Chapter 1073

The night before was beaten and rained again, Yan Huan's body fell ill as expected.

Severe cold, lightheadedness, weakness, and slight tinnitus.

She didn't have an appetite for breakfast either, so Yan Huan went out of the room to grab her schoolbag and go straight to school, when she saw her younger brother holding onto her math books, tearing them apart one by one happily.

What does a two-year-old child know, tearing it up and stuffing it into his mouth. When Yan Huan came out, he saw her mother holding his brother's hand, and said softly, "Don't put this in your mouth, baby, it's so dirty."

The younger brother is ignorant, and her mother doesn't stop him.

Shock and anger rushed straight to the top of her head, and Yan Huan rushed over angrily and snatched the book from her brother. The poor math book had been torn into half, and her brother didn't react when the book was suddenly robbed. Sitting on the ground, she was frightened and cried.


A slap hit her face unexpectedly, Yan Huan's thin body was slapped to one side, and he also tasted blood in his mouth.

"I'm going to kill you! What happened to my brother tearing up a book from you? Look, you scared my brother to tears!"

What's wrong with tearing up a book?
Then I just took the book back and didn't do anything to him. He was going to beat me when he was scared and cried?

The grievance and chilling in my heart was better than anger, Yan Huan trembled angrily, stared at her mother with red circles, her mother snatched the book from her impatiently, and stuffed it to her younger brother to let him continue tearing it up, "Anyway, this book you It's useless to ask for it."

"What's useless?! I still need it in class today, and if you tear it up, you won't give me money to buy a new one!"

Her mother's eyes dodged a little guilty, "You don't have to go to school because..."

She gritted her teeth, and said, "To tell you the truth, the family can't afford you anymore. Gao Ning has an orphanage, and someone will pick you up this morning."

Orphanage? !

She has a father and a mother, and she still wants to go to the orphanage? !She is not an orphan!

"Can't afford it?"

Yan Huan sneered, her eye circles were red, she held back her tears, gritted her teeth and said every word.

"In addition to my three meals a day, how much did I spend on your family's annual tuition fees?"

"The whole family, you only need a bite of food from me, and you can't support me, can you?"

"The palms and backs of the hands are full of flesh, he is your child, so I am not your child?!"

The last sentence was almost yelled out, the pain was like tearing her heart, but her mother was indifferent, no guilt, no distress, no feelings, just like a stranger.

"The orphanage will treat you well, and the food and supplies will be better than those at home, so you can be happy."

happy, huh...

"The welfare home is for orphans. Am I an orphan? Do I have no parents? Do I have no home?"

"Bang bang bang-"

There was a knock on the door, her mother glared at her, curled her lips in disgust, "I was looking forward to my son at the beginning, who was looking forward to your little girl? It is our kindness that we didn't strangle you to death when you were born. We have worked so hard to raise you to such a big age." It's right to live with you, what else do you want?"

The moment before her mother opened the door, she ordered, "Go to the orphanage obediently, don't play tricks! Our family is moving too, don't even think about running back, you won't find us if you run back."

The one with the indifferent attitude really wanted to send her out immediately, it would be bad to stay with her for a second longer.

She was the last to know about the move, and she didn't even know where the new home was.

This home is the home of the three of them, and it's none of her business.

 [Next chapter Yang Jian will be on stage, the lighting engineer is ready! 】

  Thank you Lianjiang for rewarding 200 book coins~

  Thank you Mumu for not being cute. Reward 200 book coins~

  Thank you Ruoqing for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thank you for calling me cute [little cute] for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thank you Bookworm vs Riceworm for rewarding 100 book coins~

  [Good evening, everyone ~ ok~]

(End of this chapter)

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