We said yes, forever

Chapter 9 The furthest distance in this world

Chapter 9 The furthest distance in this world (1)
If you must travel through time, there must be the place where the dream begins.

In Ding Dong's bitter thoughts, the car stopped slowly, and stopped in front of an unremarkable villa, with wisteria flowers hanging enchantingly in front of the gate, and the smell of crabapple flowers in the air, Ding Dong carefully looked around, Anan glanced at her, "Get out of the car."

She looked around inexplicably, with a bit of curiosity and a bit of speculation, she looked around and found nothing strange, it was just an old villa, she asked in a low voice, "Brother Nan, what is this place? "

Anan leaned over and said a few words to the driver, then led her forward, and said lightly when passing her, "Mr. Qin's residence."

Ding Dong was so frightened that his legs went limp, and he almost couldn't stand up.

But soon she was more shocked than frightened, her jaw was about to drop, and it was even more unbelievable when she looked around, that Qin Yuan, who had a huge business empire with many stars and moons, actually lived in such a simple small villa. In the luxurious manor, there are no groups of servants, only the scent of wisteria flowers, lingering at the rusty gate.

The reality is too different from the imagination, Ding Dong will find it difficult to digest the fact that "Qin Yuan is also an ordinary person".

In other words, he is not an ordinary person, but a weirdo.

She froze in place, Anan urged her sharply, "What are you doing, Mr. Qin has been waiting for you for a long time."

His words made Ding Dong's heartstrings tense again, and he reluctantly moved his footsteps, followed Anan into the door, the lights suddenly brightened, and an old-fashioned spiral staircase came into view, and when she looked up, she saw that man with a stern face The man was wearing a dark nightgown, with a glass of red wine in his hand, standing so tall at the top of the stairs, coldly looking down at her who was as humble as an ant.

Being stared at by such a pair of arrogant eyes, Ding Dong felt as if she had fallen for nine winters. She was waiting for her own torture, but she heard Qin Yuan say, "From today onwards, you will live here, don't try to escape, don't challenge my bottom line .”

When Ding Dong heard it, she felt even more strange. She had a bad guess in her heart. The lonely man and the widow lived in the same house. Even though she thought it was impossible for her ordinary self to catch Qin Yuan's eyes, she was still a little nervous.

She couldn't understand his thoughts at all.

She can only guess, maybe his family has a shortage of maids recently, so he asked her to stay to pay off the debt?Seeing that his family is sparsely populated, it may not necessarily be true that there is a lack of servants.

"Mr. Qin..." Ding Dong dared to say, "What... are you asking me to stay here?"

Qin Yuan looked at her condescendingly, "You will know tomorrow."

After he finished speaking, he turned around and walked into a room next to the stairs. Ding Dong noticed that his right hand was tied with white gauze, and it seemed that there was still bright red blood oozing out. Looking from a distance, the appearance was a bit shocking.

She remembered that his right hand was still fine in the small hotel just now, why did it suddenly have another wound?
This old, old-fashioned house looks ordinary, but it seems to be full of mystery everywhere, especially the moody man upstairs, which makes people unpredictable no matter what.

But now, he asked her to live here.

Ding Dong looked at Anan for help, but Anan turned a blind eye. He obviously saw Qin Yuan's wound, frowned and said to Ding Dong, "Come on, I'll take you to your room."

Ding Dong had no choice but to follow, Anan went upstairs and led Ding Dong to the room on the far right, "You live here."

The room is nothing special, although it is old-fashioned, it is much better than the place where Ding Dong lives now, and the bed is made up, but it seems that this room has not been lived in for a long time, just like the owner of this house, there is a faint the loneliness.

Anan stood at the door, pointing to the door at the opposite end, "Mr. Qin lives in that room, and the study is downstairs. If he is at home, he will be in the study most of the time."

"Sister-in-law Xiu is in charge of the housework. She lives downstairs. Just tell her what you need."

Ding Dong interjected weakly, "Brother Nan, don't you live here?"

