Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1047 I have confirmed my eyes, I am someone who doesn't want to talk to me

Chapter 1047 I have confirmed my eyes, I am someone who doesn't want to talk to me (60)

In the camp, all the big men sleep in big bunks.

Yan Huan slept on the outermost side, and the soldier sleeping next to him was fairly well-behaved, and he didn't have the habit of hugging people or rolling around.

But she was very uncomfortable.

Yan Huan thought that she was not that delicate, and in this special situation, she wasn't to the point where she couldn't bear to sleep with a group of men.

So what's the deal with this rising nausea? !
The nausea was getting worse and worse, she couldn't help it, she covered her lips and retched.

Fortunately, it was late at night, and the men were snoring, but no one heard her retching.

what's the situation?Could it be that she was pretending to be sick because God couldn't stand it anymore, so it really made her sick?

Mom!Her broken body fell off the chain at a critical moment!


Unable to hold back, she retched again, tears came out, her stomach became more and more uncomfortable, she couldn't stop breaking out in cold sweat, Yan Huan was crying inwardly.

What's wrong? This is, she was fine before she came!
A strong sense of nausea surged up again, Yan Huan couldn't bear it any longer, threw off the quilt and ran out of the tent, crouched in a corner and vomited, almost collapsed.

Feeling dizzy, feeling weak all over, and feeling nauseous again and again, Yan Huan felt like he was going to die suddenly.

It seems that she is really sick, and I don't know what it is. She is going to the border early in the morning. Her little body won't be able to bear the torture of the disease and die on the way, right?

Yan Huan rubbed his forehead in boredom, and sighed heavily inwardly.

Don't get sick early, don't get sick late, but choose such a time to get sick.

She covered her lips and vomited a few more times, shaking the little star in front of her eyes, something flashed through her mind.

Nausea, retching...

What is the symptom...

She quickly calculated in her heart when was the last time she came to her aunt.

This month should have come, why is it three or four days late?
Plus nausea and retching...

Yan Huan gasped, his eyes widened in disbelief, his face was stiff, and the wind was messy...

She is pregnant? !
Calculating the time, it is really possible that this is the first time Zhao Yun has worked hard all night.

"Depend on!"

Yan Huan gritted his teeth, scratched his hair impatiently, and walked back and forth angrily at the tent door several times.

Is it such a coincidence? !

She's leaving tomorrow and she finds out she's pregnant tonight? !
Dog blood series will not use this kind of silly B plot, right? !

She scolded Zhao Yun from head to toe in her heart, and she still had to face this fact after venting her anger.

She was pregnant and her body simply wouldn't allow her to make the long trek to the border unless she didn't want the baby.

After staying up for several nights and carefully planning everything, in the end it was all for naught.

In her heart, there was both the surprise of pregnancy and some disappointment.

Then she can't go to the border with Zhao Yun, she has to stay in the capital to raise her baby.

Yan Huan squatted at the door of the tent, his face darker than the night.

Forget it, let's go back to the house obediently.

But the problem now is that it is easy to come in, but difficult to get out.

Zhao Yun had already returned to the barracks, and everyone was leaving early in the morning, so what reason would she have to go out at this time?
Besides, she went out and there was no carriage to pick her up. She had to walk back in the dark for such a long distance. Who knew if there would be bad people on the way?
She screwed herself up again.

To be precise, it was this little thing in her stomach that came at an untimely time that got her into trouble.

(End of this chapter)

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