We said yes, forever

Chapter 46 The Rainbow After the Rain

Chapter 46 The Rainbow After the Rain (4)
"Oh, by the way, tell me, the earth is so big, how likely is it that Qin Yuan will find you in the next 70 years?"

Ding Dong didn't answer him, but he continued talking to himself.

"As for me, I have prepared two boat tickets for you and the little artist outside at night. It's so cool to think about it. When the wild species was digging three feet in this city to find you, you were already on the Pacific Ocean. Oh, I also ordered the little artist outside to tie you up every day and make you pregnant again and again, even if the wild species finds you one day, you will still be a dead fat woman who lays countless eggs."

"Thinking of his expression at that time, hahahaha, it's so satisfying." Qin Mu smiled abnormally.

"He will kill you!" Ding Dong burst out with anger.

"You're wrong again, of course he won't." Qin Mu's tone was full of conviction, "He will never know that my good brother did all this in his life."

Qin Mu's cell phone rang, and he answered the phone with a very impatient tone, "What are you doing? I still have to report my whereabouts to you?"

He hung up the phone with a snap, then patted the dust off his body and stood up, his arrogant face returned to indifference, "Lie down, and enjoy your last few hours in this city land. When it gets dark, You should be on your way too."

The villain left, and the warehouse was quiet again. Ding Dong cried helplessly when he thought of his plan that was a hundred times more terrifying than killing her.

Qin Yuan, where are you?Come quickly, if you don't come, we will be separated, what if I can't find a way to get back to you?

Is it destined that we cannot stay together for a lifetime?

The iron door opened again, and this time it was Sheng Kuang who walked in.

Ding Dong didn't know if there were other accomplices standing outside the door, so let's forget about Qin Mu, but Sheng Kuang, they were lovers before, so he shouldn't be so obsessed with doing wrong things.

She cried and begged, "Brother Kuang, please let me go. It's too late to turn around now. You are breaking the law. Behind Qin Mu is the Qin family, but you are different..."

"Stop it!" Sheng Kuang yelled at her, with a sudden look of hostility on his face, "You stalking woman, beg me to let you go, let you and that Qin Yuan live and fly together? You should die!"

Ding Dong's heart suddenly turned cold.

Sheng Kuang was so angry that he kicked the shelf vigorously, and the sundries piled on it fell to the ground, making a clanging sound and kicking up a cloud of dust.

"That bastard, he plotted me into the game and ruined my reputation, because of him, my paintings are not worth a penny now, and the gallery owner has no time to avoid me. What's worse, he actually wants to gag me with money, bastard !" He kicked the shelf hard again like venting hatred, "What do you say to compensate me, bah, I am a painter, do you understand? The dignity of a painter can't be tarnished like this?!"

Ding Dong was silent.

Sheng Kuang's tone suddenly became urgent, "Ding Dong, wake up, that person is really not a good person, he is a flattering liar, I am the man who really loves you. I believe, you are a smart girl, slow down You will figure it out, we can go at night, we will start again in another place, look, I can draw, I can feed you and our children, when we settle down, I will take over Maimai , you will also forget the past."

Ding Dong couldn't get a response from his earnest eyes, she was as dull as a puppet, with dead silence in her eyes.

Under Ding Dong's persuasion, Sheng Kuang untied the rope on her feet, her hands were still tied, and she sat on the wall in the corner of the warehouse in torment, the light leaking through the iron door became dimmer and dimmer, every second that passed, Her hopes were shattered a little.

It was getting dark, but the rescuers hadn't come yet.

When it was completely dark that day, tears of despair flowed down her cheeks. She knew that Qin Yuan must be trying his best to find her, but this city is too big, and no one would have guessed that she was hidden in this abandoned warehouse.

Could it be just a broken dream between her and him?
If it is a dream, can you not let her wake up.

She has a lot of things she wants to say to him, and if she can only say one thing to him, then she wants to say to him: If there is still a chance in the next life, then she will do all this for him.

Just let her be the one who waits.

As she was thinking like this, suddenly there was a lot of movement outside the door, someone shouted "Don't run", Ding Dong's whole body trembled, did someone rescue her come?
There was more movement outside the door, and there were faint sounds of people running and dogs barking. She was so anxious that she saw Sheng Kuang rushing in with red eyes, a cold and sharp knife in his hand.

She flinched, "Brother Kuang, what are you doing with the knife?"

"He came to save you, aren't you happy?" Sheng Kuang sneered, holding a knife, "It's a pity you were too happy too soon."

"It's not that easy to stay and fly together." A look of ruthlessness flashed in his eyes, "Remember, the only person who will stay and fly with you is me!"

Ding Dong was roughly pulled up, Sheng Kuang put a knife on her neck, dragged her across a door, and ran outside.

Ding Dong never thought that Sheng Kuang would become a desperado one day, and she would become a hostage in his hands, and the knife on her neck would cut her throat just an inch further.

