Chapter 1098

It is said that she is pretending to be in a coma, but Yan Huan is almost in a coma now.

Except for being conscious, she has no strength at all, starving stares from hunger, and if she is hungry for a longer time, these live chickens that are jumping around on her body may be eaten raw by her.

Today is a bright sunny day again, Yan Huan squinted his eyes, looked out from the small window of the car door, the bright outside world was seductive and far away.

According to the speed of the truck, let alone the city, it would have already left the province by now.

Being transported to an unfamiliar place, maybe the supervision is stricter than in the orphanage, want to escape?Arabian Nights.

Yan Huan closed her eyes again, the chickens who had been jumping up and down all night were tired and quieter now, she called Xia Ruoyu twice, but the other party didn't respond, probably fainted from hunger.

She is also hungry, and her hungry consciousness is a little confused, and she can't tell whether it is a dream or reality.

Yan Huan felt that the system definitely made her suffer on purpose in this plane. Since the first day she entered this plane, she hadn't lived a single day of a normal life.

【Notice!Assist characters are coming! 】

The sudden notification sound from the system was like a dream, and Yan Huan lay there indifferent until Meng Qi jumped out from nowhere and jumped on Yan Huan's stomach!

Yan Huan couldn't hold back a muffled groan, Xiao Mengqi was as fat as a piglet, luckily she hadn't eaten, otherwise she would have stepped on her stomach and would have vomited out her overnight meal.

"Chirp chirp chirp chirp!!!"

Meng Qi ran around in the narrow chicken coop like crazy, the smell in the car was too stinky and disgusting, for a clean rat with a cleanliness, it was more painful than killing it!
Yan Huan was stepped on by Meng Qi, and he didn't recover from the step for a long time, and now it is still scurrying around like chicken blood spattered, the chicken in the cage is so excited that it screams like crazy, and it also flaps its wings and jumps up and down .

Yan Huan was speechless in his heart.

He is really not afraid of opponents who are like gods, but teammates who are like pigs!

Meng Qi sensed that something was wrong with Yan Huan, and slowly walked over from the other end, taking a closer look at Yan Huan's face, her face was as pale as paper, her eyes were closed, her brows were frowning, and she looked very painful.


Meng Qi hugged Yan Huan's neck and rubbed it, but Yan Huan still didn't respond.

Meng Qi came at the wrong time.

The truck was still driving, how could she escape at this time?

She frowned, and her poor head, which was about to faint from hunger, tried to think of a way.

The carriage is narrow and the doors are tightly closed, with only the small palm-sized window for ventilation, but only a mouse can get through it, but she can't get through.



You can ask Mengqi to go out first and open the chain for her, and then ask Mengqi to open her shield!

Then she jumped out of the car and fled, looking for a reliable police station to call the police and rescue the girls in the car and the orphanage. From now on, everyone can say goodbye to the hellish orphanage!
It's just that the most important thing is to escape smoothly now, and if you arrive at the destination later, it will be difficult to escape from under the noses of everyone.

"Meng Qi, can you bite the cage open?"

Meng Qi blinked, her little claws grabbed the iron railings on both sides of the iron cage, and easily tore open a big hole, and finally wiped her claws on her legs in distaste, as if she was disgusted by the strange smell on the chicken cage .

"Okay! Now you get out of that little window and unlock the door!"

(End of this chapter)

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