Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1153 Chang'an is gone, long miss

Chapter 1153 Chang'an is gone, long miss (7)

【Worried about Qi. Add more~】

The next morning.

Last night, my mother held her in her arms and stayed up all night, crying all night, going to the capital city to study medicine, which is similar to going to university after the college entrance examination, but transportation was inconvenient in ancient times, and contact was inconvenient except for letters.

Originally, Yan Huan was just a little sad, but after being cried by her mother, she cried almost all night.

The morning light just came into the sky, the carriage stopped at the gate of the hut, the creaking of the wheels stopped abruptly, Madam Yuan suddenly woke up!
Her face was pale, her eyes were rounded, and she hugged Yan Huan in her arms, trembling all over, as if she had just had an amazing nightmare.

The scenes of parting are more prone to tears. Mrs. Yuan picked up the package she packed last night and babbled while weeping.

"I only made the clothes you wore when you were ten years old. You're growing fast now, and you don't know if it will fit. If it doesn't fit..."

Yan Huan grabbed her sleeves and acted coquettishly, "Mother, don't worry, since Master has promised to take me as a disciple, will I still be short of food and clothing in the future?"

Madam Yuan repeated what she had ordered last night, in every detail.

Bian Que didn't get out of the carriage, but lifted the curtains through the veil and looked at the mother and daughter who were reluctant to leave at the door of the cabin. He didn't want to disturb the only time for others to get together, but he had to interrupt them.

"Madam Yuan, it's time to go."

Madam Yuan nodded hurriedly, squeezed Yan Huan's hand tightly, her fingers hurt, it seemed that she wanted her to remember the pain, and firmly imprinted it in her mind!

"I told you that you must do that thing when you go to the capital. Do you remember? Remember every word?!"

Enduring the pain in his hand, Yan Huan nodded his head firmly.

"Listen to master obediently, don't be naughty, mother has been waiting for you here."

Madam Yuan finally let go, and pushed her forward vigorously, probably because she was afraid that she would be reluctant, she rushed into the room and slammed the door behind her.

Yan Huan was shedding tears, and still reluctantly turned to look at his home while walking, and slowly moved towards the carriage with the burden in his arms.

She yelled to the hut with tears in her voice, "Mother should also be well, eat well and sleep well, don't think about naughty Zhao Ji, and be happy every day!"

For some reason, she didn't want to cry at first, but now that this scene has exaggerated her tears, she couldn't stop crying like a broken sluice gate.

She was crying so hard, the driver on the carriage carried her into the carriage, before Yan Huan lifted the curtain of the carriage, a small silver pot rolled out of it.

She thought it had rolled out accidentally, kicked it over, and the little silver pot rolled back into the carriage, Yan Huan lifted the curtain of the carriage, and walked in pitifully.

Bian Que was leaning on the innermost side of the carriage with his eyes closed, resting his mind. He had one leg bent and his arm resting on his leg. His posture was lazy and casual, but his expression...

He looked like he had seen a ghost in broad daylight!
He looked at the string of mud-stained shoe prints behind Yan Huan, his eyes froze for a moment, then... his face completely darkened!

"You just... walked in?!"

Yan Huan nodded.

"Where's the little silver pot?"

Yan Huan pointed to the small silver pot that she kicked into the corner.

"You too... just lifted the car curtain with your hands?!"

Yan Huan felt something was wrong with the sudden drop in the atmosphere, she sucked her nose twice, her face was full of tears, she shrank her head and nodded.

"Yuan Zhaoji, you..."

Bian Que pursed his lips and held his breath.

Is Yuan Zhaoji trying to force him to death, a hopeless cleanliness addict? !
 add more~
(End of this chapter)

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