Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1070 I have confirmed my eyes, I am someone who doesn't want to talk to me

Chapter 1070 I have confirmed my eyes, I am someone who doesn't want to talk to me (end)

In order to let the children save themselves from the sea of ​​suffering of working hard for the country as soon as possible.

In order to be able to live a free life with Lin Mu as soon as possible.

To prove that it is not Lin Mu who is infertile, nor is he infertile.

Zhao Yun started a human-made project that caused backaches, backaches, and leg cramps.

It's so terrifying, it's heinous, it makes people suffer from kidney deficiency, and it makes people look pale at the sight of the bed.

Living up to expectations, the general's wife successfully conceived a month after the general's triumphant return.

In view of Mao rashly making a fuss last time, Yan Huan learned his lesson this time, and called the imperial physician in the palace to take the pulse, and after repeated confirmation, he told Zhao Yun.

Since the general's wife became pregnant, everyone in the barracks felt that the general had changed.

Originally, she wished she could sleep in the barracks all the time, but now, as long as the barracks was free, she would return home, sitting in the barracks, and her heart flew to the house.

In addition to that, he also ran to the palace at every turn, consulting the emperor's wife what the husband should do when she was pregnant, and consulting the queen's precautions for pregnant women.

To annoy the empress, the emperor gave him a ten-month long vacation with a big wave of his hand, and asked him to go back to accompany his wife to prepare for pregnancy with peace of mind. The empress appointed three or four experienced nuns in the palace to enter the general's mansion, praying If Zhao Yun wants to be bothered, go and bother the nuns, and don't come to the palace again.

Everyone in the capital knows about this incident, and the cold-faced killer has now become a standard wife-slave, and it is also the gossip of everyone after dinner.

Who would have thought that the most ugly woman in the capital would have firmly captured the heart of the general protecting the country?A couple who met each other like enemies before, but now their love is stronger than gold, so sweet that they get tired of it!
Ten months later, Zhao Yun had his eldest son as he wished.

The year of war and chaos in the General's Mansion has finally passed, but he has not yet caught his breath. In the second year, the wife became pregnant again, and this time gave birth to a son.

Zhao Yun comforted himself inwardly, it doesn't matter if he is a son this time, he can just be the eldest son's helper.

As the saying goes, when a father and son fight in battle, when they fight against their own brothers, they leave their backs for the protection of their own brothers, which is always at ease.

Another two years later, the lady became pregnant again.

Zhao Yunming didn't say anything at first, but he was really looking forward to this child being a daughter.

For example, when passing by a clothes store while patrolling with his subordinates, he couldn't help but look at the little girl's dress in a daze, and show a loving smile like an old father by the way.

Over time, everyone in the capital knew that the general who protects the country looked forward to the stars and the moon, and hoped that there would be a little princess in the general's mansion. Everyone felt puzzled. Who wouldn't want to have many sons? I am looking forward to my daughter.

But the general's wife gave birth to another son.

At the full moon banquet, Zhao Yun kept a straight face the whole time, for fear that others would not know that he was unhappy, he hugged the little prince, not even a smile on his face.

After three years, the general's wife was pregnant again.

On the day when he found out he was pregnant, Zhao Yun ordered someone to invite the best craftsman to carve a statue of Avalokitesvara for Sending a Son out of high-quality large pieces of Hetian jade. It's a jade girl, not a golden boy.

After looking forward and looking forward, everyone felt that the poor general who defended the country hoped that his daughter would go crazy. However, this time, the wife not only gave birth to a son, but also gave birth to a pair of twin sons.

So far, Zhao Yun has five sons.

That's how Yan Huan comforted him.

It is said that the daughter is the lover of the father in the previous life. It can only be said that you did not have a lover in the previous life, so you have no daughter in this life.

 The next plane Yang Jian Year of the Dog limited skin~
(End of this chapter)

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