of the heroine's making things difficult. Fortunately, she has always been able to bear it, and she can always hide if she can't be provoked. Dealing with several familiar staff members, they acted very low-key.

Her only regret is that she can no longer go to the sidelines to watch the filming, and she doesn't know what will happen to the two after they elope.

Ding Dong heard from Yasuda that the reminiscence part of the scene is coming to an end, and if there are a few more episodes to be filmed, the crew will move to other places.When Ding Dong heard that the next filming location was in a film and television city in the suburbs, which was a two-hour drive away from the beach, Ding Dong couldn't help worrying whether Qin Yuan would obstruct her. After all, she liked her current job very much, and every day was very fulfilling.

That man was unfathomable, and his desire to control was so strong, she became more and more afraid that she would lose this hard-won job opportunity.

It rained suddenly this afternoon, and the original open-air scene had to be canceled. The director was in a hurry to catch up with the progress. When the heavy rain turned into light rain, the staff braved the rain to rebuild the set. Several actresses stood on the side with sun umbrellas Next, while reciting lines to touch up makeup, while watching Ding Dong and the others work in the rain.

Ding Dong worked hard with Xiao Xu to move things just a few steps away from them, and the voices of those discussions entered his ears verbatim, "A woman came here to do drama work, isn't she very backgrounded? Do you really have such a background to do such a hard and unprofitable job? Belle, don’t you think so?”

It was Xie Lisi who spoke loudly, and Ding Dong sneered in his heart, it was another woman who jumped out and took the initiative to fight for others.She didn't care, and continued with the work at hand, the rain was getting a little heavy, her clothes and hair were all wet, and she was in a hurry to finish moving.

A pair of red high-heeled shoes stood arrogantly beside her, Ding Dong raised his head, and what caught his eyes was Hao Beier's cold sneer, "I heard you used to be a paparazzi? Oh, let me tell you, this annoying dead face, Why is it so familiar?"

"Speak more cleanly." Ding Dong's expression was cold, and anger surged in his chest.

"Hey, the dead paparazzi has quite a temper." Hao Beier glanced at the director who was talking behind their backs in the distance, leaned down, and narrowed her eyes viciously, "Don't think I don't know, you sneaked into the group to dig It's a lot of information, what kind of prince's person, cut, I think it's just a dog lurking around the star."

"You!" Ding Dong was so angry that his eyes went dark, and he threw away the box in his hand. His voice startled everyone present, and she asked coldly, "Who do you call a dog?"

Hao Beier was a little unexpected, she didn't expect Ding Dong to react so strongly, and even attracted the attention of everyone present, even the director looked over with a little displeasure, she couldn't get off the tiger, but when she thought that she was the number two female , and Ding Dong was just a small show manager with a paparazzi background, so he became more courageous, "It's you! How dare you say that you have never been a paparazzi? Ha, the paparazzi are so courageous now that they all sneak into the crew Now, tell me, what did you secretly film?!"

She stretched out her hand, "Have you got a camera on you? Where is it? Hand it over!"

Ding Dong looked embarrassed, and stood stubbornly in the rain to confront her, just shouting loudly, "Apologize! You apologize to me!"

Hao Bei'er was obviously shocked by her bloodshot eyes, and glanced around uneasily, seeing Rao Zhu gloating on the sidelines, even smiling at the corner of his mouth, and Master Zhou's expression was even colder, she realized that she Embarrassed, he said boringly, "What are you apologizing for, you inexplicable woman."

She turned around and wanted to leave.

Unexpectedly, his arm was grabbed, and Ding Dong turned his head to meet his unyielding gaze, "Apologize!"

Hao Beier couldn't hold Ding Dong's hand away, and didn't want to apologize in public, so she pushed Ding Dong violently in a hurry. She was tall and tall, Ding Dong was pushed back several steps by her, kicking his ass. Sitting on the ground, something sharp pierced the palm of my hand, and it immediately bleeds.

Hao Beier was so scared that she lost all blood and was in a daze. Unexpectedly, there was a sudden commotion at the other end of the crowd, and Rao Zhu arrows behind her rushed out. Everyone had no time to care about the small conflict on their side, and turned their attention to the other end. .

It was Xiao Xu who was the first to help Ding Dong up. She gave Hao Beier a hard look, and asked with concern, "Ding Dong, are you okay? Don't bother with this kind of person. It doesn't matter if you're beautiful. You just grew up eating shit. Yes, what I said was not human at all.”

