Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1024 I have confirmed my eyes, I am someone who doesn't want to talk to me

Chapter 1024 I have confirmed my eyes, I am someone who doesn't want to talk to me (38)

Mid-Autumn feast?Is it Mid-Autumn Festival?

She counted the days, tonight is indeed the Mid-Autumn Festival.

During this period of time, I was racking my brains every day thinking of how to trick Zhao Yun into someone else's bed, completely forgetting that the Mid-Autumn Festival is here.

The day when the full moon is reunited.

Her face was a little sad.

On this day of reunion, she can only live with the broken system in the plane. What kind of reunion is there without a family?
【Zhao Yun is your family】

The system kindly reminded.

Zhao Yun is a wolf with a big tail!Still a pervert!She doesn't have such a beast family!
His waist and limbs were sore and limp, and his legs were limp when he got out of bed and walked, Yan Huan silently cursed Zhao Yun in his heart, and Mi Qing died.

Seeing her complexion, Vu Ying thought she didn't want to go to the Mid-Autumn Festival feast, so she persuaded her softly.

"Madam used to dislike this kind of banquet, but this time Madam is no longer in the name of the Lin family, but in the name of the general's wife. This is the first Mid-Autumn Festival feast, and it is better for Madam to attend."

Yan Huan nodded absent-mindedly, walked around behind the screen, took off her clothes and got into the hot water, the soreness was relieved a little.

In fact, the original owner Lin Mu really didn't like to participate in these flower viewing parties, banquets and so on.

For the banquet in the palace, every important courtier and their family members are invited, plus various relatives such as the emperor's concubines, each banquet is extremely grand and lively.

There are many people, so naturally there are many gossipers. Although in the palace, one has to be cautious when speaking and doing things, but the ladies of the official family are all pointing at Sanghuai and ridiculing because of their good status.

It is for this reason that Lin Mu is unwilling to participate in this kind of banquet.

People in Chen'an Kingdom have anti-aesthetics, so Lin Mu's appearance here is extremely ugly. The title of the most ugly girl in the capital is really oppressive for Lin Mu to breathe for so many years.

Now that she is marrying Zhao Yun, she still cries, makes trouble and hangs herself in that unbearable way, which makes her the laughing stock of the people in the capital and the object of jealousy of the ladies of the government.

Lin Mu has always been teased and ridiculed by everyone at the banquet. They used to say that she is a toad who wants to eat swan meat. Now that she is married to Zhao Yun, they don't know what new words they will use to scold her.

God knows that the swan ate her toad!
Her toad is very innocent, okay!
Yan Huan frowned, his face darkened.

Tonight's Mid-Autumn Festival feast looks like it will be very lively.

She closed her eyes and leaned against the tub wall, sighing.

I worked my body last night, and my mind tonight.

She is in a bad mood today, and if anyone who doesn't have eyes bumps into trouble, she must show that person the wisdom of girls in the 21st century.

After bathing and lunch, it was already half-afternoon.

Several maidservants gathered around the dressing table, with solemn expressions as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

They wanted to make Madam look like a fairy, but they had no choice but Madam's foundation was indeed a little bit worse.

When Yan Huan saw the neatly arranged hairpins, hairpins, and step shakes on the table, it looked like a heavy lump, and his scalp felt numb.

She couldn't help her forehead, "We are going to the Mid-Autumn Festival banquet, not to show off our wealth and put all our belongings on our heads, isn't it to attract thieves?"

She looked at the exquisitely embroidered crimson dress hanging on the hanger, and her head hurt even more.

"I'm going to a banquet. Do you understand the banquet? It's just for dinner. If you wear this suit, others will think you're on a blind date!"

What aesthetics, she is the general's wife, not an upstart!
 Thank you Lianjiang for rewarding 100 book coins~

  【Holding Lianjiang Meme Chirp~】

(End of this chapter)

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