We said yes, forever

Chapter 30 Maze Game

Chapter 30 Maze Game (3)
"Your body resists others, do you know why?" His eyes suddenly became dangerous and hot, and he pressed on step by step, "Because it still remembers its owner. Think about why I fight with Zhou Jingxuan, you will instinctively Stand in front of me. Think about why you love blue, because it is the color I love. Admit it, fool, your eyes, your heart, and your body are all about me, Qin Yuan."

No, it's all fake, it's all nonsense!

Ding Dong covered his mouth and nose almost in a panic, shook his head and frantically denied, "Let me go, please, let me go!"

The wind seemed to blow at the tip of her heart, blowing open the entrance of the heart that had been hidden for a long time and was covered by dust. Something broke through the ground and was unstoppable, but she was so weak and wandering, she couldn't resist it all.

"Let you go? Then let you marry that hypocrite?" Qin Yuan's mouth curved cruelly, and his fanatical eyes were so doting, "You are still so disobedient, little liar, only the body is the most honest."

"Shut up and let's talk another way."

In the next second, he blew out the candlelight, the room was dark, he sealed Ding Dong's exclamation forcefully with his lips, then picked her up and walked towards the stairs.

The sky after the typhoon is like washed blue velvet, blue and clear, the breeze blows the curtains, and the first ray of sunlight in the morning penetrates the glass windows, shining warmly on the men and women who are tightly embracing indoors.

Qin Yuan actually woke up a long time ago. He opened his eyes, and what he saw was the person in his arms bathed in the faint morning light, sleeping peacefully in his arms, as if time had not passed between them, and she relied on him as much as ever. Xi.

He stared at her greedily, tracing her eyes and lips with loving eyes, those eyes were too hot, the long eyelashes of the person in his arms trembled slightly, and the tightly closed beautiful eyes finally opened slowly.

Ding Dong was awakened by the scorching breath in her ears, and then felt a suffocating stare. The memory of last night that made people blush and heartbeat reappeared. She finally gave up pretending to be asleep and chose to open her eyes to face her subverted situation. small world.

What greeted her was Qin Yuan's fiery gaze, Ding Dong naturally understood the aggression in his eyes, turned his head to avoid his sight, "Don't, don't do this, give me some time to calm down."

Seeing her resistance, the temperature in Qin Yuan's eyes cooled down, he leaned over and touched her lips lightly, and said in a hoarse voice, "I just want to say 'morning'."

Ignoring the stiffness of Ding Dong's body, he placed an affectionate kiss on her forehead, "Good morning, my baby."

His coercion last night made her very angry. She wanted to put on a mask of indifference to face him, but seeing the lingering tenderness in his eyes, she found that she couldn't harden her heart.

The typhoon has passed, but in her world, the storm is still raging, and she is tormented.

Ding Dong looked at the doting man in front of him, and burst into tears, "Who am I? Please, please tell me."

She twitched her lips, and if she continued to toss like this, she would go crazy sooner or later.

Qin Yuan kissed the back of her hand, "Go, find the answer by yourself, and come back to me obediently."

"I will always be waiting for you in this house."

Qin Yuan quickly dressed and left, Ding Dong sat on the bed for a long time, his mind was very messed up, she thanked him for leaving on his own initiative, at least he allowed her to sort out the messy emotions by herself.

She scratched her hair in confusion, oh my god, she did that with that person!Thinking of that scene, Ding Dong blushed again.

What should we do in the future?Sheng Kuang betrayed her, and she retaliated with the same betrayal?She was in a state of confusion, even though she was forced at the beginning, but in the end, she only remembered that she had given up resistance early, and she wanted to refuse but still welcome...

It's messed up, everything is messed up.

Every corner of the room seemed to be contaminated by the man's bewitching atmosphere. The more she thought about it, the more confused she became, she stood up angrily to pick up her clothes, and subconsciously glanced at the blue sheet. Suddenly, a flash of lightning flashed in her mind. Staring at the sheets in disbelief.

