Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1029 I have confirmed my eyes, I am someone who doesn't want to talk to me

Chapter 1029 I have confirmed my eyes, I am someone who doesn't want to talk to me (43)

Zhao Yun was originally absent-minded when he listened to Song Huanying's words. His eyes followed Yan Huan the whole time, knowing that she might have had trouble with these people in the past, and he was always paying attention to the situation between them, for fear that Lin Mu would be wronged.

In fact, he forgot that Lin Mu could fight against him, the general who protects the country, every time he was so angry that he was half dead. How could he suffer and be wronged in front of this group of people?
Now when he heard the two maids howling, Zhao Yun completely forgot that Song Huanying was still talking, so he hurried over immediately and helped Yan Huan from Su Ying's hand.

"what happened?"

Yan Huan held his forehead weakly, the tears on his face were still wet, and said pitifully, "It's okay..."

Vu Ying stomped her feet, feeling aggrieved, and completely forgot that she was a maid in front of Zhao Yun, so she couldn't speak like that.

The more she forgot the rules, the more angry she seemed.

"It's all right! Although Ms. Zhang is not a concubine, Mrs. Zhang is a minister after all. Why is her tutor so sarcastically contradicting Mrs. Yipin Gaoming?"

Yan Huan silently praised Su Yingkuang in her heart, if she hadn't had to pretend to be weak now, she would have jumped up and praised Su Ying crazily!


Every sentence pierces Zhang Yuqing's heart, but it can also arouse Zhao Yun's anger.

Zhao Yun didn't hear what they said before, but he did hear what Zhang Yuqing said to Lin Mu just now.

Talking to the general's wife, is this attitude? !
Zhao Yun sneered, his eyes were dark, his voice was low and cold, and he directly sent people into the ice cave, and the cold air swished.

"Master Zhang really knows how to teach my daughter."

When Zhang Yuqing saw his expression, she screamed in her heart that she was not good, and she immediately fell to her knees in fright.

"I... it's my fault!"

Zhao Yun supported Yan Huan, and frowned in disgust, even if he looked at her more, he felt it was an insult to his own eyes.

"Since you don't know the rules, you don't need to attend this dinner. Mr. Zhang doesn't know how to teach your daughter. I will ask the emperor to send a nanny from the palace to Zhang's mansion to teach you etiquette in person."

Zhang Yuqing's face turned pale. She was kneeling on the ground, but now she was completely slumped on the ground and couldn't get up.

The current emperor personally sent Mother Xi to the Zhang Mansion to teach her the rules. If word spread, how could she marry?

Who would marry a young lady who was approved by the general who protects the country and taught by the nanny in the palace, who doesn't know the rules and etiquette?

Besides, she is not a daughter of the first daughter.

Zhang Yuqing felt that her life was completely over at this moment.

The people around were trembling with fear, lowering their heads as much as possible to reduce their sense of presence, and only prayed that Zhao Yun didn't hear what they said just now, so that they wouldn't be hurt.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Yun's next sentence would be, "Looking at Miss Zhang contradicting the general's wife, but not stopping it, it seems that your rules are not deep enough."

He raised his eyebrows, and said in a calm tone, "Since that's the case, after teaching Madam Xi to Miss Zhang, let's teach you guys as well."


Everyone seemed to have been sucked out of their souls, and they stood there dumbfounded, even forgetting to blink their eyes.

It’s over.

It's all over.

Song Huanying didn't want to save her little sisters. She and Zhao Yun grew up together and knew Zhao Yun's temper well.

Just because of Zhang Yuqing's contradictory words directly ruined the reputations of so many women present, which shows how much Zhao Yun cares about and values ​​Lin Mu.

She just didn't understand that Lin Mu was so ugly, and he used that method to force Zhao Yun to marry her. Zhao Yun really didn't care, did he just forget?

Or, have you been in love for a long time?
 Thank you Yangshang Shengxiao [little apprentice +1] for rewarding 100 book coins~

  【Happy mouthful Xiaoxiao, good night everyone~】

  love for a long time...

  It is worth pondering, after all, Huanhuan took Zhao Yun for the first time (with a wicked smile)
(End of this chapter)

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