Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1179 Chang'an is gone, long miss

Chapter 1179 Chang'an is gone, long miss (33)

"No! No, Your Majesty! Obviously..."

Concubine Qin paused, her face stiffened.

Yeah, she can't say it.

How could she say that the guard who had an affair with her had been poisoned to death by her long ago, this is a lie? !

In the current situation, she has no chance to explain, and she has no words to explain.

Such a private place on the inner thigh, even the maid who waits on her doesn't know about it, let alone... other men?
Yes, she was indeed framed, but...

There is also suffering.

The old emperor gritted his teeth, his face darkened, and his words trembled a little because of his fury.

"Chop this pair of adulterers into meat!"

minced meat...

Yan Huan felt nauseous.

Concubine Qin's sharp begging sound pierced her eardrums. She grabbed the corner of the emperor's dragon robe and was kicked by the emperor!
"I'm lonely, the queen will take care of the rest here."

The old emperor shook his sleeves and left angrily. He was very fond of this unborn child.

Who knew that his woman had an affair with a man behind his back, and she was pregnant with that man's bastard!
After the emperor left, the atmosphere in the inner room finally calmed down a little.

The queen looked at Concubine Qin who was trembling all over, and smiled contemptuously, "You can't lose money by stealing a chicken, I learned from my sister today."

She was about to speak about the punishment, when Bian Que said, "Empress Empress, the little disciple is injured, can I let you take her back to the imperial hospital first?"

Bian Que bowed to the empress, the empress turned her head and glanced at her still kneeling on the ground, her eyebrows were lowered and she smiled happily.

"I have wronged her for what happened today, and I will personally reward her later to comfort her for being wronged."

The women in the palace are all shrewd, so they naturally know what happened today and what should have happened.

Concubine Qin had an affair with someone and accidentally damaged the wild species. Of course, this wild species cannot be kept. It is only because Concubine Qin is too greedy to frame the queen by getting rid of this child.

It's a pity that she didn't frame her as a queen, but put herself in it.

Where did the mistake come from?

It seems that... Bian Que, an academician of the Supreme Hospital, ruined all the schemes of Concubine Qin.

If Bian Que hadn't revealed the matter of Concubine Qin's affair with others, based on how much His Majesty valued the child in Concubine Qin's belly, the Empress would probably be abolished.

Who told Concubine Qin to be so unlucky that she happened to catch Bian Que's apprentice?
Those who remembered wanted to see what Bian Que's apprentice looked like, but found that the two had already left.

It was already dark outside.

Yan Huan knelt for too long, her legs were numb and numb, and when she stepped over the threshold of Qinfang Palace, her legs softened, and she was about to fall to the ground. Bian Que quickly grabbed her arm and pulled her away. up.

"Thank you, Master..."

Yan Huan noticed the hand holding her arm, and his eyes widened in surprise.

Without blocking it with a snow-colored veil, Bian Que's hand just grabbed her arm.

Didn't Master always have a cleanliness obsession and never interact with others? !

Bian Que withdrew his hand, his expression didn't change at all, his monstrous face and lonely demeanor, he has always been like this, he has never seen other expressions on his face.

The cool moon is cold, the shadows of the trees are whirling, and the sweet and greasy fragrance of golden osmanthus is not very pleasant to smell at this moment.

Bian Que put his hands back into his sleeves, just grabbed her arm, but now his whole hand was stiff and hot, and the sweaty palms made his heart flustered.


He opened his lips, his voice flat and unwavering, and lightly reprimanded two words.

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  Thanks to Yun Hua [Big General Attack] for rewarding 100 book coins~

  【Good evening~ Let's take a bite~】

(End of this chapter)

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