We said yes, forever

Chapter 38: The Madman in Love

Chapter 38: The Madman in Love (1)
The farthest distance in this world is not when I stand in front of you but don't know that I love you, but when our eyes meet, you forget that you love me.

Ding Dong stood at the corner of the street with constant traffic, feeling a little lost, what happened in the past few days was actually beyond her tolerance.

She once had a life-and-death lover, and they even had a child. Their relationship was beautiful but ended tragically. Various facts made her understand that they must be forced to separate for seven years because of their disparity in status.

And she lost her memory.For seven years, she completely forgot about him.

When she wanted to start a new life with another person, he appeared again. This time, where will they go?Can they still be together?What happened that year? They were separated for seven years, and she lost her memory.

Ding Dong pondered, the cause of the car accident back then was given by her parents very vaguely. For so many years, her post-traumatic brain disorder has affected her life to some extent. Precious memories of that year.

That year, her memories were all blank.

As she thought about it regretfully, she looked up and saw Qin Yuan across the street, one street away, he was waiting for her to pass by.

Ding Dong's heart was a little confused, she needed to sort out her emotions, so she dialed the number.

"I want to take a walk, I don't want to go back so early, please leave me alone for a while, and don't let Brother Nan follow me."

They held the phone across the street.

It took Qin Yuan a long time to say, "Remember to go home."

Ding Dong's eyes were moist, she knew that wherever he was, was home.

Ding Dong wandered alone on the street, she was out of the crowd, and the laughter and laughter of the people had nothing to do with her.

But that didn't mean she was sad, she thought, she was just sad.

The seven years of unconsciousness that passed away made her sad, and the seven years of silent waiting by a man made her fall into a dream. How many times she thought she was just the most ordinary girl in the world, doing hard work, without dreams, Small as an ant, those vigorous love has nothing to do with her, she is just a passerby in other people's lives.

It turned out that it was not true, she was still Ding Dong, but she also had a youth like a dream, and in the best of times, she had such a perfect lover.

The strange man who handed her tissues the first time they met, it turned out that they had loved each other that way.

Ding Dong stumbled to the five-star hotel where he met Qin Yuan a few months ago. She lingered in front of the hotel, recalling that early summer night with a lot of emotion.

At that time, she was staring at Tianhou with all her heart, but she didn't know that there were two eyes upstairs, staring at her all the time.

"That's why you invited me here tonight? How's the coffee? Is it bitter?"

"I'll know if you don't tell me. The coffee is so bitter that I can't drink it."

At this moment, she finally understood the deep meaning of Ai Mingmei's words.

She had lived her life so badly, and he felt sorry for her.

Ding Dong's mouth was full of bitterness.

Am I really worthy of your affectionate waiting for me who is so small in the sea of ​​people?But I'm sorry, I really didn't mean to forget you.

If I knew that someone in this world loved me like life, I would definitely run to you.

"Hey, isn't this the little paparazzi who relies on keeping a high position?"

A charming but malicious female voice pulled Ding Dong out of her contemplation. She tilted her head and looked closely. Her facial features were somewhat familiar. After searching in her mind for a few seconds, she finally remembered that it was Hao Beier, from the movie "The Beach of Love". female number two.

It's just that since Qin Yuan lost his temper in the crew, will she be able to keep her position as the second female lead?

It seems Habel has since disappeared.

But when Ding Dong saw her today, he felt that she should be living a good life.She is full of spring, wearing a limited edition bag, and the pigeon egg diamond ring on the finger between her hair is particularly eye-catching. A pair of long legs comparable to models have killed countless films in seconds.

It's just that the way she looked at Ding Dong was very arrogant, revealing undisguised resentment.

Ding Dong has seen this woman's tricks before, and he doesn't want to cause trouble, so he turns around and wants to leave, but Hao Beier quickly stops her.

"Want to leave? It's not that easy." She had a stern look on her face.

Ding Dong is not afraid of her, "Miss Hao, I advise you, this is the entrance of the hotel and there are cameras all over, pay attention to your image."

"Image? Does anyone still care?" Hao Beier snorted coldly, "I was banned by the brokerage company, oh no, to be precise, it was banned by your financial backer. I, Hao Beier, can have today , and thank you, Miss Ding."

"I can't see that you, a dead paparazzi, are so capable. Rao Zhu, that bitch, can't even climb into Qin Yuan's bed, but you, a little cabbage, got there first. Heh, it's because of this kind of tenderness that you shed tears at men Is it your method?" Hao Bei'er looked Ding Dong up and down with cold and vicious eyes, "Tsk tsk, you look poor all over, Qin Yuan doesn't treat you very well, I'm afraid he has already dumped you?"

Ding Dong's eyes were calm and restrained, "Are you done? I'll leave after I finish."

