Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 112 Not the Ake in your memory

Chapter 112 Not the Ake in your memory (10)

"I won't leave. If you don't explain clearly to me today, I might as well go back to the drunk red building!"

For acting, you have to play a full set!
Otherwise, if he left with Gao Jian, the guards would definitely be suspicious.

Gao Jianli's face turned pale, he frowned impatiently, and strode towards Yan Huan!
Yan Huan was worried, this person wouldn't beat himself up just to look like an actor, would he?

Unexpectedly, Gao Jianli approached and directly carried her on his shoulders!
The kind of carrying with the head down and the butt up!


The blood rushed to his head, making it uncomfortable, Yan Huan struggled a few times, "Put me down!"

Gao Jianli patted her butt, and scolded impatiently, "Be honest!"

Yan Huan: 〒_〒

Is this beating a co-star?

system!I want to deduct his wages!
A group of people left the city without any risk.

Yan Huan finally breathed a sigh of relief, only then did he feel that the wound on his body hurts...

"The reaction just now was very timely."

Gao Jianli on the opposite side raised his lips halfway, his compliment was very sincere.

Yan Huan rolled his eyes inwardly.

A one-sentence compliment is nothing, but you are giving me a good impression! ╮(╯▽╰)╭

While complaining inwardly, Yan Huan remained calm on the surface, "Thank you."

The smile on the corners of Gao Jianli's lips widened a bit, his amber eyes looked like crystal beads when he smiled.

Gao Jianli didn't speak any more, he leaned against the carriage wall and closed his eyes to rest.

I brought Ake out this time because I wanted to bring her to practice and enhance her actual combat experience, but it was unexpected. Ake reacted so quickly and was very smart.


Gao Jianli recalled that last night, she went the wrong way regardless of left and right. Afterwards, she remained calm and walked back as if nothing happened.

That kind of Ake is actually quite fun.

[Strategy character favorability +10, current total favorability: 10]

Yan Huan, who was dozing off in a daze, heard the long-lost system sound, and immediately opened his eyes excitedly!

Gao Jianli, finally has a crush on her?

Oh my god!
She was about to suspect that Gao Jianli was gay, Gao Jianli finally made a move!
At this moment, I really want to kneel down and kowtow to him, and say, thank you, big brother!
When the carriage arrived at the small village, Yan Huan got off the carriage energetically.

With the first time, there will be a second time!
Sooner or later, little brother Gao Jianli will be taken down! (Fist inwardly)

Since it is said that it is going back to the hometown to worship the ancestors, it is best to stay in this small village for a few days.

Gao Jianli arranged everything meticulously, so that no one could see any flaws.

The wound on Yan Huan's body is still not healed. In the past two days, she has been killing people and running around again. The wound has opened several times. Gao Jianli kindly let her recuperate on the bed. He and Asu went to the temple fair in the village.

From the perspective of outsiders, it was the second son of the Wan family who had a quarrel with his concubine, so he took the main house to go shopping.

The wind in late spring is neither cold nor hot. At this time, the season of colorful flowers has passed. On the apricot tree in the backyard, there are only scattered apricot blossoms.

The window is half open, the smell of apricot blossoms is brought by the wind, mixed with the warm sunshine, the feeling is the most comfortable at this time.

Yan Huan woke up from sleep, the sunset was slanting to the west, and the sky was painted into a pink-purple sunset glow, Gao Jianli and Asu came back together.

Yan Huan in the inner room was leaning on the soft couch, his face was a little pale because of his injuries.

Her facial features are different from the soft beauty of a woman, and there is a cold and heroic look between her brows and eyes.

She was probably injured, she was too tired these days, someone entered the house, but she didn't wake up.

Gao Jianli closed the half-opened window for her and went out again.

As for why you came here to take a look at her...

High boss said: care about subordinates.

(End of this chapter)

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