Chapter 1109

The grumpy man couldn't bear it any longer, he pulled out his gun without hesitation, and fired directly at the looming location!

The gun hit the tree trunk not far from Yan Huan and the others, the sound was especially loud in the quiet night, Song Wan was so frightened that he screamed!
With the sharp screams, it was easier to identify their positions. The man pulled the trigger and fired another shot at the almost certain position, and there was another loud "bang"!
When Yan Huan heard the first gunshot, he reacted quickly and rushed towards Song Wan next to him, throwing her down and falling to the ground. The bullet flew past where they were just standing, and hit another tree. On the trunk!

If it wasn't for Yan Huan's quick attack just now, Song Wan would have been hit by now! ! !

Song Wan was thrown to the ground by Yan Huan as if she had lost her soul, her mouth was slightly opened, and her eyes were staring blankly at the tree trunk that was hit. Yan Huan clung to her, and could feel her heartbeat beating like a drum!
There was a faint smell of gunpowder smoke in the air, and for them, it was the smell of dying.

The man failed to hit anyone with two shots. He was furious and roared, "Come out for me! Otherwise, you two will die in this woods!"

Yan Huan was afraid that Song Wan would scream and expose her position, so he hurriedly covered her lips with one hand, and hugged her waist tightly with the other, leading her to roll to the side.

That position has been exposed just now, and it is dangerous to stand up again, so I can only roll around on the ground a few times and change to an unclear position before continuing to run.

The quiet sound of crushing branches and bushes, the men listened with their ears upright, but it was difficult to discern their exact location.

She never expected that one of these men had a gun!

Gun!This is not country M, where guns are legal. Apart from human trafficking, do these people also smuggle and sell guns? !

What kind of bad guy team is this!Do all kinds of evil? !Do everything? !
The man strode towards the direction of the voice, but he couldn't tell where it was, so he pushed the people next to him, "Let's go find it together! I don't believe that these two limp-legged cousins ​​can get out of my eyes." slipped under the hood!"

The men's heavy footsteps were approaching this way, Yan Huan's whole body became stiff with fright, big drops of cold sweat slipped from his forehead and sank into the grass, his face was pale and bloodless, and his obsidian eyes were even darker profound.

The footsteps were getting closer and closer, Yan Huan held her breath in fright and did not dare to make a sound, for fear that some man would step on her and find her position, and she would really... be finished.

I still dragged Song Wan to finish it together.

Two men found the right spot, only two meters away from Yan Huan. Meng Qi knew that Yan Huan couldn't speak now, and without waiting for her order, he jumped out with a heartbeat, scratching with two sharp little claws one left and one right. On the faces of those two people!
A sudden sharp pain on the face!
The two men yelled out in pain, pain on the one hand and fear on the other!

"What's the name of the ghost?!"

"Where are those two watches? Are they with you?"

The bone was deeply visible where Meng Qi scratched, and the two men grinned in pain, but as long as the muscles on the face moved a little, the pain was so painful that people wished to die immediately to be relieved!
One of the men donated blood all over his face and shouted weakly, "Go! There are things in the woods! There are beasts! Go!"

(End of this chapter)

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