Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1055 I have confirmed my eyes, I am someone who doesn't want to talk to me

Chapter 1055 I have confirmed my eyes, I am someone who doesn't want to talk to me (68)

The rule in the palace is that all the concubines have to come to Fengyi Palace to pay their respects to the queen every morning, and they are not allowed to be absent if they are sick.

Concubine Zhuo Gui was not favored, and she had nothing else to do after paying her respects every morning, so she stayed in the side hall of Fengyi Palace and waited for Yan Huan to wake up, chatting with her for a while.

Yan Huan was a bit sleepy today, Zhuo Guifei still talked with her as usual, Sulian, Su Ying, Song Yan, Liu Guang, Liu Ying were all standing outside the door, the little maid came in with an anti-fetal medicine, Yan Huan heard that Bitter taste and headache.

The palace maid put the anti-fetal medicine on the small table next to the bed, and there was also a plate of candied fruit, Yan Huan's face was a little pale, and he leaned on the bed and didn't want to move.

Concubine Zhuo Gui smiled and said, "You look pale today, let me feed you medicine."

Su Lian came in and hurriedly picked up the medicine, "Don't bother your concubine, this is what we have to do."

Su Lian is cautious in doing things, everyone wants to be on guard, especially for Concubine Zhuo Gui, who has an inexplicable acquaintance with Lin Mu.

The medicine bowl was held in front of her, the bitter taste made people sick, Su Lian stood between Concubine Zhuo Gui and Yan Huan, Yan Huan grabbed a few candied fruits in his hand, Su Lian suddenly shook her hand, the medicine bowl tilted, it was hot The concoction spilled on Yan Huan's body, it was so hot that she gasped!
"Damn slaves!"

Su Lian's face turned pale with fright, and she knelt down on the ground with a bang. While kneeling, she took out a handkerchief to wipe the medicinal juice on Yan Huan's body, her hands were trembling, and her voice trembled, "Damn it, slave! I've burned my lady! Please!" Ma'am punish!"

In fact, it didn't burn too much. The underwear I wore in autumn was quite thick, and only a few drops were splashed on my neck, which is now a little red.

"My maidservant is going to call the imperial physician, and I will go to the empress to ask for punishment later!"

Su Lian was in a hurry and forgot to beware of Concubine Zhuo Gui. She kowtowed to Yan Huan a few times, hurried out, took Song Yan and a few maids to call the imperial doctor, and ordered a few young maids at the door to re-decoct Tocolytics.

Only Fuying was left in the side hall wiping the medicinal juice on Yan Huan's body. The coat was wet, and Fuying said, "Your maidservant, go get a basin of hot water to wipe your wife's body, and then bring a new set of underwear to avoid My wife caught a cold."

Su Ying's thoughts are not as serious as Su Lian's, and she doesn't know how to beware of Concubine Zhuo Gui, but after a few days of getting along with her, Yan Huan doesn't have much doubt about Concubine Zhuo Gui.

Concubine Zhuo Gui is the emperor's concubine, her hometown is out of town, and she doesn't know Zhao Yun at all. She is not a rival in love. What kind of enmity is there between two strangers?
Yan Huan nodded, turned around and left the hall. As soon as Ying left, Concubine Zhuo stood up and took off Yan Huan's blouse that was stained with the medicine juice, vigorously tapped somewhere on Yan Huan's neck, and then naturally clasped her shirt. The wrist was not light or heavy, but it just didn't allow her to break free.

Yan Huan opened his mouth and was about to speak, but found that he couldn't make a sound!

Concubine Zhuo Gui took out a flesh-colored plastic object from her waist with the other hand, and said in a voice that only the two of them could hear clearly, "I'm holding your life, if you don't want to die with the baby in your belly , you'd better be obedient."

Yan Huan's head buzzed!
Why did concubine Zhuo Gui harm her? !
Secret work, is she a secret work placed in the palace by another country? !

Even the palace can sneak in and work? !

Concubine Zhuo Gui grabbed her wrist and pulled her up from the bed involuntarily. Yan Huan watched as Liu Guang, the court lady next to Concubine Zhuo, pulled out a similar glue from her waist and put it on her face. It turned out to be exactly the same as her own. face!

 Thanks to Che Yuner [Little Cute] for rewarding 200 book coins~

  Thank you Lianjiang for rewarding 688 book coins~

  Thanks to Datura Noir for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thanks to Mengmeng Naogong Ergou for rewarding 100 book coins~

  【Good evening everyone~~】

(End of this chapter)

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