Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1059 I have confirmed my eyes, I am someone who doesn't want to talk to me

Chapter 1059 I have confirmed my eyes, I am someone who doesn't want to talk to me (72)


The imperial physician stood where he was, looked at Yan Huan and then at the Queen, sweat broke out again, he raised his sleeve to wipe the sweat from his forehead, his face was very troubled.

The empress reprimanded her condescendingly, her voice was cold and stern without being angry, "Bold! Is it the general's wife who is important, or your little maidservant?!"

Yan Huan was still holding on to the imperial physician's robe, helplessly, the imperial physician rushed to wave to the little doctor who came over, "You show her first, I'll go in and see the general's wife."

He bent down and slowly opened Yan Huan's hand, afraid of being caught by her again, he trotted into the hall as if fleeing.


There is a kind of loneliness of being abandoned by the world and leaving her alone.

She was kneeling on the ground, and everyone was looking down at her, puzzled, mocking, contemptuous, watching...

The various eyes of these people exacerbated the pain in the stomach, and a hot current gushed out from between the legs again.

The little doctor was only about twelve or thirteen years old, and looked immature. Now the courtyard was still fighting, and the queen was standing outside the hall. He was a little afraid to step forward to check Yan Huan's pulse. The main reason was that the woman was crying too much. He was a little scared.

Su Ying glanced at her twice, compared to her, she still chose to enter the palace with the imperial physician, seeing how the unconscious "Lin Mu" was doing.

She sat there blankly, and the people around her didn't understand why she was crying so sadly, so uncomfortable, and she still cried bitterly in obscurity without saying a word.

Is it because her master was exposed?To be caught and given to death?So she is sad?

Liu Guang can be regarded as a loyal confidant.

Concubine Zhuo Gui is still struggling, and she has fought hundreds of moves with the Imperial Army. Her martial arts are still considered good, but her fists are invincible, and the Imperial Army has a knife in her hand. After all, she is not as strong as a man as a woman. In the end, He was stabbed twice and fell to his knees on the ground.

The queen frowned, disgusted and hated, "Drag her to me quickly! Interrogate who it is, and who is it who is planning to stuff it into the palace!"

I don't know if the general's wife fainted because of her hands and feet, the general's wife still has a small baby in her stomach!If something happened, how could she explain it to Zhao Yun? !

Two days after he left for the expedition, something happened to his wife in Fengyi Palace. As the lord of the first palace and also the empress, she couldn't absolve herself of the blame.

Having a headache, the queen raised her hand to rub her temples, and was about to enter the palace to ask the imperial physician "Lin Mu" how she was doing, when she caught a glimpse of Yan Huan sitting on the ground like a puppet, she gave her a sideways look, and said coldly as if looking at garbage.

"Everyone who has served Concubine Zhuo in Huanhuazhai will be dragged to Ye Court for interrogation, especially those who served personally!"

Concubine Zhuo Gui was escorted away, and two imperial guards came up to take Yan Huan away, but the little doctor said in time, "Please wait, this maid is injured, master told me to take her pulse first to check the injury."

Su Lian frowned, and said nonchalantly, "Her master is about to die, and the maids who serve her will be pulled out sooner or later, what's there to see?"


Now death or not is meaningless to Yan Huan, she is full of thoughts, she, a fool who can't survive two episodes in the Gongdou drama, was finally aborted by others inexplicably.

The little doctor bowed, although his voice was immature, it was neither humble nor overbearing, plausible.

"When she dies is her business. The doctor is benevolent. Since Master ordered me to take her pulse, I have to see how her injury is."

 Thank you Mengmeng Naogong for still rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thank you Bookworm vs Riceworm for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thanks to Che Yuner [Little Cute] for rewarding 72 book coins~

  【Good evening~ The first day of the college entrance examination is over~】

(End of this chapter)

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