"Brother Kuang, wake up, you can't escape like this."

Sheng Kuang turned his head and gave her a weird smile, "I know I can't escape."

Ding Dong's heart skipped a beat.

She was pulled and dragged by Sheng Kuang, the knife even scratched a little bit of her skin, blood gushed out, and the policeman behind him yelled through a loudspeaker: "Sheng Kuang, you are already surrounded, don't go on your own way, take the initiative to let go of your body." The hostages still have a chance of clemency."

Sheng Kuang turned a deaf ear to it, Ding Dong glanced back while he was not paying attention, saw Qin Yuan not far away, almost went mad, and Anan hugged him tightly.

She was out of breath, her tears drifted away with the wind, and her eyes were like a dying animal.

She knew that Sheng Kuang knew that there was no way ahead, he just wanted to die with her.

There was really no road ahead, a sparkling lake appeared in front of them, and one step further was a dead end.

Sheng Kuang stopped suddenly, pointing his knife at her, facing a large group of armed policemen behind him.

"Don't come here!" He brandished his knife, his eyes were bloodshot with madness, "If you come here again, I'll kill her!"

Ding Dong trembled and turned his head, his eyes were pleading: "Brother Kuang, you are crazy, wake up."

"I'm crazy." Sheng Kuang's lips brushed Ding Dong's cold cheek tenderly, and he whispered sadly in her ear: "Ding Dong, if one day you have tasted the taste of jealousy, you will understand me .”

He sneered: "Unfortunately, there is no such day, because I want to take you away."

A policeman who was obviously the chief frowned and said, "Calm down, the hostages are innocent."

When Sheng Kuang said these words, Ding Dong was actually not afraid, she had already forgotten what it was like to be afraid, and she just looked at the embarrassed man across from her almost heartbroken.

His hair was disheveled, his tie was loose, and he must have had a rough day.

Qin Yuan's gaze has also been chasing her hard, and they have always had a tacit understanding. He said to her with his eyes: Don't be afraid, I'm here, I won't let you die.

Qin Yuan walked up to the officer and said a few words to him. The officer was a little undecided, so he grabbed his loudspeaker and looked at the other side and said calmly: "Sheng Kuang, I know you hate me. It's a matter between us men, so let's solve it in a man's way. Let go of Ding Dong, and I'll be your hostage."

Ding Dong became anxious all of a sudden, Sheng Kuang was already insane, and hatred had swallowed him, turning him into a man-eating devil.If Qin Yuan falls into his hands, he will definitely kill him!
He can't die!

"No! You are not allowed to come here!" She tried her best to let out the last shriek cry, and she did not know where the courage surged up in her body. She pushed Sheng Kuang's hand holding the knife away desperately. Sheng Kuang was shocked and raised the knife. I'm going to stab her.

Seeing a flash of cold light in front of her eyes, Ding Dong instinctively backed away, but tripped over a stone under her feet, and her left leg stepped into the air. With a cry of "ah", she fell into the unfathomable lake amidst the screams of the crowd.

The hostage fell into the water, and Sheng Kuang on the shore lost his bargaining chip. Before he could turn around from the fact that Ding Dong had fallen into the lake, he was captured by the swarming policemen, and he was arrested without a fight.

And beside him, a black figure jumped vigorously and got into the water.

Ding Dong's body fluttered a few times and then sank slowly. The water in front of her eyes was flowing quietly. She seemed to have entered another silent world. Countless lights and shadows flashed before her eyes, and a memory that had been dusty for many years was quietly opened.

Many pictures flashed before his eyes like a movie, his goat brother, Zhou Jingxuan, Huahua, and countless memories belonging to that house, all rushed out with the current at this moment.

The feeling at this moment seemed familiar, she was also in the water, she couldn't breathe and her body sank, she wanted to call out, but she couldn't make a sound, and then, a figure miraculously appeared, he hugged her, pulled her to go Upstream, every movement reveals strength and beauty, and he is the only hero in her world.

Her goat brother.

She passed out.

Ding Dong moved uncomfortably, instead of the icy lake water covering her body, she felt warm instead, is she in heaven?No, she doesn't want to stay here, she wants to go back!She's going back to her goat brother!
She quietly opened her chaotic eyes, everything in front of her eyes was a little blurry, and then her vision became clear, and she met a pair of bloodshot black eyes, he was unshaven, and he looked no better than her.

She eagerly raised her hand to touch the face in front of her, fearing that it was a broken dream.

The real touch comes from the fingertips.

She laughed, it turned out that she was still alive, and her goat brother was by her side and never left.

Outside the window after the rain, a rainbow rose.

In the single ward, the two survivors held hands tightly together.

She choked up: "Brother, I remember it all."

Qin Yuan's eyes slowly became moist.

(End of this chapter)

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