Chapter 1137

"Since you don't believe me, let me lie to you for the rest of my life, okay? Be good, give me that piece of broken glass..."

Yan Huan didn't speak, but was crying while clutching the broken glass tightly, his fingers were green and white, and he still refused to let go.

It's better to cry, it's better than her being bored in her heart and feeling uncomfortable, but the broken glass is sharp, and her hands are covered with blood, which makes her hurt more and more.

While talking to coax her to distract her, Yang Jian tentatively reached out to snatch the broken glass from her hand.

Who knew she hadn't touched it yet, she withdrew her hand quickly, seeing the broken glass was about to scratch her face, Yang Jianming knew that Meng Qi had opened the shield for her, but he couldn't help but mention it, subconsciously He stretched out his hand to block it for her!

The broken glass cut a long gash on his hand, and blood gushed out immediately!

Yang Jian tightly grasped the tip of the broken glass, for fear that she would poke him again in agitation.

The blood trickled out continuously, the eyes were full of bright red, the strings in the brain were broken, Yan Huan was full of words, this blood belonged to Yang Jian, it belonged to Yang Jian...

"Don't bleed, you don't bleed..."

She let go of the broken glass and covered the wound on the back of his hand with trembling hands. She didn't know why she had made such a long cut. She covered both hands, but blood still overflowed from between her fingers.

"I'm sorry, I should be the one who got hurt, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."

She seemed to have regained some consciousness, she was not as excited and collapsed as before, at least her eyes were not as hollow as before.

When she is angry and stubborn, she is like a manic little beast. Even if she is quiet and doesn't speak, the gloom around her is very oppressive and dull. She can't listen to other people's words, and always thinks of self-harm or death.

Yang Jian didn't feel the pain of the injury at all, his tone couldn't be better, helpless, and full of unbearable distress.

"Listen to me carefully, okay? Can you listen to me now?"

Yan Huan nodded, then shook her head, her eyes were red and swollen from crying, she blamed herself, regretted, and was in pain.

Her heart was so stuffy that she couldn't breathe.

"I'm really sad, I really want to die, you don't understand, I'm so tired from living like this, I can't sleep well at night, sometimes I can't control myself at all..."

The more she spoke, the more excited she became, crying hysterically, her head swollen with pain, her heart was a gloomy pool of stagnant water, and she wanted to drown her soul in it.

Yang Jian hugged her, "I know it, I know it all, you feel bad and I feel bad too."

His voice was full of astringent pain, "Sometimes I see you quietly reading a book by the window, or looking at the scenery, if time can stay in a certain place, I really hope to stay in that moment , your torment is a million times more painful than my own torment, I really hope that every day you live is relaxed and happy..."

I wish I could replace it with my body.

He thought many times, if her depression could be transferred to him, it would be great for him to endure all this for her.

Yan Huan grabbed his sleeve, sobbing and sobbing, almost pleading, "I beg you, leave me alone, let me die, I'm really in pain..."

His eye sockets became hot, and his throbbing heart caused pain in every part of his body. He held her restlessly tightly, and only repeated and murmured in a low voice over and over again.

"Lin Yanan, I like you."

"Lin Yanan, I like you."

"Lin Yanan, I like you."


 Thank you for the 100th anniversary of Orange Sea Rampant ^ Reward [-] book coins~

  Thank you Zhishi° for rewarding 100 book coins~

  【Good evening~】

  【The dream of almost dying of heat on the main road...】

(End of this chapter)

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