There was no blood on the sheets.

Ding Dong's eyes suddenly became blank, and she sat on the bed limply on the soles of her feet, bewildered.

She has never had skin-to-skin contact with Sheng Kuang. Because of her resistance, the relationship between them has always been estrous and almost polite. She has tried to accept Sheng Kuang, but at the end, her reaction is to break down and cry , just want to escape.

It was as if there was a voice in my body saying: Not this person, no!
She panicked, in her memory, she never had any skin-to-skin experience with a man, but she didn't fall red, her body accepted him without hindrance, as if... waiting for her destined master.

The clean sheets gradually confirmed the long-held guess in her mind.

Did a very important person appear in her life, and that person and everything about him were erased by her memory.

There were birds passing by in the sky, she muttered to herself, "What you want me to find, is it that I disappeared?...Are you so sure that I can find it?"

She took a full shower, and only when she walked downstairs did she hear her cell phone ringing, it was Qin Cheng calling.

She looked at the bread that Qin Yuan had baked for her on the table. The warmed milk had long been cold. She said to the phone absently, "I'm fine, I went to bed too early last night, oh? Is it windy? I I slept too deeply... Thank you Brother Qin for your concern, then we will see you in the afternoon. "

Qin Cheng on the opposite side said something, she pursed her lips and smiled, but her eyes were still fixed on the bread on the table, "Is it world-class? The cowhide was carefully blown to pieces... But it's been a long time since I tasted your cooking skills, really Looking forward to it."

After hanging up the phone, the empty house returned to silence. Holding the cold milk in her hand, she took a bite of bread, looked at the cleaning staff who were busy cleaning outside the window, and fell into deep thought again.

The high-end western restaurant called "Venus" in Qincheng is located in the most secret and elegant part of the city. It is located deep in the forest. It seems to be hidden in the city, but it is very suitable for the low-key taste of the wealthy diners.

Ding Dong is currently sitting among the vegetation in the jungle, admiring the fresh flowers through the glass window while listening to Qin Cheng casually talking, "The restaurant's target audience is the top of the pyramid, and this kind of people choose the restaurant to pay attention to." It's not just about the food itself anymore, he's probably going to be entertaining prominent partners, going on a date with someone very special, um, a date that he doesn't want to be seen and photographed..."

Qin Cheng stretched his hands comfortably on the sofa, his usual gloomy eyes were raised at this moment, "I not only provide them with world-class meals, I also give them what they want most - privacy, and..."

He made a fool of himself, which aroused Ding Dong's curiosity, "And what?"

"And the sense of identity. Just look at it. Before long, venus will become a place where rich people gather in this city. Venus, just like its name, means noble, low-key, top-notch. There must be a place to come in."

Ding Dong took a bite of the muffin as if enjoying it. It was a simple afternoon tea that Qin Cheng specially made for her just now. It was delicious and fluffy. She smiled mischievously, "This kind of positioning is not close to the people. I want to eat more before opening. In the future, if you don’t have the courage to be worth hundreds of millions, you won’t dare to come.”

She squinted her eyes and tasted, expressing emotion, "In the eyes of the poor, maybe muffins taste just as good as caviar and truffles."

Seeing that she was eating happily, Qin Cheng was so hooked that he also took a piece of muffin and ate it, "You are the only distinguished VIP in this store, if you don't come to cheer on me, I will disappoint you."

He looked at her seriously, "Do you have the heart to let me down? A chef carefully prepares delicacies every day, maybe just for a certain person to taste. All the praises in this world can't compare to her flying eyes when she tastes the delicacies. "

Ding Dong was stunned for a moment, "Will there be such a chef?"

"Yes, I met one. It was a fat guy from Albania, he apprenticed with me, we drank and chatted with girls in a bistro in Lyon, and by the end, this poor 200-pound guy was crying like a fool. What a sad person, I have liked the girl with long braids across the door since I was a child, the girl likes to eat desserts, that infatuated guy clumsily learned desserts for love, and later he can make the most delicious food in the world, but the girl is with other people The man ran away, and she didn't even want to look at him more."

