Chapter 1111

Xiaotiangou followed the smell here, still sniffing out Yan Huan's smell, Yang Jian was waiting in the car for Xiaotiangou to come back, when he heard a sharp female voice calling for help, followed by a loud gunshot.

He was taken aback too!

A female voice calling for help? !shot? !Could it be Lin Yanan? !

Without even thinking about it, he opened the door of the car and jumped down. He saw a girl in a light blue dress facing him at the mouth of the woods not far away. Her body stiffened and she knelt slowly and fell to the ground.

"Song Wan!!!"

Another sharp female voice, this voice is very familiar to Yang Jian, although Lin Yanan rarely speaks, every word she said, her voice, every time he hears it, he will repeatedly recall it in his mind, remember it firmly, and will not forget.

Lin Yanan!
The voice just now was Lin Yanan!
Yan Huan stared at the dark blood stain on Song Wan's back that was getting bigger and bigger, and the tight string in his head broke.

Song Wan was shot.

"Song Wan!"

Yan Huan rushed towards the fallen Song Wan, but before he could get there, Song Wan was shot again in the back.

"Run? Are you good at running? You're running for me! You bastard!"

The voice of the man cursing was very close and clear. The leading man led the other men out of the woods, saw Song Wan lying on the ground, besides cursing, he raised his leg and kicked her hard a few times.

"I'm exhausted from running! After a while, you'll be refreshed and relieved! Hmph!"

Obscenities, trembling with joy when she heard the words, she really had the mentality to die with these bad guys, she stood up and was about to fight with the men, but one of the men grabbed her hair, and he asked the leader.

"That one is dead, and this one is alive. These two cousins ​​have caused the brothers to chase her for so long. Before beating her to death, let the brothers go back and forth one by one, okay?"

The man frowned in disgust, "Drag it in, hurry up, we have to go back to deliver the goods."

The eyes of the men stared straight at Yan Huan like hungry wolves. The man grabbed Yan Huan's hair and dragged her into the woods again!


Meng Qi and Xiao Tian Quan jumped up at the same time, Meng Qi scratched the man's face fiercely, directly blinding one of his eyes, and Xiao Tian Quan bit the man's leg!

Two bursts of severe pain hit his face and legs, and the man fell to the ground powerlessly, screaming in pain, let go of Yan Huan's hair, his scalp was burning with pain, as if someone had peeled off his skin.

The men on both sides looked dumbfounded and didn't react for a while.


Xiaotiangou jumped at another person, and someone next to him immediately took out a gun and was about to shoot Xiaotiangou, but was caught by Meng Qi and blinded both eyes.

The cute thing exploded with bloody violence, and everyone was in a mess. Meng Qi used the second skill to fix the three people, and the two who were caught blind fell to the ground weakly, leaving only one leader and the man next to him.

Both of them froze for a moment.

Yang Jian, who rushed over, picked up Yan Huan who had fallen to the ground, and hugged him tightly, with hatred in his eyes, "Shoutiangou! Bite them!"

The leading man quickly took out the gun from his waist, and fired two shots at Mengqi. Although Mengqi was fat, he was like a fat man like the wind when he was flexible. He missed three or four shots in a row. Turn around and shoot Yan Huan!
When Yang Jian saw the muzzle of the gun turning around, he turned around without hesitation holding Yan Huan, and turned his back to the black muzzle of the gun.


 good night
(End of this chapter)

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