Chapter 1101

The atmosphere fell into an eerie silence again.

"If you don't run away, I'll run away even if I'm alone, even if I'm caught and kicked to break two ribs and one left leg, I'll run away! I have to try to be reconciled, to give up!"

Song Wan fell silent again.

Life has worn away all the sharp edges and corners of fangs and claws, as well as the expectations and hopes for the future, Song Wan feels that her daily life is to wait to eat, drink and die.

If she escapes, she will be caught and beaten again, and she will live in a muddle-headed way. Anyway, it's not like she has never lived this kind of life as a butcher, and she is used to it.


I have to say that Lin Yanan's firmness and determination really gave her a dead heart, and it seemed to ignite another fire.

Who would want to live a life worse than pigs and dogs?
Yan Huan sighed sullenly, "But this situation cannot be escaped now, if the police come soon, we can call for help together!"

Song Wan said silently, "But if the police didn't come, what if the tow truck came first?"

Her words were calm and calm, without any hope or expectation, nor worry or tension.

"You boy came fast enough!"

There was a burst of exclamation from outside, Yan Huan had a bad feeling in his heart, he didn't expect Song Wan to be... whatever he said!
"Quick, quick! Take this broken car away for me! It's an eyesore to this thief!"

Here comes the trailer? !

10 minutes so fast? !
Not reconciled, Yan Huan stood up and stumbled to the car door, stood on tiptoe and looked out through the small palm-sized window.

Vehicles sped by, and there were no patrolling police cars around.

She knew it was only 10 minutes, and she couldn't wait for the police.

Then she could only wait for the tow truck to tow the car away, leave the highway overpass, and then repeat the same trick. After Meng Qi opened the door, she jumped out of the car and fled.

But just now, Meng Qi activated a shield for her in advance. It takes several days for the skill to cool down. After a while, she can't open the shield after jumping off the car, so she has no protection.

The speed of the truck is not that fast, if you jump off... you shouldn't die, right?
Yan Huan was unable to support her forehead, her heart was never at peace, and she was always frightened and irritable.

The truck staggered and moved slowly, because it broke down and could only be dragged by the vehicle in front, and the speed was much slower than usual.

If you jump off the car at this speed, you will not die. If you pay more attention, you should not break your legs and arms. At most, there will be some abrasions. She can bear those minor injuries.

"Xia Ruoyu?"

Yan Huan called softly, but Xia Ruoyu still didn't respond.

Obviously neither she nor Xia Ruoyu had been drugged, but Xia Ruoyu's health was much worse than hers, and she passed out after a while.

Yan Huan took Song Wan's hand and patted it, "If you don't want to escape, I'll escape by myself first, and then call the police to rescue you."

She slowly moved to Xia Ruoyu's place, looking for the chicken coops one by one through the faint and blurred light, and finally found Xia Ruoyu who had fainted in the chicken coop a little far away.

"Xia Ruoyu?"

She reached in and patted Xia Ruoyu's cheeks twice. Xia Ruoyu's face was hot, and her forehead was also hot. She patted her face a few times but there was no response.

Most likely because of a fever, hungry and sick, Xia Ruoyu had passed out, even if she woke her up and ran away together, she wouldn't be able to run far.

Forget it, she should run away by herself. She has a small target by herself, and it is not easy to be found and caught. Besides, Meng Qi can help.

 [Today is the last day of the Dragon Boat Festival event, and the list of winners will be announced tomorrow, but you can see the top three in the book review area~]

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  【Hold everyone and baa baa ~ Today is the second rice dumpling baa】

(End of this chapter)

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