Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 104 Not the Ake in your memory

Chapter 104 Not the Ake in your memory (2)

Three days later.

In the bamboo forest in the outskirts, the wind is rustling, the shadows of the trees are whirling, the sound of the piano is melodious like the sound of nature, and the music is soft and affectionate, and the strands seem to stir people's hearts.

Yan Huan's wound had just scabbed over, and his internal injuries were not healed, after all, he had only been recuperating for three days.

It's only been three days, and it's time to continue training.

Yan Huan poked inwardly, did this dark tribe treat women as men and men as animals?

Inhumane! ╰_╯

Yan Huan supported the masked girl's hand, and walked slowly into the bamboo forest.

Masking is the required attire of the Anzu.

Even if it is a partner, they will not know what the other party looks like, so that if the partner is caught and betrays the Dark Clan, they will not confess anyone.

Yan Huan helped the plain silver mask on his face. It was in the shape of a bloody devil's grimace. The carving was so delicate that even if he looked at it during the day, he would feel a sense of horror and fear in his heart.

At the end of the winding path, in the vermilion pavilion, the man playing the piano saw her coming, pressed his fingertips on the strings of the piano, and the sound of the piano stopped abruptly.

Gao Jianli raised his eyes and glanced at Yan Huan. Under the cover of the mask, he could only see a pair of sharp and cold eyes, without the slightest tenderness of a woman.

She is a born cold-blooded assassin.

Gao Jianli smiled, looked at Yan Huan, but his men plucked the strings again.

The sound of the piano that stopped abruptly continued suddenly, this time the song was different from the love song just now, it was fast and heavy!

The bamboo leaves falling from the air suddenly changed direction, like a tiny blade, piercing towards Yan Huan from all directions!
Fuck! (crying inwardly)

Gao Jianli, what is this for? !

System!help!Murder the player! !

At this moment, as if Ake's upper body, Yan Huan turned around nimbly, no matter how painful his upper body was still hurting, while dodging, he caught the blade-like bamboo leaves with quick eyes and hands!


I want a fat family! !
The scabbed wound had just healed, and several places were burst open, Yan Huan frowned in pain, but he didn't dare to stop!

Just kidding, if you stop, you will be tied into a hedgehog!

The convulsed Gao Jianli finally stopped plucking the strings, and commented calmly, "Your close-up martial arts are not bad, but your actual combat experience in assassination is not enough. You will follow me on this mission."

Under the mask, Yan Huan was out of breath, with a bitter face like a bitter gourd.

It's not enough to just finish torturing me, I have to be taken out to torture!

My injury is still not healed, so I don't want to exploit people like this? ! 〒_〒

Gao Jianli probably saw the emotion in her eyes, and raised his lips in a smile that was not a smile, "Just watch me do things."


It's almost there!
The masked girl standing on the side brought up a mahogany tray, on which were placed two double-edged bayonets, with red agate inlaid in the middle of the handle, exquisite workmanship, and the blades had a gloomy cold light, like thirsty blood.

"For me?"

Her voice was a little hoarse, and Yan Huan couldn't hide the surprise in her eyes as she looked at Gao Jianli.

"Well, I saw that day, you are suitable for double-edged weapons, you can try this one, you won't be able to handle it."

Gao Jianli was very satisfied with her surprise, Yan Huan picked up the bayonet and drew a few beautiful knives in the air, the air was whistling, sharp and oppressive.

Shout 66666 to myself!

"Very handy, thank you."

Gao Jianli plucked the strings a few times casually, with a long and long clank, his amber eyes reflected the afterglow of the setting sun, glowing with a light and soft golden color, and even the curvature of his lips carried the warmth of the sun.

At this moment, he was more like a leisurely luthier than a murderous assassin.

"Go back and rest, we will set off tomorrow morning."

 Thank you Ziwan for rewarding 400 book coins~

  Thank you Xiatong Nuanyang for rewarding 100 book coins~

  360 degrees without dead angle kiss you!


  small theater:
  Mengmeng: Ah... Gao Jianli's little brother looks so handsome playing the piano!
  Yan Huan: Pooh!

  Gao Jianli touched the strings and raised his lips threateningly, "What did you just say?"

  Yan Huan turned into a dog-legged face in seconds: I said you play the piano, I sing, and I'll give you aria 18—touch!

(End of this chapter)

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