Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 102 Remember, Fox

Chapter 102 Remember, Fox (End)

The wooden house was covered with ice and snow, and the cold wind was blowing outside. Standing outside the door, Hu Bai froze in place, and did not enter the door for a long time. Half of his body was beaten pale white by the frost, but he himself did not feel cold.

The surprise on Long Xin's face hadn't faded, and he sighed softly after a while.

"You sent yourself here specially to make me feel bad?"

Hu Bai felt sore in his heart, he licked his lips, hesitant to speak.

After thinking about it, I still asked, with a vaguely disappointed voice.

"You and Liu your marriage over again?"

Long Xin was confused, "What did you say?"

He looked like that, obviously he didn't understand.

Hu Bai was also puzzled, and hurried in, staring at Long Xin's expression.

"You haven't looked for Liu Ye? You don't have any agreement? Otherwise, why would she..."

Long Xin raised his eyebrows, and his face became a bit serious, "What's wrong with her?"

Did Liu Ye find trouble with Hu Bai?
Hu Bai sighed heavily, and said helplessly, "Liu Ye and Fei Li found all the souls of the scattered Nine-Tails clan and gave them to Daji."

If Long Xin didn't agree to Liu Ye, then he could only say...

Liu Ye loves Long Xin more than she imagined.

A person who is willing to pay so much just to make the one he loves and others happy, how much does it take to love him?

Hu Bai, feel ashamed.

In love, he is selfish, even if he can't be with Long Xin, he doesn't want Long Xin to be with others.

The surprise in Long Xin's eyes turned into helplessness, and he also sighed, "She untied your knot."

Hu Bai shook his head, smiled bitterly, "We owe Liu Yi too much, I don't know how to pay it back."

Long Xin held his hand back, the tenderness in his eyes poured out, but he was firm, "We are doing well, and that is the biggest reward for her."

Hu Bai turned his face away in embarrassment, trying to change the subject, "I heard that you are no longer the God of War, so what is your identity now?"

Long Xin smiled, his cold facial features were stained with a smile, which was extraordinarily good-looking.

"If you are a demon, I will become a demon. If you want to become a fairy, I will wait for you to become a fairy."

So frankly teasing...

Hubai's ears moved and drooped, and his face was a little red uncomfortably.

Long Xin reached out and touched his fox ears, "You're here to ask this?"

Hu Bai looked up at him, otherwise?

The oppressive aura around Long Xin became stronger again, "Is there anything else?"

Hu Bai pushed him away, stood up, and looked out the window. The windward half of the mountain was blown white by the frosty mountain wind. There were strings of icicles hanging on the trees, like silver flowers in full bloom. The scenery was unique. .

He smiled, and said lazily, "The scenery here is nice."

Long Xin stood beside him, the corners of his lips curled up, "Then stay and watch with me."

"it is good."

"Xu Yisheng?"

"Plus the afterlife."

"Remember, Fox."


Make up a small theater.

The two-person world of two people is good, but sometimes, I feel that something is missing.

Hu Bai looked at the little Nine Tails running around, and finally realized what was missing.


But he and Long Xin are two big men, where did the children come from?

So Hu Bai turned his eyes to Daji and Monkey King.

At that time, Daji had already given birth to several litters of monkey cubs.

Auntie has so many children, he would take one of them to raise with Long Xin, wouldn't Auntie be reluctant?

After Long Xin found out, he only touched his fox ears, and opened his mouth with a half-smile.

"You are a nine-tailed fox, and I am a five-clawed silver dragon. How do you explain to your child that he is a hairy monkey?"

(End of this chapter)

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