Anan glanced at her, "I live in the building next door."

"Brother Nan, are you Mr. Qin's bodyguard?" Ding Dong asked boldly again.

"You think so. I'm in charge of Mr. Qin's security work. Don't think that this is an ordinary place. The security system here is the top in the world. The villa next to it is also full of security personnel..."

Anan stopped here, "Did you hear Mr. Qin's words just now?"

Ding Dong remembered what Qin Yuan said just now, "Don't try to escape, don't challenge his bottom line", understood the hidden warning in Anan's words, bit his lip and nodded.

At this moment, a beautiful woman with short hair came out of Qin Yuan's room, holding a medicine plate in her hand, staring at Ding Dong fiercely with her beautiful eyes, but she didn't seem to have any malicious intentions.

Ding Dong was guessing the identity of the woman who walked out of Qin Yuan's room late at night, Anan asked her in a deep voice, "Is the wound deep?"

"A little bit, I'll come over tomorrow to change my dressing." The woman came over. She looked about the same age as Anan, and her intellectual attire added an intellectual air to her. The smile she opened to Ding Dong was also very friendly, "You are That Miss Ding who got into trouble, right? I’m Jiang Hailan, just call me Sister Lan, I’m Mr. Qin’s personal doctor, and I’m also..."

"My wife." The one who spoke was naturally Anan, the only man present.

The couple combination of Beauty and the Beast surprised Ding Dong, and then Jiang Hailan covered his mouth and smiled, and said threatening words to Ding Dong in a playful tone, "Mr. Qin is very angry, seeing these gauzes Right? Miss Ding must remember to pay with blood."

Jiang Hailan's easy words completely destroyed Ding Dong's affection for her.

Ding Dong didn't know what to respond to the other party anyway, she stood awkwardly, and the couple obviously didn't intend to pay any more attention to her as an "evil girl", they both went downstairs and left.

Ding Dong stood alone at the door of her room, and looked at the door at the opposite end for a long time. She was afraid that the door would open suddenly, and that frightening man would appear in front of her eyes. She should have gone back to her room, but Inexplicably, she didn't do that, the door was like a vortex, sucking her in, she didn't know what happened to her, she only knew that it was a feeling of wanting to get close but not daring to get close.

Ding Dong didn't know how she fell asleep that night. She only remembered that she had been tossing and turning in an unfamiliar bed for a long time. When she woke up again, she seemed to hear the sound of the sea beating against the rocks. Floating out, gradually becoming real and clear.

She got off the bed with bare feet, and opened the window following the sound. The fresh air in the morning came with the salty smell of the sea breeze, and the precious sea and sky in the distance seemed to be a gift from heaven. A rare comfort.

If such a morning with the sea breeze is the prelude to life in purgatory, then no matter how hard it is, she will turn the pain into a smile amidst the comforting sound of the waves, and live strong.

She took a deep breath, her chest seemed to be filled with oxygen, and she was so satisfied that she almost forgot where she was.

"Are you awake?" The deep male voice from the next door seemed to come from beyond the sky, which disturbed Ding Dong's heart and ended her brief moment of happiness.

Ding Dong's mind went blank for a moment, but he quickly came back to his senses and replied stiffly, "I'm awake."

She blinked her eyelids, and said softly, "Good morning, Mr. Qin."

There was silence for a while, and said, "Come to my study after breakfast."

Auntie Xiu is a chubby aunt who looks about 50 years old. She doesn't talk too much, but her simple and honest smile is very kind, which reminds Ding Dong of Mama Ding.

"Miss Ding, I don't know what you like to eat. I have prepared more breakfast. Tell me if you are not used to it."

"Thank you sister-in-law Xiu, I'm not picky, I'll eat anything." Ding Dong was very hungry, and he moved his index finger.

"Okay, that's good. Mr. Qin has already eaten. I'll warm up the buns for you when they're cold."

Auntie Xiu returned to the kitchen with a smile, and the living room became quiet all of a sudden.