Qin Cheng smiled, "There are really many fools in this world."

"Brother Qin, have you ever been stupid?"

As soon as this question came up, Qin Cheng obviously hesitated for a moment, then looked at Ding Dong's bright eyes, and said, "When you stand on the roof of your house and want to jump off, you must be a complete fool. How ridiculous, wanting to die People who have the courage to die, but don’t have the courage to live, are not even as good as the 200-jin fat man, and now they have gone through all the hardships to marry a Mexican beauty pageant.”

Ding Dong was full of sincerity, "Brother Qin, you will also meet happiness."

Qin Cheng raised his wine glass, "Thanks to the good words from the kid, my brother has already met."

Ding Dong's eyes lit up, and he was about to ask more questions, but suddenly a narrow male voice sounded behind him, "Second brother, it's such a beautiful afternoon, accompanied by beauties with red wine, how pleasant it is."

The visitor's tone was loose and unruly. Ding Dong turned his head in surprise, and saw that the man was dressed in fashion, full of dandyism, with some slender eyes showing the cynicism of a playboy, and his frivolous tone made people very uncomfortable. .

This person was the strange man who had been staring at her maliciously that night at the banquet.

This man is called Qin Cheng's "Big Brother", and he must be one of Qin Yuan's half-brothers, but he doesn't know how old he is, but it seems that he has a good relationship with Qin Cheng's brothers.

She was wondering in her heart, and when someone came, she smiled and fired at her, "Beauty, can I sit next to you?"

Ding Dong had no choice but to forcefully nod, "Okay."

She drank her tea with her head down, avoiding the man's overly eager eyes.

She will never forget that that night, those frivolous and slender eyes grabbed her like a poisonous snake, revealing an unlovable evil spirit.

"Second brother, don't you want to introduce me?" Brother Young Master smiled and looked at Qin Cheng, looking very interested in Ding Dong.

Qin Cheng knew that his younger brother had a flirtatious personality, so he felt a little headache, so he said to Ding Dong, "Ding Ding, this is my fifth son, Qin Mu."

He nodded his chin to Qin Mu, "This is Ding Dong, she was my neighbor when I stayed in City B."

Qin Mu raised his eyebrows, moved closer, and stared carelessly at Ding Dong's side face, "I always remember Miss Ding, I couldn't take my eyes off Miss Ding who was wearing a red dress at the family dinner that night, um, I think Miss Ding looks very familiar , Where have we met before? I mean before the family dinner, we must have met somewhere, right?"

Ding Dong didn't like the smell of men's perfume on Qin Mu's body, subconsciously avoided his approach, and said with a stiff smile, "I have no memory, I don't remember meeting..."

She stopped suddenly, and a dusty memory rushed into her mind unexpectedly. Yes, she remembered that the banquet was not the first time they met. Earlier, she had seen this arrogant and handsome face!

It should have been two years ago. She had just entered the industry as a paparazzi reporter. Although she deviated from her original intention of becoming a financial reporter, she was full of ambitions and wanted to earn money to buy her own house in this coastal city with high housing prices. .

At that time, she followed a second-tier female singer to a PUB, and stayed there until 12 o'clock in the middle of the night. The woman finally came out drunk. A tall and thin man put her shoulders affectionately, and stuffed a cigarette into the woman's mouth. The woman took a deep breath in enjoyment, and giggled as she fell into his arms.

Ding Dong smelled the smell of marijuana from a distance, and guessed that this young man might be the reason why the female singer has recently risen to the top position. Unexpectedly, he was discovered by his bodyguard just after taking two photos, and then he was scolded and walked to the man's room. Maserati sports car front guilty.

This man is clearly awake, he is smoking a cigarette, his dark face hides behind the smoke, only a pair of evil eyes staring at her like poisonous snakes, just one glance makes her tremble, thinking that she will die early in this cold In the ice city that never sleeps.

