Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1044 I have confirmed my eyes, I am someone who doesn't want to talk to me

Chapter 1044 I have confirmed my eyes, I am someone who doesn't want to talk to me (57)

All night, Zhao Yun was telling her how to keep the wind in her ears.

But what's infuriating is that it's fine for him to bully her all night, but he doesn't even want to take her to the barracks at all!

She was not a disobedient three-year-old child, so she would be obedient and not run around when she was by Zhao Yun's side, but Zhao Yun was hard-hearted, no matter what she begged, she would not agree.

If you don't wait for him to leave, you can follow him secretly.

But in case something happened to her along the way, didn't she intend to cause trouble for Zhao Yun?
"Ma'am, ma'am?"

Yan Huan sat by the window, resting his chin in a daze, frowning with a solemn expression, Song Yan called her twice but she didn't respond.

"what's up?"

Song Yan handed her the bundle in her hand, "The clothes Zhu Cuige sent are said to be new styles made in autumn."

Yan Huan lost interest, "Take it and wash it and hang it in the closet."

"Madam, don't you want to take a look?"

Yan Huan sighed heavily, "I'm not in the mood right now..."

Regarding how the restaurant is decorated and what dishes are available, she has already written these, but she has not sent them to Zhu Cuige's boss.

She didn't have the heart to think about how to make money, what new clothes to wear, and now her mind is full of how to let Zhao Yun take her to the border. She doesn't think about food, sleep and eat, which is the portrayal of her current life.

Song Yan thought she was worried about Zhao Yun's safety in the battle, and said in relief, "Ma'am, don't worry, the general has practiced martial arts since childhood, and he has never lost a battle in the past few years. This time, nothing will happen."

Although she also believed in Zhao Yun's strength, for some reason, she couldn't control her worries.

"Did the general say you would come back for dinner tonight?"

Song Yan shook her head, "Not yet."

Zhao Yun has been getting more and more busy these days, and it's only a few days before he goes to the border.

No matter if she was coquettish or forceful, Zhao Yun would not agree to take her to the border. Yan Huan's final plan was to sneak into the army camp, pretend to be Zhao Yun's soldiers, and secretly go to the border with him.

When she got to the border, she would confess to Zhao Yun, no matter how harshly he punished her, she would admit it, and Zhao Yun would never be worried about sending her back when it was a long way away.

right!Just do it!

Now I have to find a soldier's armor, put on a uniform armor, and then find a dark and stormy night, when the woman disguises herself as a man, she sneaks into the barracks.

With her ability to speak nonsense with her eyes open, she can definitely get through in the military camp.

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that this method was feasible, Yan Huan's eyes lit up, "Get the carriage ready! I want to go out!"

Song Yan is used to her being startled at every turn, her expression didn't change, and she kindly reminded, "The general said, without his orders, you can't leave the house."

Yan Huan's face froze.

Yes, she forgot again.

It's not peaceful outside now, if something happens to her when she leaves the house, at this juncture, Zhao Yun is going to the border, isn't she going to die.

But although she can't go out, both Su Ying and Song Yan can go out.

She beckoned Song Yan to come over, lowered her voice and said mysteriously, "Go to Zhu Cui Pavilion and ask the boss of Zhu Cui Pavilion to make me a uniform as soon as possible, which is the unified uniform of our Chen'an soldiers."

Song Yan's eyes were clouded, "Ma'am, what do you want this armor for?"

Yan Huan pursed her lips and said nothing.

"Ma'am! Are you... you are..."

Song Yan's eyes widened, her face turned pale with fright, and she stammered, "Ma'am! You will be beheaded if you make a soldier's armor privately! If you want to... that would be an even worse crime!"

(End of this chapter)

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