Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1007 I have confirmed my eyes, I am someone who doesn't want to talk to me

Chapter 1007 I have confirmed my eyes, I am someone who doesn't want to talk to me (19)

Speaking of dog holes, there really is such a dog hole in Zhao Yun's mansion.

Zhao Yun is a general, he didn't marry a regular wife before, and the concubines in his family were too unsatisfactory, so he spent most of his time in the barracks, and also rested in the barracks at night, leaving all the affairs of the house to the housekeeper.

The male owner didn't live in the house for a long time, the wall would break if it was broken, and it was convenient for the dogs in the house to come in and out, so the housekeeper didn't care about it.

Right now, Yan Huan is rolling up his sleeves, measuring the size of the dog hole with his distant eyes, comparing his chest and buttocks.

Her figure hadn't exploded so hot yet, so it wasn't too difficult to crawl out slowly on her knees.

It was evening, the sky was dark, no one was coming and going in this alley next to the palace, and her face could not be seen clearly in the dim light, even if they could see her face clearly, passers-by would retch, it's so ugly!

She didn't dare to go to the most famous Goulan Courtyard in the capital, but she was allowed to go for a walk in the second and third place.

She tidied up her clothes. The luxurious men's clothes were the clothes Zhao Yun wore when she was in his teens after rummaging through the box all afternoon.

Although it has been a few years, rich people like them don't want to wear it only two or three times, so it still looks like I am rich and I am very rich.

This time Yan Huan was carrying a bank note, which was hidden in the lining of his chest, so he was no longer afraid of being missed by thieves.

The capital city at night is extremely lively.

There are many rich people here, so naturally there are many gold selling caves.

The name of Goulanyuan is also full of strange things. This Goulanyuan, which is said to be the second-ranked in the capital, has a ridiculous name-Jiuzhongtian.

Ouch, the Jade Emperor was so angry that he wanted to go down to earth and slaughter these mortals.

It is a three-story red-painted building with ribbons on the corners of the eaves. The smell of powder is not unpleasant, but rather sweet. The ladies at the door all have a little cinnabar between their eyebrows and long belts around their arms. At once……

For people with normal aesthetics, it is a bit off-putting.

If the fairies in the sky saw a "fairy" like Chen Anguo, they would get angry and beat him.

"This handsome young man just looks at him!"

A woman came up to greet her and took her arm affectionately, Yan Huan was slightly taken aback.

This woman called herself... handsome young master?

Hey, isn't she an ugly girl? !
[People in Chen'an look at women's aesthetics against them, but it's normal to see men's aesthetics]

Yan Huan:? ? ?

So she just disguised herself as a man, and just, suddenly her appearance was subverted? ? ? ?
Everyone in Chen'an has problems, right?

【They do have problems】

Yan Huan:. . .

The woman holding her arm saw her and didn't resist or refuse, and didn't care whether she was willing or not, she just dragged Yan Huan into the main entrance.

Passing through the long corridor, the lively noise inside went straight to the eardrums, Yan Huanxu covered his ears, and lowered his voice to the woman next to him.

"I'm looking for your madam! Madame!"

The woman giggled, with a square face, small eyes and ragged yellow teeth, Yan Huan's face turned green.

"Does the young master want my mother to choose someone for the young master? My mother is busy at the moment, so don't cause trouble for my mother, just watch..."

She put her hand on Yan Huan's chest, and Yan Huan jumped away like a ghost!
"No, no, don't bother, don't bother, I want to see the madam!"

The woman groaned coquettishly, and slowly twisted her waist to call him a madam, Yan Huan hurriedly raised her hand to wipe the sweat from her forehead.

Mom!This place is not a golden cave, it is clearly a haunted house!

 Thank Xiaoyi Donghe for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thank you cool. Reward 100 book coins~

  【Good evening~~~】

  【Is it possible to update today? I'm deep in thought】

(End of this chapter)

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