Ding Dong's hands were burning and his butt was hurting too. Just as he was about to talk, he heard Rao Zhu's assistants happily say, "Wow, Boss Qin is here to visit. Sister Rao is definitely going to be the president's wife!"

Ding Dong froze for a moment, and then saw Rao Zhu obediently standing beside Qin Yuan in the middle of the crowd not far away, smiling more beautifully than flowers.

The fact that the boss of the film investor's first appearance on the set was to visit the heroine of the class, this fact brought out a bit of glamorous taste.

Ding Dong's eyes were stung by the scene of them walking side by side, and her heart throbbed inexplicably. Even the rain in the sky became torrential because of her bad mood. She shook her hands, stood up, turned around and left .

"Hey, Ding Dong, are you okay? Where are you going?"

"I'm fine, I'm going to wash my face."

She found a corner where no one was around, and slowly slid down with her back against the wall, mist filled her eyes uncontrollably, Hao Beier's ruthless humiliation and Qin Yuan's sudden appearance crushed her severely, she felt cold, The cold was roaring like a monster to devour her, and she just wanted to find a place to hide.

The person whom she hadn't seen for more than half a month suddenly appeared in front of her, and she suddenly understood what the emotion that hovered in her heart late at night was something called longing.

There was someone else standing beside him, and the place beside him should belong to someone else, it could be Little Yang Bao, or even Rao Zhu, but it shouldn't be her, but what to do, she suddenly realized that she was greedy.

She started to be greedy, and even started to have a heartache. Who will tell her why the heartache is so uncomfortable, it hurts a hundred times more than the pain in the hands.

She begged him to stay away from her, and warned herself from time to time, but when they were really alienated, she felt very uncomfortable. Is this still the original her?
She trembled her hands, bit her lips unconsciously, completely oblivious to the exclamation behind her, and then a pair of black leather shoes stood beside her, breaking into her sight.

Ding Dong looked up slowly with misty eyes, looking at the face he hadn't seen for half a month in dismay, the tears in his eyes finally gave up struggling and flowed down silently.

Qin Yuan ignored the curious eyes behind her, squatted down, and took out a handkerchief to wipe off the mud and blood on her hands, "I let you work, not to let you suffer."

Ding Dong's tears flowed more fiercely, as if the wronged child was comforted by an adult, he lowered his head, "I don't want to do this either."

Qin Yuan looked her wet body up and down with gloomy eyes, "Look at your ghostly look."

"When you are bullied, you only know how to hide and cry. I really don't know how you got here all these years."

He took off his suit and put it on Ding Dong's body, and then, amidst the gasps and exclamations of everyone, he hugged Ding Dong, "Come back with me."

Ding Dong was also taken aback, too ashamed to know what to do.

Everyone present was silent, even a fool could hear the drowning tenderness in Qin Yuan's tone, everyone looked at them as if they had been immobilized, only the eyes could move, Rao Zhuli Qin Yuan Recently, the charming face is full of astonishment and disbelief.

It is not uncommon for the prince to rescue the princess, but the princess in the prince's arms should not be Ding Dong, the new taciturn little drama manager.

The fact that Qin Yuan's true destiny is not Rao Zhu, but Ding Dong is too unimaginable and shocking.

The leading actor, Qin Yuan, didn't care about everyone's gaze. He stopped when he passed by Hao Bei'er, raised his eyelids, "You did it?"

Hao Beier was completely dumbfounded, "I...I..."

"You are very courageous." Qin Yuan smiled coldly, and the coldness in his eyes made Hao Beier shudder, "I wish you could call the person you hold in your hand a dog."

When he said these words, he still smiled in a gentle manner without showing the slightest anger, but the words he said made people feel cold all over his body, "If you can't even be a human being, then what are you going to do as an actor?"

He looked at the director, "What do you say, director?"

Hao Beier's soles softened and she almost couldn't stand. She knew that Qin Yuan's understatement cruelly put an end to her acting career.

—she is finished.

Qin Yuan walked out with Ding Dong in his arms, when a clear "stop" sounded behind him untimely, Qin Yuan stopped in his footsteps.

The scene was silent.

Rao Zhu stood behind them, looking at Qin Yuanwei's back sadly, but still couldn't believe what he saw and heard.

