Chapter 1129

Erlang God, who has disappeared for many years, will reappear. The ghosts who rioted at first did not believe it.

When I saw the third eye on Yang Jian's forehead, I panicked a little. When I saw a dog with a strange shape beside him, I panicked even more. When I saw him take out a three-pointed double-edged knife, my mind completely exploded. .

Some people are born with awe-inspiring power. Yang Jian wears this golden armor with flame patterns, holds a three-pointed two-edged knife in his hand, and looks sharp with his lips pursed. He is a born slaughterer for the battlefield.

Nuwa has accepted Yang Jian as an apprentice for thousands of years, isn't it? After Yang Jian, no one can bear the title of apprentice of the creator of the world.

The ghosts who were still making troubles saw the legendary general Erlang, and they couldn't wait to rush to call Dad, crying bitterly.

Nezha was playing around in the background, he was here to make soy sauce.

When Yang Jian and Lin Yanan were together, they were as gentle as a spring breeze, but on the battlefield, tsk tsk... it was bloody.

The limelight was all taken up by Yang Jian alone, not only the girls in the academy were showing love to him, but even the female ghosts who were beaten by the three-pointed two-edged knife sighed before being annihilated, "God Erlang is good!" appearance……"

Yang Jian, you are a person who has a partner, give up the limelight to us single dogs!
Throwing the Qiankun circle to No.60 two times, Yang Jian has already dealt with all the rioting ghosts. another day for other people to make soy sauce.

In fact, everyone is also enjoying themselves, especially the girls. Isn't it more interesting to watch the new male god show off his skills than go up and fight by himself?

Nezha put Yang Jian on the shoulder, "I said you, you gave us singles a chance to show off, you are already out of singles, consider us singles!"

He took a single dog at a time, and Xiao Tiangou barked at him twice in dissatisfaction.

Yang Jian agreed with a good temper, "I will leave the demons in the place where you will end up to you."

He didn't want to be in the limelight, but he just wanted to find something to do to distract himself from his restless attention.

"Hey, okay, I'm just joking, we'd rather be lazy!"

Nezha rubbed his arm through the clothes, and said in disgust, "Look at your lovesickness, it really gives people goosebumps!"

Back then, Zhou Yu and Xiao Qiao went on missions separately, and I never saw Zhou Yu so desperate.


Yang Jian murmured, "Do I like Lin Yanan?"

Nezha pointed at himself, with a bewildered expression, "Ask me? Don't you know if you like her or not?"

Yang Jian shook his head.

"Dare you treat her so well, isn't it because you like her?!"

Nezha heard the sound of the three views in his heart collapsing.

Yang Jian is also very puzzled, "I am afraid that she will kill herself, do I like it? I worry about her when I am not around her, do I like it? Want to take care of her all the time, do I like it?"

He really doesn't know what it feels like to like, the so-called shameless asking, he just wants to find out what it is like to like.

Nezha's heart is broken. As a person who has never been in a relationship or liked a girl, why should he answer Yang Jian's question?

He pondered for a moment, then frowned, "Think about it, can you accept that she will fall in love with others, be with others, get married and have children, and live happily ever after? Even if that boy treats her as well as you do, Care so much."

 Thank you Lianjiang for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thank you Zhishi° for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thank you Sunny: *°Rain rewards 99 book coins~

  【Good afternoon~】

(End of this chapter)

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