Ding Dong sat at the dining table for a long time, looking around, the strong sense of trance struck again fiercely, everything was not real, but it was true, she offended Qin Yuan, she escaped and was found by him, now Living under the same roof with him, she didn't know what he would do to her. Jiang Hailan wanted her to pay her back in blood, and she was at a loss.

Qin Yuan was waiting for her in the study!
What would he say to her?

Realizing this suddenly, Ding Dong felt restless and lost her appetite, she stood up.

After hesitating in front of the study door for a while, she mustered up the courage to knock on the door.

Soon came a man's low voice, "Come in."

Ding Dong's heart beat a little chaotically, she regarded Qin Yuan as a scourge, and any place with him was a dragon's pond and a tiger's den in her eyes, but the scene of opening the door and entering the eyes still gave her a hazy illusion.

This beast is lonely.

The large study room has an antique flavor. The towering bookshelves on both walls are full of books of all colors. The wall facing Ding Dong is made into a floor-to-ceiling window. You can see the green grass in the back garden, the bright lilacs, and the blue waves in the distance. Washing the beach, Ding Dong suddenly began to understand why Qin Yuan chose to live here.

And Qin Yuan, at this moment, was looking sideways at her and looking out the window, leaving her with a perfect side face, which is simply a masterpiece of God, but at this moment, Ding Dong felt that this face was melancholy and picturesque, like a Mystery, so so so attracted her attention.

She suddenly couldn't bear to break the faint melancholy, but she had to speak.

"Mr. Qin..."

Qin Yuan turned his head to look at her, and asked, "Have you had breakfast?"

Ding Dong didn't dare to look directly at him, and lowered his head slightly, he could see his flat shoes, "No, I can't eat much."

"Go out, come back after eating, I don't talk to hungry ghosts."

Qin Yuan's tone revealed his bad mood at the moment, Ding Dong was timid, he responded and ran back to eat obediently, for some reason, his face turned red and his heart beat fast.

Ding Dong left the dining table and went to the study after eating something whole. Maybe her stomach was no longer empty, she was not as anxious as before, and knocked on the door of the study again.

The man by the window was still immersed in his own world, she interrupted, "Mr. Qin, I'm done eating."

"Sit down." Qin Yuan pointed to the sofa beside him, but stood up by himself.

Ding Dong was terrified, obediently went to the sofa and sat down, his brows and eyes were full of anxiety and apprehension that could not be concealed.

Qin Yuan's face was peaceful at the moment, his manner was elegant and calm, Ding Dong observed him carefully, and found that he couldn't see him through at all, he was humiliated by the bride in public, and even slapped in the face, overnight, he went from being envied by everyone The diamond king, the fifth child, became the object of ridicule and sympathy. Shouldn't he be in a hurry to punish her?But why did he seem to be in a good mood, the hostility from last night has completely disappeared.

"You said that Ai Mingmei was looking for you, what's the matter?" Qin Yuan took out a book from the bookshelf and flipped through it, asking casually.

Ding Dong's eyelids twitched, and he glanced at Qin Yuan timidly. He didn't want to, but met his dark eyes that raised his head, with a natural majesty of a king, which made her dare not lie.

Ai Mingmei left this mess behind and started a new life in style. She couldn't protect herself, so why should she keep a secret for such a selfish woman.

"Miss Ai found me before the wedding and said she was going to regret the marriage, and let me sneak into the infield to take pictures. I was in a hurry to spend money, so I was obsessed..."

"Mr. Qin, I really didn't mean it. I didn't expect this to happen. Please let go of my friend and my fiance's child. If something happens to him, my fiance will not spare me. Please, Mr. Qin, let me You can do anything, but don't implicate innocent people..."

She looked at Qin Yuan dryly, hoping to get his forgiveness, but she didn't want this man to turn his back on her at some point, his handsome back was as silent as a mountain.

She intuitively felt that his mood, which was not bad just now, suddenly seemed to be overshadowed by dark clouds.

In the silence of the room, Ding Dong began to fidget.