In her proud life, she has never admired a man so much, just standing beside him, she will feel the happiness of a deer bumping in her heart, Rao Zhu is sure in her heart countless times that he is her true son, even if She has never overstepped her in any way, but she still believes that as long as she gives herself a little more time, she will definitely replace those Yingying and Yanyan around him and become the woman behind him.

He began to bring her to the family banquet, and the media even thought that she would be the woman who would finally tie the diamond bachelor, but why did Ding Dong, an inconspicuous woman, appear, and her dreams were shattered.

"I don't understand." Rao Zhu's voice trembled slightly, "I really don't understand, why is it her? She doesn't deserve you at all!"

Hearing Rao Zhu's accusation, Ding Dong's body stiffened, Qin Yuan met her timid and bewildered eyes, his eyes were full of tenderness, that tenderness seemed only for her.

Ding Dong begged softly, "Let me down."

Qin Yuan turned a deaf ear, turned around, the tenderness in his eyes disappeared, replaced by a chilling coldness, he looked at the tearful girl behind him, and said indifferently, "Miss Rao, you are just me casting a movie I have no obligation to explain my private life to you. If I have to say one more thing, all I expect from you is to perform this movie well. It is very important to me and my lover. I hope you Go all out."

His alienated attitude indirectly denied the scandals that the media talked about some time ago. Everyone present was secretly shocked, watching him go away silently, looking at Ding Dong, who was calm in his arms, with complicated eyes.

"No! I can't accept it! You can't do this, I'm the one who suits you!" Rao Zhu shouted heartbroken, but Qin Yuan was unmoved, hugged Ding Dong and walked away, only giving people a cold heart back.

For those he doesn't care about, he really cherishes words like gold, the rumors are all true, the blood flowing in his veins is cold, in the midst of thousands of flowers, his tenderness is only for that one.

"My God, am I dreaming? Ding Dong is the real heroine." Xiao Xu murmured excitedly to himself, took a peek at Rao Zhu who was not far away, and suddenly poked at his side as if he had discovered a new world. An Tian whispered, "Brother An, do you think Ding Dong looks a lot like Rao Zhu? Especially the eyes?"

Yasuda looked around and covered Xiao Xu's mouth while everyone was not paying attention, "Speak less, do you want to lose your job?"

Ding Dong, who had already been carried into the car by Qin Yuan, naturally had no time to say goodbye to her good colleagues. With the end of the farce on the scene, her short crew life also came to an end.

That day, Qin Yuan took her back to the seaside villa after treating the wound. On the way, the two had their own concerns and didn't speak until the car stopped in front of the villa, but Ding Dong didn't get out of the car, and Qin Yuan didn't rush her. Not even daring to breathe, he found an excuse and got out of the car.

The space between the two of them was extremely oppressive, Ding Dong lowered his head until Qin Yuan was looking at her quietly, her face burned instantly, "You... what did you mean by what you said on the set just now?"

She was always dizzy, and what Qin Yuan said along the way kept lingering in her ears, making her ears numb.

"I let you work, not to let you suffer...

I can't wait to hold the person in my hand...

Before Qin Yuan could speak, she smiled relievedly, "I understand, you must have quarreled with that Miss Rao, so you are planning to get angry with her, right?"

She thought she was clever enough to find a far-fetched reason for all of this. Qin Yuan saw her cautious expression in his eyes, suppressed the emotions that began to surge in his heart, and said calmly, "If you think this explanation can make you Get comfortable, that's all."

There was helplessness in his tone, and he wanted to get out of the car as soon as he opened the door, but when he didn't want to, a pair of cold hands suddenly covered his hands.

Turning his head, he bumped into Ding Dong's crystal clear eyes, these innocent eyes always appeared in his dreams at midnight, calling him back.

And when he came back, she was no longer there.

As soon as Ding Dong touched Qin Yuan's eyes, he moved his hand away as if afraid of burning, but still mustered up the courage to ask in a low voice, "You haven't answered me yet."

She has always been talking to herself to avoid questions, but when Qin Yuan really didn't want to answer, she didn't want to avoid it anymore.

She wanted to know the answer very much, she really wanted to, Qin Yuan's ambiguity tortured her so much that she couldn't sleep at night, this ambiguity was like a poison that made her addicted, she knew it was wrong, she should quit, but she was so... greedy.

Qin Yuan was silent for a while before saying, "There is no need to answer all this. You can get the answer you want by feeling it with your eyes and heart."

He paused, "Don't let me down."

Then I got out of the car.

(End of this chapter)

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