Chapter 1127

"Hurry up, or you'll be late!"

Counting the time, Nezha had no choice but to urge Yang Jian inside again.

Yang Jian didn't come here to study, he came here to be a baby daddy!
He has seen happy lovers like Liu Bei and Sun Shangxiang, he has seen such a crooked couple like Gao Changgong and Hua Mulan, and he has also seen a model couple like Zhou Yu and Xiao Qiao who can't wait to write their love on their faces.

I have never seen a couple like Yang Jian and Lin Yanan who are like a father raising a daughter.


Yang Jian ran out in a few steps, and Roaring Sky Dog came out after Yang Jian, wagging his tail swaggeringly. Nezha was about to rub the head of the legendary Roaring Sky Dog, when he looked down, he rubbed his eyes in disbelief !

"I... God!"

Is this a snorting dog? !

Is this the most spiritual beast in the Three Realms mentioned by Jiang Taigong? !
How long... such a ghostly look? !

Yang Jian coughed twice in embarrassment, Xiao Tiangou didn't understand, so he looked at Nezha, and then at Yang Jian, Yang Jian opened his eyes and talked nonsense for the second time in his life.

"It's beautiful, majestic, and intimidating."

Xiaotian dog barked, rubbed Yang Jian's leg affectionately, and ran after him in a desperate manner.

Nezha looked at Roaring Dog with uneven hair, and even a few bald buttocks showing pink skin. He wondered in his heart whether Yang Jian was violent to Roaring Dog last night, and his hair was knocked off.

What he didn't know was that the weather was getting hotter and hotter. Yan Huan saw that the Xiaotian dog would often lie on the ground in heat, sticking out its tongue and panting heavily, and wanted to trim its golden hair with good intentions.

Who knew that the handicapped star could even cut a dog's hair like this!
Fortunately, not only was Yang Jian not unhappy, but he also laughed with her for a long time. When Xiao Tiangou jumped over to act like a baby, he even praised its newly groomed fur for its cuteness.

Isn't this talking nonsense with your eyes open?

Near Zhu Zhechi, near Mo Zhehei, with her for a long time, the kind and simple Yang Jian would lie.

Nezha couldn't bear to look at the Xiaotian dog, and smiled once at a time, he wondered, "What are you doing with the Xiaotian dog in class?"

Do you want to show everyone the new hair style of Xiaotian Dog?

Xiao Tiangou doesn't want to lose face!
"Jiang Taigong asked me to bring the Xiaotian dog to class today. He wants to train the Xiaotian dog himself."

Xiaotiangou turned back to Nezha and barked proudly.

Nezha scoffed.

Jiang Taigong's personal training?It's too scary, he won't even beg him to go.

There are three most terrifying people in this world, crying babies, unreasonable girls, and long-winded old men.

The arrival of the Roaring Dog made today's classroom atmosphere... very lively.

No one expected that the legendary number one beast in the Three Realms would have such a unique shape.

Sun Shangxiang leaned over and asked curiously, "Is the shape of its fur natural or...acquired?"

Nezha whispered, "Bo Hongyan smiled, of course it was done the day after tomorrow."

Some people around gave ambiguous looks, and Nezha continued jokingly said, "Don't talk about shaving the Xiaotian dog's hair like this, believe it or not, if the Yang Jian's family wants to eat dog meat tonight, Yang Jian can shave the Xiaotian dog right now." It's stewed!"

Nezha clicked his tongue twice, "If Yang Jian had been born some time earlier, during the Shang and Zhou dynasties, he would definitely be a faint king with the same reputation as King Zhou."

Sun Shangxiang pursed her lips and smiled, her eyes drifted towards Liu Bei with unclear meaning, the bird on Liu Bei's head shook its hair in fright.

 Thank you Yushi. Reward 100 book coins~

  Thank you Qingge Wanyue - reward 100 book coins~

  [Love me, let me cut your hair, the same style as Xiaotiangou, if you want to (hee hee)]

(End of this chapter)

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