Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1032 I have confirmed my eyes, I am someone who doesn't want to talk to me

Chapter 1032 I have confirmed my eyes, I am someone who doesn't want to talk to me (46)

Zhao Yun pulled Yan Huan to stand up, he didn't care about the gossipy eyes of the people around him, he curved his lips and smiled, as if joking, but very serious.

"You also know that my nephew has a narrow mind. Even if Lin Mu dances, he can only dance with my nephew alone."

There was silence in the hall.

What else can I say?
It is really jaw-dropping to protect a wife for this sake, and there is no way to believe that this is something that a cold-faced killer would do.

What's more, on the day of getting married, Zhao Yun entered the mansion with a dark face without even kicking the sedan chair door in front of so many people.

How long has it been?The attitude was completely reversed, and I don't know what kind of magic Lin Mu used to confuse Zhao Yun, who has never been close to women, so quickly!
The witch Yan Huan said:? ? ?

Maybe Zhao Yun was taken over by the domineering president.

He pulled up Yan Huan and nodded to the emperor on the high platform, "Mu Mu is not feeling well, and my brother will take her to the Imperial Garden for a walk."

Holding the weapon for a long time, the calluses on his palms were rough. I don't know if it was because of the alcohol, or because his palms were already hot. Holding Yan Huan's hand, the scorching heat burned all the way to her face, which made people feel awkward and helpless.




OMG! ! !

Zhao Yun actually gave her such a sweet nickname? !
Prime Minister Lin and Mrs. Lin have never called her that! ! !
Feeling chills all over his body, Yan Huan was taken out of the hall by Zhao Yun, under the watchful eyes of everyone, and he forgot to say hello to the emperor when he got down the steps.

"Don't be in such a hurry to go to the Royal Garden, right? There is no one to fight with us there."

Zhao Yun dragged her hand, turned around and glared at her resentfully, "There are so many people in the palace waiting to laugh at you, do you still have the heart to stay there?"

Yan Huan curled his lips indifferently, "Jokes are jokes, they all think I'm ugly, anyway, I've been making jokes for so many years, I'm used to it."

Zhao Yun raised his hand and knocked on her forehead, "Even if you are ugly, I can only say that, no one has the right to say that about you!"

"Besides, you're not ugly."

He added more.

This person has always had a grim and gloomy expression, but suddenly he changed into a serious and slightly distressed one, which is really unacceptable.

Yan Huan laughed out loud.

Zhao Yun didn't say much about love in the first place, and his thoughtful and warm words were even more unfamiliar. He felt ashamed to be laughed at by her like this!
He turned cold, "What are you laughing at?"

Yan Huan hugged his arm, he couldn't tell whether he was sincere or not, but his smiling face was very cute, so he bluffed.

"Hey! This is the first time the general loves me so much, I am so happy, I can't wait to set off firecrackers to celebrate!"

The servants standing at the gate of Chongming Hall saw their affection, some lowered their heads and secretly smiled.

Zhao Yun was indifferent on the surface, but he was very happy in his heart, pretending to be nonchalant, "Is this the first time? I know that I treat you very well in normal times."

"Okay, okay! It's so good! It's so touching, it's so touching!"

Zhao Yun's performance today was really good.

If it wasn't for him, she would still have to spend a lot of brains dealing with these troublesome things.

I don't know if it was because he had eaten enough last night, or because he bullied him hard last night, but he found out in his conscience that he planned to treat her better today.

She hugged Zhao Yun's arm, and leaned her whole body on him, with a soft voice, "Are we going to the Imperial Garden?"

"Aren't you bored, do you want to take a breath?"

Yan Huan clicked his tongue twice, and said meaningfully, "But we are lonely and widowed, let's go to the grove..."

 [Cheek] Drilling into the grove...

  [Roaring] Huanhuan, what are you thinking about!

(End of this chapter)

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