She moved to leave, but was blocked by Hao Beier, her perfect makeup was distorted by hatred, "Do you think you can leave so easily? Do you know how much effort and price I have paid for becoming popular, but in the end Just because of you, a dead woman who jumped out of nowhere, my star path was ruined!"

Hao Bei'er's eyes were red, "Because of that man's words, my years of hard work have been in vain. I have suffered so much, and I accompany those pornographic directors to play every scene..."

"It's all because of you!" The more she spoke, the more excited she became, and when her anger reached its peak, she suddenly pushed Ding Dong, "I wish you could die!"


Compared with Hao Beier, who is 175cm tall, Ding Dong looked too thin and weak. She was pushed by surprise, and the other party almost used all his strength, and Ding Dong was pushed against the glass window in full view.

Ding Dong was in pain, "Calm down."

Hao Beier still wanted to make a move, when a short and fat man walked out of the hotel, his hands were covered with horrible tattoos, and the whole crowd was not serious. He asked in surprise, "Bei Er, what's the matter?"

Seeing him appearing, Hao Beier immediately put away her ferocious gaze, pouted and stomped at him coquettishly, "Honey, why are you here? It's this woman, that's her, the dead paparazzi wrote a mess of reports, causing me to be refrigerated by the brokerage company." !"

With tears in her eyes, she automatically stuck to the man's thick arm and dawdled back and forth, "I finally bumped into it today, my dear, you must express this anger for me."

"Dare to bully my baby, I'm really tired of working." The man's cloudy and yellow eyes looked at Ding Dong, and even stayed on her chest for two seconds, Ding Dong felt disgusted, this kind of look is too familiar Only people who have been in and out of sensual occasions for a long time will have it. Judging by the vulgar and arrogant appearance of this man, he is probably a member of the underworld.

Hao Beier unexpectedly caught up with a character with such a background.

She was a little scared in her heart, but she still said calmly, "There is some misunderstanding here. If it is convenient for Ms. Hao, we can go to the police station and explain to the police."

She took out her phone, "I'm going to call the police now."

"Damn woman, you dare to threaten me!" Hao Bei'er was furious, and went up to grab her phone.

Her man stopped her with a smile at this time, pretending to be a peacemaker, "This lady, don't be so serious, why bother the police for small things, right? Miss, don't be afraid, I, Chen Jinbiao, have always loved women, how can I beat a woman?" reason."

His fat, sweaty hands suddenly grabbed Ding Dong's hand, and he breathed out, "Miss, what's your name? Let's be friends."

Ding Dong felt sick, and pulled back his hand with a little strength, "It's not necessary. I don't need to call the police, but Miss Hao, you are a public figure anyway, and this is the entrance of the hotel. Now that the media is so developed, if someone takes pictures of you If you post it on the Internet, it will be even more difficult for you to stand up."

Hao Beier was furious, "Who do you call Xianyu?" She then challenged the man beside her, "And you, you actually want to be friends with my enemy."

She said in an aggrieved and soft tone, "Did you forget how he served you last night?"

A flattering smile appeared on the man's face, "How could I forget my baby? It's just that the occasion is inappropriate today... Another day..."

The two whispered and lowered their voices to flirt. Ding Dong couldn't help frowning when he heard the words they leaked intermittently. Hao Beier finally died down. The flashing lights of passers-by around her made her feel in danger. The doorman and security guards of the nearby hotel Even as if she was ready to call the police at any time, she quickly took out her sunglasses and put them on.

She gouged out Ding Dong's eyes, "You're lucky today."

Then he left in a hurry with the man on his arm.

Before the two left, the man whispered something to her, Hao Beier covered his mouth and smiled coquettishly, turned his head and looked at Ding Dong again with a vicious smile on his lips.

Ding Dong had a bad premonition.

She has caused too much trouble recently, she declined the doorman's suggestion to call the police, and left with a smile.

Only the house by the sea is safe. Even if the memory doesn't come back, she knows that that person will protect her for the rest of her life.

The sky was gloomy, and it was raining heavily in the evening. She was walking quickly on the street, but she couldn't get a taxi.

Looking at the fully loaded taxis, she felt anxious and afraid of being followed, and immediately missed Qin Yuan very much.

Why did you want to run away from him in the first place?Only when he is there can she feel at ease.

At this time, the mobile phone in the bag rang, Qin Yuan called, and Ding Dong answered with a sweet smile.

"Where is he? Why haven't you come back?" Seeing her not coming back for a long time, he also lost his composure.

"On the street, you can't get a taxi."

"Find a place to shelter from the rain, and I'll ask the driver to pick you up."

Feeling warm in Ding Dong's heart, he was about to say hello sweetly, but he didn't notice a little boy wearing a sports cap with the brim down and walking towards her strangely, with his hands hidden in his sleeves.

The moment she looked up, she was slightly suspicious.