"I just bought an African lion recently. That guy has been very hungry recently. He must like the smell of fresh and tender women very much." His casual tone made Ding Dong turn pale with fright. After all, it was a fledgling reporter. She was useless. Cried, "I'm sorry sir, please forgive me this time, I won't dare again."

He shook his shoulders and smiled, his soft sneer was creepy at night, his overly fair face reminded people of some cold-blooded animals, Ding Dong regretted that he had offended people he shouldn't have offended because of his blindness.

He also approached her directly like this, with a loose and gloomy tone, "Tsk tsk, how pitiful, it's a pity you don't understand a reason."

He lifted her chin, and his eyes showed bloodthirsty madness, "The poorer the little sheep, the more it can arouse the appetite of the beast."

Now Ding Dong was completely frightened, she knew that she had met a lunatic, and out of the corner of her eye she caught sight of two policemen approaching vigilantly, she desperately shouted, "Help! Help!"

The man smiled instead of anger, "I underestimated you, you are quite courageous."

The female singer next to him smoked marijuana and knew that she was a public figure. Fearing that the police interrogation scandal would leak out, she leaned softly on the man and acted coquettishly, "Honey, don't waste time with this dead paparazzi, let's go."

Her high breasts rubbed against him suggestively, "Tonight, uh, we lost another five minutes."

The man scratched her nose and said frivolously, "Little slut, can't you wait?"

He turned his head to face Ding Dong, and patted her face threateningly, "For the sake of your beauty, I will let you go, and if I catch you taking pictures indiscriminately next time, I will wait to feed the lions." Bar."

This man is one of the rare characters in Ding Dong's career who can make her heart jump with just a few words without using force. Because she was afraid of meeting this dangerous man again, she followed him carefully for a long time. Afterwards, the female singer soon had bad luck and quit the music scene to marry and have children. Ding Dong never met that man again, so he let down his vigilance.At that time, he had dyed his head of coquettish red hair, so today he changed his hairstyle and appeared in front of her twice, but she didn't immediately recognize him.

Qin Mu, the fifth member of the Qin family, is a playboy known for his debauchery.

Ding Dong looked at the man next to him foolishly, gaping, "It's you..."

At that time, Ding Dong was threatened with a vow that "if we meet again, he will be fed to a lion". Now that he is sitting next to him, Ding Dong's feet are weak and his mouth is dry.

Qin Mu smiled evilly, "I finally remembered, we obviously had such a special encounter, how could Miss Ding forget it, it makes me so sad, in my Qin Mu's life, the most impossible thing to accept is to be forgotten by a beautiful woman Yes, second brother, do you think so?"

Qin Cheng, who was sitting opposite them, was surprised, "You guys have known each other for a long time?"

Ding Dong bowed his head and said nothing, Qin Mu said with a smile, "So it's just my one-sided lovesickness."

Ding Dong frowned inaudibly, the black was described by Qin Mu as white in a few words, obviously he was threatening first, but now his tone seems to be that she has betrayed him, God knows they are all just It's just a stranger who has met once, what does it have to do with "lovesickness"?
Qin Yuan is right, the men of the Qin family are all poisonous snakes rushing straight at them, so it's better not to deal with them.

She maintained her superficial politeness and smiled apologetically at Qin Mu, "Mr. Qin really knows how to joke. I was really sorry to offend you because of work at that time. At that time, I was still a newcomer in the industry, and I was a bit reckless in doing things. Since we Today I meet again by fate, I still want to say 'sorry', I hope you will be a lot of adults, and you will not remember it."

Her posture was already very low, and the tone of her words was respectful. Qin Cheng is a smart person, and soon realized that the two met was not as romantic as his younger brother said, but met because of the festival. From Ding Dong's frightened expression, he knew that this unruly brother frightened the little girl.

He lowered his face, "Qin Mu, let's forget about the past, Ding Ding is still a little girl, for the sake of my second brother, don't bother with her."

(End of this chapter)

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