Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1168 Chang'an is gone, long miss

Chapter 1168 Chang'an is gone, long miss (22)

Yan Huan pinched Qin Tang, nervously, "What's it called! Afraid others won't hear you?!"

Bian Que said that last night, he will definitely not take her out of the palace before she reaches Ji, that perverted old emperor still wants to eat swan meat, let alone let her out of the palace, she wants to leave the palace Do not let others know.

Qin Tang was choked and pinched, blushing and swallowing the steamed bun, "What are you going out of the palace for? Do you want to escape?"

Yan Huan spat at him, "Bah! I just want to go out and have fun, isn't it because the capital is bustling and bustling? I just want to see it."

Qin Tang rolled his eyes at her and said, "You think you can enter the palace as soon as you want, and go out as soon as you want? Don't say you are out of the palace, even my family lives in Chang'an, and my father is an official. It will be difficult for me to take it home and stay for a day!"

so tough?
"When we enter the palace, we are serving His Majesty. How can we leave the palace casually?"

Yan Huan frowned, "But my master said, if Empress Jiji goes out to make purchases at the imperial hospital, she can leave the palace with a token, but she has to come back before the lock is locked."

"That's true, but there are people in the imperial hospital who are responsible for purchasing. We are learning medical skills from Master, and we will be imperial physicians and medical girls in the future. Of course, it is not our turn to purchase this kind of rough work."

Yan Huan's face slumped, so wouldn't she have no chance to leave the palace at all?

"If I go to the purchasers and ask them to take me with them when they leave the palace to purchase, do you they agree?"

Qin Tang smiled at her like a fool, "What are you talking about in your sleep? The palace rules are strict, and what you are arranged to do, you just do what you do. You can't go beyond it, and you can't make decisions privately. If you are caught, you will open your ass." !"

He finished eating the steamed buns in a few bites, put his hands behind his back, and said lazily, "Besides, you are the apprentice of the academician, who dares to take you out of the palace, the academician is more terrible than the rod punishment!"

Qin Tang's words were like a basin of cold water pouring down her head, chilling her heart full of anticipation.

Yan Huan sighed heavily, and sat next to him with his chin resting, his face solemn.

In other words, no matter whether she is Jiji or not, she has no chance to leave the palace.

Yan Huan patted his buttocks, sighed listlessly, "Oh, I'm leaving, the medicinal materials just collected today have to be sorted and put into the cabinet."

"You can ask your master, maybe he will take you out of the palace one day when he is in a good mood."

Yan Huan shook his head and left expressionlessly.

When will Bian Que be in a good mood?Seeing Bian Que's cold look, he was in a bad mood every day.

Besides, Bian Que is such a shrewd person, even if he takes her out of the palace, he will definitely not let her go to another place alone. If he can't see that distant relative, then going out of the palace is meaningless.

If you can't go out of the palace, you can only stay in the palace.

The old emperor is not in good health, and he doesn't know how many years he can live. The way he looked at him that night, his cloudy eyes were full of madness of desire. He clearly had desires for her. Now that she is young, she can indeed escape. Jie, how about growing up?

At that time, if he wants to include himself in the harem, who would dare to disobey the order of the emperor?That would be beheading.

What she is most afraid of is that even Bian Que will not help her at that time, after all, he brought himself back, most likely it was the emperor's order to bring the goddess back.

The red walls and red tiles in the palace, and the black walls and blue tiles in the imperial hospital, are afraid that they will imprison her for several years.

 Thank you Lianjiang for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thank you Zhishi° for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thanks to Yan Wan [Little Apprentice] for rewarding 999 book coins~

  Thanks to Gloomy for rewarding 200 book coins~

  Thanks Gemini Star Sauce for rewarding 399 book coins~

  [Comparison! ! !Love you Moe! ! ! 】

  [It is impossible to abandon this book, keep it updated at least four times a day, I am a good person (serious face)]

(End of this chapter)

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