The moment the two rubbed shoulders, a silver light flashed on the boy's hand, and he rushed towards her with a wave of his hand. Ding Dong's pupils shrank, and he instinctively blocked it with his hand at the very moment.


With the patter of rain, her screams resounded through the sky, and also shattered the eardrums of the man on the other end of the phone.

Ding Dong sat on the long corridor of the emergency room to make a statement. Her arm was cut deeply, bleeding profusely. After arriving at the hospital, the doctor sewed five stitches, and the perpetrator had already escaped in the chaos. After the aunt called the police for her, she was sent to a nearby hospital.

"It looks like he is about seventeen or eighteen years old. He is wearing a blue sports jacket. He lowers his head very low and hides a knife in his sleeve. Well, he looks 1.7 meters tall..."

Ding Dong tried hard to recall the shocking scene at that time. The anesthetic on her arm hadn't passed yet, but the pain of the knife piercing the flesh was still clearly rooted in her mind.

The young police officer felt sympathetic to her. It is rare for a girl to be attacked on the street. If there were more similar cases, the higher authorities would be nervous and people would panic.

"There are cameras on that street, we will adjust the monitoring..."

The police officer hadn't finished speaking when there were urgent and frantic footsteps from the other end of the corridor. Ding Dong also followed the sound, and when he saw someone coming, his nose suddenly got sore, he stood up and ran towards that person.

The two hugged each other tightly, with the joy of remaining alive after the catastrophe.

The moment Qin Yuan saw Ding Dong alive and kicking, the tension in his heart loosened slightly. He was waiting for her to come home for dinner at the seaside villa, but the phone call almost killed him. The sudden heavy rain caused the city to be congested, so he had no choice but to abandon the car and take a taxi after running for a while.

Fortunately, Ding Dong called him and told him that there was no serious problem, but he could tell from her hesitant and calm tone that she was seriously injured.

"Apart from the arm, is there any other injury?" He was wet all over, but he pulled her away anxiously, and looked up and down.

Ding Dong's appearance was not much better, her trousers were stained with mud, she pointed to her bandaged arm, "No more, it's here, luckily I blocked it with my hand."

She still had lingering fears, but she still said in a relaxed tone, "Otherwise, I can only see you sideways."

Qin Yuan carefully inspected the wound on her arm and saw the blood oozing from the gauze. After worrying, his eyes burned with anger, "I'm going to kill that person."

Although Ding Dong still told the whole story on the phone, Qin Yuan still took Ding Dong to the police. Deliberate revenge, Miss, think carefully, have you offended anyone recently?"

Ding Dong frowned.

Qin Yuan pondered for a moment, then asked her with a condensed expression, "Where did you go after you left the cafe? Did you meet anyone?"

Ding Dong met his black eyes, hesitated for a moment and said, "I met Hao Beier."

It seems that everything is not accidental, the truth is obvious, the only thing left to do is to investigate the background of Hao Beier and her man, Qin Yuan went away to call Anan, and when he came back, his face was like water.

The doctor said that luckily no bone was injured, as long as you come back and change the dressing frequently, you can recover from the injury. After listening to the doctor's order, Qin Yuan asked a few more questions, and couldn't wait to take Ding Dong back to the seaside. Anyway, there is Jiang Hailan, he is not Worry.

He was worried that she would continue to stay in this messy emergency room, and he wanted to take her home immediately.

The rain had stopped, and the driver who was stuck on the road would arrive soon, Qin Yuan hugged the petite Ding Dong in his arms, bowed his head and kissed the hair on the top of her head, with tenderness in his eyes.

"I really want to tie you to me and not leave for a minute," he said.

Ding Dong obediently hugged Qin Yuan's waist, smelling the smell of rain on his body happily, raised his head and smiled sweetly at him, "Then you tie me up."

"I'm so scared." She hugged him relyingly, and buried her face in his chest, "I don't want to die so early, I still have a lot of things to do."

"I haven't thought about our past, I haven't lived well with you, and I still want to give birth to you..."

Ding Dong couldn't continue, because Qin Yuan sealed her lips with a kiss, and he carefully kept her firmly in his own world, as if he could feel at ease in this way.

His heart was trembling. This was not the first time they experienced life and death. At that time, he was a young boy who could only rely on others. Now he is strong enough that no one dares to challenge his authority.

But she actually caused his woman to be hurt again, and after she was hurt, she said so many words that moved him so much that he was speechless.

What Zhou Jingxuan said was right, even if he did it all over again, Ding Dong would still love him and only be moved by him, just like back then.

Qin Yuan was furious in his heart, but all he could show was a gentle and soothing kiss.

Regardless of the eyes of passers-by, the two just hugged each other and kissed. That was their love. After time passed, they still wanted to go their own way vigorously.

(End of this chapter)

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