Chapter 1118

Yang Jian opened the door with a narrow gap, and slipped out through the gap. Nezha greeted him with a smile on his face, "Good morning!"

Yang Jian nodded, and politely replied, "Morning."

Nezha suddenly moved closer to his face, stared closely at it for a while and began to draw conclusions, "Your complexion is not very good, is it because you are not used to sleeping here?"

In order to prevent him from saying that it was not because he was not used to sleeping, Nezha had to ask for a long time, so Yang Jian had to say yes.

Normally, he would be willing to chat with his new classmates to familiarize himself with the environment, but now like Lin Yanan, he is really not in the mood.

Nezha was silent for less than two seconds.

Do you think this is the end of the topic?


Nezha is known as the number one chatterbox in the heavens, and he was driven to Jixia College because Taiyi Daoist, who was so annoying, couldn't stand it. He pretended to let him learn more from Jiang Ziya, but in fact he wanted to be quiet and quiet.

A few days after coming to Jixia College, a few people next to Nezha's dormitory protested to Jiang Ziya.

Zhuge Liang, Zhang Liang, and Han Xin have always liked to be quiet. It’s fine to endure Liu Bei and Sun Shangxiang who show affection at every turn, but now they have to endure Nezha’s noise from morning to night?
So Jiang Ziya transferred Nezha to the dormitory, and Nezha was the only one in the dormitory group here.

Chattering has been suppressed for so long, and now it's hard to meet a living person, of course Nezha can't let go of this good opportunity.

"Is your eye born or Nuwa made it for you?"


"What do you it Nuwa or Jiang Taigong who is more powerful?"

Nezha didn't know the past of Nuwa and Yang Jian, so he just asked this question out of curiosity.

He just replied lightly, "It's all very powerful."

Nezha raised his hand to touch the third eye on Yang Jian's forehead, and thought that when he wanted to touch it last night, Yang Jian took two steps back in displeasure. Although he was curious, he withdrew his hand embarrassingly.

"Hey, how did your third eye grow?"

"Brought out of the womb."

"Is your eye the same as a normal eye? Can you see? Does it have color? Do you need to blink?"

"Same, can see things, have colors, need to blink."

"Then don't you have three eyes? Can you see more things?"

Before he entered the classroom, he said the last sentence to Nezha, "Compared with ordinary people's sight, it's not much more."

Although Yang Jian was not in the mood to chat with Nezha, but he was born with such a good personality, he was too embarrassed to directly refuse.

Nezha almost burst into tears, covering his face and weeping bitterly.

In the whole world, probably only Yang Jian can answer his question with such a good temper.

Nezha has the urge to meet each other late and become a confidant, wishing to have a drink and talk all night tonight.

"I really enjoy talking to you!"

This sentence caused everyone in the classroom to feel their scalps go numb and their hairs stand on end.

Poor, the new classmate was followed by Nezha as soon as he arrived.

He also has three eyes. After a few days, he must wish to lose two ears.

Being targeted by chatterers, the new classmates will not be boring and lonely in the future.

Everyone in the classroom looked at the new classmate with sympathy, but Yang Jian sat in the last row as if no one else was there. He was a little absent-minded, and worried that something would happen if Lin Yanan was alone in the room. After all, she was so emotional. Difference.

The more taciturn a person is, the harder it is to get into her heart and spy out her emotions.

(End of this chapter)

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