"You only have two choices." Qin Yuan broke the silence.

She clenched her fists unconsciously.

"One, my lawyer will send you a lawyer's letter tomorrow, formally suing you for stealing my company's secrets and causing the stock price to plummet." Having said this, Qin Yuan turned around with aggressive eyes, "About this, there will be witnesses at that time Come out to accuse you of all crimes, the court will completely side with me, and in addition to huge compensation, you will also face seven to ten years in prison."

No matter how stupid Ding Dong was, she could still hear Qin Yuan's mouth full of blame. She looked at the man exuding a dangerous aura in front of her in disbelief, and before she knew it, he had already walked in front of her. She seemed to be forced to The cornered beast could only shake its head hastily, "No, you can't do that, I didn't do anything..."

"It's true that you didn't do it, but I said you did it, so you did it." Qin Yuan had a cruel smile on his lips. In this sultry summer season, when the coolness penetrated into his bones, Ding Dong finally found out that he was A demon that eats people without spitting out their bones.

Yes, as long as he thinks, he is absolutely capable of killing an ordinary person like her, just like crushing an ant that has no ability to fight back, using a way she can't think of, making her life worse than death.

Is this the world Ding Dong loves?A world of money manipulated by a few people. When the poor violate their interests, what awaits them is the fate of being slaughtered by blood?
Ding Dong felt desolate in her heart. She thought of the ten years of imprisonment she had been waiting for, and finally knew that her life was about to be ruined by this man.

Her stubborn tears hovered in her eyes and refused to slide down her face. She had to make the last resistance, "I don't believe that the law will give me justice. I can hire a lawyer, and he will give me my innocence!"

She raised her neck and stared at Qin Yuan to confront him, pretending to be strong, her face was pitiful, Qin Yuan's black eyes were as deep as a pool, he watched her silent for a while, when she thought her resistance had worked, he spoke heavily, "If I sue you, then no lawyer will take your case. Even if the court assigns you a lawyer, I will make him unable to survive in the legal profession."

"I am the law and justice. If you don't believe it, you can try it."

His extremely cruel words finally made Ding Dong burst into tears, how dare she try?You don't need to think about the fate of hitting a stone with an egg. If he wants to destroy her, he can even deport his brother from the country and take the huge family business into his pocket. What can't he do in a cold-blooded way? !
Fragile tears slid out of a beautiful arc on her face, Qin Yuan reached out and tapped her face, the trajectory of the tears was also lightly tapped by this, and finally changed the original trajectory, he glanced at the wet liquid on his index finger , said, "Don't cry, as I said, you have two choices."

Before Ding Dong had time to ponder Qin Yuan's slightly intimate gesture just now, he was completely distracted by his words, and looked at him with mist in his wet eyes. Judging from this expression, he was already accepting his fate.

The first choice is not a choice at all, she can only let it go, she asked hoarsely, "What about the second one?"

Qin Yuan didn't answer her right away, instead he walked away from her and walked slowly to the French window. Outside the window, the wind started to blow at some time, and the flowers and plants were trembling in the strong wind. The white foam, the intertwined weather of spring and summer, really changes as soon as it is said.

And Qin Yuan, with his back to her like this, looked at him from this angle, and could see the white gauze wrapped around his hands. Ding Dong had the illusion that the man standing in front of him was a broken man. , is a devastated world, he stands on the edge of the world, erected a wall of iron and steel for himself, no one can walk into his heart, and he doesn't seem to want to come out.

The clock on the wall, ticking, ticking.

A layer of glass blocks the frenzy outside the world. In the quiet study room, only the howling wind can be heard. Looking at that figure from behind, Ding Dong's heart miraculously calms down. Her eyes are full of curiosity. Why did the man who was aggressive just a second ago retract his sharp claws suddenly? He looks so rich in stories.

Ai Mingmei said that he had another love, that he was living in hell, that he was a devil, and that he could not love her.

The devil guarding the lonely city.

(End of this chapter)

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