Chapter 1091

The atmosphere was quiet for a few seconds, and no one seemed to have expected such an event.

Aunt Cook rushed over and grabbed Yan Huan's arm, "Open your mouth and talk nonsense! Talk nonsense and I'll screw you to death!"

Yan Huan was indeed talking nonsense as soon as he opened his mouth, he didn't write a draft when he lied, and he still had plausible words.

"Really, I didn't lie, I was indeed clean when Aunt Wang checked me, but in the past few days in the orphanage, I and others have already..."

It felt like it was intentional to say it so directly, Yan Huan had no choice but to explain in a low voice, with frightened eyes, "If it wasn't for the fear that I would be found unclean after I went there, I would be beaten to death, I wouldn't have said it right now... "

She looked like she couldn't figure out what was true and false, and the angry cooking aunt raised her hand and slapped her, but it didn't hit her on the face, but on her arm.

Ari stared, angry and regretful at the same time, angry because he is not C now, and the selling price is less, and regretful because he knew that this girl was not C, he could still play.

"Is it the little brat who came in with you?!"

That little bastard, Yang Jian?

Yan Huan shook her head and denied it, she didn't want to drag Yang Jian into the water, otherwise if this group of people found out, they would definitely beat Yang Jian too.

Aunt Cook was careful, "This little girl is probably lying, let Aunt Wang check it again!"

Yan Huan's fragile heart shuddered again!
Do you want to be so vigilant? !

Yan Huan was sweating profusely, her fingernails made a few marks on the palm of her hand, she opened her mouth to say a word before being cut off.

"I want to report!"

lazy voice.

Song Wan came out slowly from behind, "I saw her sneaking into the woods with a boy the night before yesterday, and she didn't come back until midnight."

Auntie Cook and A Rui were taken aback for a moment, and then stomped their feet angrily and regretfully, but they couldn't beat Yan Huan to death!
"Damn girl! Stinky bastard! You can still get out with a man in front of my old lady! You little jerk!"

Angrily, Auntie Cook pinched Yan Huan several times, and then kicked her a few times.

"Who is that boy?!"

Song Wan yawned, listlessly, "Who can see what that boy looks like in the middle of the night? I only know it's a boy."

Yan Huan stared blankly at Song Wan, she didn't expect Song Wan to come out and speak for her, and... as if she had a good understanding, she didn't confess to Yang Jian.

The middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes glanced at Yan Huan in distaste, and then looked at the little girls holding the plush dolls with suspicion.

"These are absolutely clean! They're so small, they don't understand anything, it's impossible..."

Auntie Cook almost made a poisonous oath, the middle-aged man glanced at her coldly, and left with a few little girls without a word.

Yan Huan felt guilty for a while, Aunt Cook and A Rui were angry, but they didn't do anything to her.

Originally, she didn't want to say such things, because she didn't want to be taken away by that man, so she said it casually out of helplessness.

It's over, this time I have attracted a lot of hatred for myself, these bad guys in the orphanage will not let me go.

If she is dirty, Huang Fang and A Rui will definitely come to harass and threaten her, and dirty girls are sold to dirty places.

In the past few nights, she can't go to the grove with Yang Jian to discuss plans. All the expectations are now unexpected.

 good night

(End of this chapter)

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